Sentences with phrase «further than the method»

Not exact matches

Marketing your business online is not only far more affordable than traditional «offline» methods (i.e. radio, television, print ads), but it opens up your business on a global scale.
And while management is more art than science, certain methods and constructs tend to work far more frequently and readily than others.
The bureaucracy in Brussels is largely made up of officials from the smaller countries, who saw the EU as a method of enabling themselves to exercise far greater influence than they could as leaders in their own governments.
It further argues that its use of page views is more accurate than using unique visitors because the former method tracks «how frequently browsers are used.
This is far more targeted than the traditional model for drug development, which includes such scattershot methods as screening natural elements like soil from a plateau in Norway and then asking, What might this do?
Essentially, CRISPR is a far more accurate method of modifying genes than scientists have had access to before.
Only speculate with money you can afford to lose as many trading methods carry leverage which mean you may lose more than your original deposit and be required to make further payments.
The argument from Gavin and other who supported increasing the transaction capacity by this method are essentially there are economies of scale in mining and that these economies have far bigger centralisation pressures than increased resource cost for a larger number of transactions (up to the new limit proposed).
Cisco's 2015 Midyear Report claims Facebook scams are the # 1 method to breach the corporate network, far more common than traditional email phishing.
Further, test mining of Lalor gold Zone 25 has confirmed the possibility of using selective methods for the gold zone to mine fewer tonnes at a higher grade than reported in the current mineral resource estimate.
The only other comment I'd have is that whilst he meets a much higher standard of scientific approach than the snake oil dressed as financial advice elsewhere, the core testing methods used are opaque and (as far as I can tell) not peer reviewed or made available for scrutiny.
Although atheism is semantically the rejection of the claim of an existence of a god, it is also the result of careful scrutiny of reality as explained and analyzed using the scientific method, which in the 21st century is far more reliable than what was used in 1st century bronze aged Palestine.
Knowledge is far more than facts subject to scientific method.
everything in the universe evolves, not only life forms but also memes, Religion is a meme so it also change in conformity to its era or time of its conception as faith.Because in pre scientific times thousands of years ago, the scientific method of approach or philosophy has not existed yet, myth or merely story telling is considered facts, The first religion called animism more than 10,000 years ago believed that spirits or god exists in trees, rivers, mountains, boulders or in any places people at that time considered holy.hundreds of them, then when the Greeks and Romans came, it was reduced to 12, they called it polytheism, when the Jews arrived, it was further reduced to 1, monotheism.its derivatives, Christianity And Islam and later hundreds of denominations that includes Mormonism and Protestants flourished up to today.So in short this religions evolved in accordance to the scientific knowledge of the age or era they existed.If you graph the growth of knowledge, it shows a sharp increase in the last 500 years, forcing the dominant religions at that time to reinterprete their dogmas, today this traditional religions are becoming obsolete and has to evolve to survive.But first they have to unify against the dialectical process of change, Theism in one hand and the opposing force atheism in the other, will resolve into a result or synthesis.The process shall be highlighted in the internet in the near future.
Backward extra-polation is a far more uncertain and variable method than forward extra-polation.
It is not a good idea to pick babies up by the ears or to drop them, but the history and theology of infant baptism are far more important than the technique, though not unrelated to the method used.
Faith is the world's worst method of arriving at conclusions — far worse than evidence and rationality.
[2] In expressing this point Ratzinger subtly shifts the debate away from an assessment of what the historical - critical method has achieved or not to a new openness for something which goes much further than historical - criticism itself.
Getting more hits, and concert tours, often did depend on the celebrity - friendly - manners and publicity - work that labels like Motown emphasized, but still, pop - music celebrity always remained somewhat different from the image - drenched Hollywood method of star - creation, which especially in the early days tended to be far more about the star's type - cast and sex - appeal possibilities than acting talents.
He did all this in a society which, while far less secular than our own, was almost equally corrupt, and there is no reason why his methods can not be applied in a similar way today.
Some other dating methods that have confirmed the age of the earth as being far greater than 10,000 yeras include: Stratigraphy, Dendrochronology, Obsidian Hydration Dating, Paleomagnetic / Archaeomagnetic, Luminescence Dating, Amino Acid Racemization, Fission - track Dating, Ice Cores, Cation Ratio, Fluorine Dating, Patination, oxidizable Carbon Ratio, Electron Spin Resonance, and Cosmic - ray Exposure Dating.
Any new methods he picked up in the course of his own experience were stumbled upon by accident, rather than discovered by venturesome experiment, for it did not pay to wander far from the known way.
As mankind progresses and leaves the Dark Ages farther and farther behind, knowledge and science inexorably debunks myth after religious myth to the point where religion is exposed as nothing more than a sick joke, nothing but a method to gain control and power over the masses.
Again I state... we do nt use theologians to determine the age of the earth, we use scientists... and until such time you can refute all the different methods used to determine age then that carries far more weight than what a 2000 year old book says.
In our saner moments we know that parents today are far too eager to use the methods already available — chiefly in the realm of controlling nurture rather than nature — to shape the lives of their children.
I was pointing out that microwaving destroys nutrients in food far more than other methods of cooking.
This method is far more involved than the Flax Meal Egg Replacer.
Just baked my first loaf following your instructions, and you will be pleased to know that your method was much much better than my best effort by far.
Whole - wheat Wraps with Grilled Veggies, Feta & Hummus — Whole wheat wraps are a good start, and the grilling of the vegetables makes them taste far better than just about any other cooking method.
IDFA has designed sponsorships to allow your company to reach a maximum number of dairy industry professionals and food executives far more quickly and efficiently than other methods of networking and promotion.
Both methods are far more effective than just soaking and sprouting at deactivating antinutrients and improving digestibility.
Raising organic meat is far more than just making sure animals are free ranging and grass fed, it's equally about producing cattle without synthetic growth hormones, limiting vaccine use, not using routine antibiotics, breeding using natural methods, stress free weaning that allows for the ethological needs of mothers and young, access at all times to unfiltered sunlight and not using electric prodders as a routine management method.
Raising organic meat is far more than just making sure animals are free ranging and grass fed, it's equally about producing cattle without synthetic growth hormones or antibiotics, breeding using natural methods, stress free weaning that allows for the ethological needs of mothers and young, access at all times to unfiltered sunlight and not using electric prodders as a routine management method.
As far as the preparation method goes, it's much simpler than traditional eggnog.
The Clarets, however, are a more complicated analytical case, espousing defensive system based around getting bodies in the way of shots rather than outright prevention, a method thus far confounding statistical analysis.
Something more refined than Redknapp's 2011 method of assuring his team that «on our day we can beat them,» without any further explanation?
Mind you, I'm personally a big proponent of holding babies in the Classic EC Position, but I have tried the laying down methods for the first poo of the day, and it's far more enjoyable than holding my 15 - pound baby the whole time she finishes things up.
Mind you, I'm personally a big proponent of holding babies in the Classic EC Position, but I have tried the laying down methods for the first poo of the day, and it's far more enjoyable than holding my 15 - pound baby the whole while she finishes things up.
Teaching children to make amends for bad behavior or help them learn self discipline, rather than using punishments is far more effective as your method for disciplining children.
The point is that, although yes, some women and babies still die in the hospital: First: That number is FAR LOWER than what it was when everyone gave birth at home Second: OBs and medical professionnal are constantly trying to improve their methods and reduce the mortality rate even more.
Although using the «no - cry» method will take longer, it is far less traumatic than other methods according to enthusiasts of the technique.
We're going with the «don't offer don't refuse» weaning method and it works pretty well - although I still nurse him several times a day and sometimes once at night, it's far less than I used to.
If you want to introduce cows» milk as a separate, new thing, I'd give it to her cold (since you're far more likely to have cold milk at any given time in the future than warm milk) and in either a sippy cup or a straw cup (straw cups tend to be a little easier for younger kids to learn — Melissa left the ur - method for teaching kids to drink from a straw in this comment to an earlier post).
The downside is that an armpit reading is far less accurate than other methods.
Today, as we celebrate SpankOut Day April 30th — an annual observance founded by the Center for Effective Discipline (now part of the Gundersen National Child Protection Training Center) to bring attention to the need to stop physical punishment of children and promote nonviolent discipline — I want to encourage everyone to take this movement a step further than ending spanking as a discipline method.
I couldn't agree more: I think the CIO method does far more harm than it does good.
The group also says that a method where people open car doors with their far hand — rather than the near — could prove beneficial and prevent avoidable collisions.
Firearm - related deaths per 100,000 population per year US: 11.72 England and Wales: 0.38 Even stripping out suicides (shooting yourself is a far more popular method in the US than the UK, evidently) you're still more than 20 times more likely to be shot to death in the US than the UK.
Aside from mid term polls like European and London mayoral elections, where some pollsters have done far better than others, this will be the first time the post-1992 polling methods are tested in an environment with the Conservatives ahead.
The exact location of neural activity is far more difficult to discern via EEG than with many other, more invasive methods because the skull, scalp, and cerebral fluid surrounding the brain scatter its electric signals before they reach the electrodes.
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