Sentences with phrase «further than other authors»

Wight goes further than other authors in bringing Smith into the present.

Not exact matches

The author of the Epistle to the Hebrews, who, more than any other New Testament author, emphasizes the full deity (1:10) but also the full humanity of Jesus, goes still farther than the reports of the three Synoptists in his description of Jesus» fear of death.
«Our study shows that young knees are more prone to re-injury than the adult population when compared to other research in this area - and is the first study to examine the incidence and risk factors for further ACL injury in a solely juvenile population over the long term,» said lead author Justin Roe of North Sydney Orthopaedic & Sports Medicine Centre.
Fascinatingly the authors conclude that other factors have a far greater impact on cyclist safety than presence or absence of cycle lane.
«Homo naledi's foot is far more advanced than other parts of its body, for instance, its shoulders, skull, or pelvis,» said William Harcourt - Smith, lead author of the new paper, resident research associate in the American Museum of Natural History's Division of Paleontology, and assistant professor at CUNY's Lehman College.
Lead author Asner commented: «Our results reveal far more rainforest damage than previously reported by the government, NGOs, or other researchers.
Author Gretchen Rubin writes, «This makes sense, because we're far more aware of what we do than what other people do.»
But the fact that these sites provide singles with unprecedented access to others who also want to date means that singles have far more opportunities to meet and form a lasting bond than they would otherwise, the authors point out.
I can point to moments of good fortune in the life of the book, but then, so can other authors whose books sold either far more or far fewer copies than mine did.
They no longer permit authors to review for other authors, even when we're honest, legit reviewers who have been reviewing far longer than we've been writing.
«For every author who meticulously examines the latest developments in physics or computing, there are other authors who invent «impossible» technology to serve as a plot device (like Le Guin's faster - than - light communicator, the ansible) or to enable social commentary, the way H. G. Wells uses his time machine to take the reader to the far future to witness the calamitous destiny of the human race.»
Most authors report that their books sell far more copies on American book retail sites than on other country sites.
As author and scholar Joanna Scutts writes in The Extra Woman, her provocative, in - depth look at 20th - century women and their historic struggle to find their place, «it's easy to forget that exercising the right to live your life as you choose is still a political act, and a brave act — far braver for some people than for others
BUT there is also one other aspect which self - publishing authors don't take into account: the public, rather than a publisher, becomes the gatekeeper to their success, and the public is much harder to impress by far.
Not only is it possible for our entrepreneurial authors to get books to market far, far faster than traditional publishing does it (although many, alas, are cutting corners in editing, design, and other critical areas), but the going wisdom in terms of online discoverability is that one must have many works available, basically flooding the market with content.
But there are other voices from the author corps, beyond the more than 200 comments that now follow the initial report — or the nearly 900 entries so far logged on the AuthorEarnings site's survey — that carry a different message.
If you are familiar with The Book, The Cook and The Hook model of marketplace analysis in the publishing industry, you'll find that your back story as a writer and motivation for writing your book — the story behind the book — is far more important to attracting the social proof for your project on Kickstarter and other crowdfunding sites than your existing track record of publishing traditionally and your well - honed author platform.
In Effects of amount of information on judgment accuracy and confidence, by Claire I. Tsai, Joshua Klayman, and Reid Hastie, the authors examined two other studies that further that demonstrate when decision makers receive more information, their confidence increases more than their accuracy, producing «substantial confidence — accuracy discrepancies.»
Far more accurate than the rest of the release, to be sure — and more accurate than what the authors of the study suggest at times (and then contradict at other times), too.
2d 874 (Fla. 3d DCA 1988)... We note that the syndrome in question is not the subject of the Schultz opinion, but instead was the subject of a footnote therein which quotes a Florida Bar Journal article... Neither the order nor record in the present case... contains any further reference to authority with respect to the syndrome, other than Dr. Krop's reliance on texts by a single author, Richard A. Gardner, M.D...
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