Sentences with phrase «fussy child»

A "fussy child" refers to a child who is very picky or particular about what they eat or how things are done. They might be difficult to please or easily get upset or annoyed. Full definition
This is a perfect option for fussy children who are in desperate need of a nap.
At 3 years of age she is still a very demanding, fussy child who needs a lot of structure, a lot of reassurance and a lot of guidance.
An uninvolved feeding style also moderated the association between fussiness and child BMI, with higher levels of fussy child eating behavior associated with lower child BMI.
8th February 2015 See below a good article on fussy children.
Kale chips are also a great way of sneaking a little extra healthy food into fussy children's diets, which has got to be better than just tossing a bag of potato chips their way!
Parents who have purchased and loved this travel system rave about how comfortable it is for their child which is perfect for parents who find that their sometimes fussy children drift off to sleep with a quick walk around the block.
If you have older, less fussy children then this wouldn't be an issue, and there was generally some carby or veg aspect of the meal everyone would like e.g. mash, steamed veg, noodles and so on
About 40 years ago, a pediatrician named Dr. Morris Wessel conducted a breakthrough study on excessively fussy children.
If you are worried about how fussy your child is during feeding or they seem to be spitting up too frequently, ask your pediatrician about these symptoms.
You have one fussy child sitting at the belt who only eats red M&M's, and he can eat them fast enough to eat half of the M&M's going past him.
Our attempts to create silent zones in corporate worship services have invariably been bombed out by the distractions of coughing, a fussy child, or shuffling feet.
Some babies and toddlers simply aren't willing to give up their co sleeping arrangement even when it's been too long, and you may find yourself dealing with a fussy child who isn't ready to transition when you are.
A baby bouncer chair is the perfect product that will bring you some relief while also comforting your fussy child.
Running with a fussy child is no fun, for either of you.
Find people who have lots of experience with small babies and have spent time with crying or fussy children.
Dealing with a fussy child can be a bit challenging for parents to handle, but playing mini-games with them will be a big help.
So, rather than serving junk food, you can make your fussy child wait for lunch eagerly with the following fun and great toddler lunch ideas.
Nursing can calm down a fussy child, and many little ones like to fall asleep at the breast.
This will help you to avoid the stress of a messy kitchen and a fussy child at the same time.
We've all seen the effects of this on a baby or child, as it is often as clear as watching a volcano erupt; nearly everyone has observed a fussy child and thought or said, «Someone needs a nap!»
I still use it for my 2 1/2 year old and have used it for other children while watching them; it's how I know to calm a fussy child (besides nursing them).
The whooshing sound creates a womb - like environment for your fussy child.
My daughter used to cry all the time especially at night so we took her to the doctor who prescribed the Babies Magic Tea, now we use it every night and I recomend it to every parent who has a fussy child, my daughter stopped crying all the time and she also is sleeping through the night
Also, it'll reduce the movements of a fussy child.
We've all seen how this works on a baby or child — it is often as clear as watching a volcano erupt — nearly everyone has observed a fussy child and said, «Someone needs a nap!»
Fully lined, they provide a comfortable shoe that even the fussiest children will love.
The revelers carried handmade signs and rainbow flags with a mix of screeching noisemakers and fussy children.
It's all - inclusive nature also caters to even the fussiest children with weekly BBQs and a range of delicious delicacies to tuck into at the buffet!
You can also find baby, toddler food recipes for your fussy children.
Therapists might have difficulties maintaining the focus of a session due to an active dog, a fussy child, or other distractions.
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