Sentences with phrase «future analysis»

The results presented above are best thought of as a baseline for future analysis of these issues — and many more.
In short, we need to set the scene and lay solid foundations for future analyses.
«We'll try to document every possible moment of their lifecycle and collect as much data for future analysis as we can.»
Planned future analyses include evaluating the relationships between BP, gender and responses from the questionnaires.
Working with scientists from the University of Exeter in the UK, Dr Kennedy says the findings — published in the journal Coral Reefs — relate to an extensive study of Caribbean corals, but could influence future analysis of Australia's Great Barrier Reef.
«If confirmed by future analyses of the full 10 years of follow - up in this cohort, these findings will help to explain associations between long - term PM2.5 concentrations and clinical cardiovascular events,» the authors wrote.
Our exclusive analysis reveals huge inequalities between young Hispanics and ageing whites — only by working together today can the US protect its future
These scars can then affect subsequent generations of cells, complicating future analysis.
Future work will entail: (1) further delineation of management actions and the social networks associated with them, (2) building and evaluating a working model using rapid prototype methods, (3) conducting futures analyses of associated landscapes, (4) continuing to foster collaborative effort, and (5) working one - on - one with managers to evaluate model and adaptive management applicability using such tools as LCMAP (Landscape Conservation Management and Analysis Portal).
David Simms of The National Foundation for Educational Research analyses how a clear vision of long term outcomes can shape their future
Core runs will ideally be 10 - years, with future analyses to test whether 4 years of simulation is adequate (or which quantities it is adequate for).
ANROWS has been commissioned by the Federal Government to analyse existing national data collections relevant to violence against women, identify gaps related to women with disability, women from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women, and make recommendations on improving data collection in future to support future analysis of diverse needs.
That bodes well for future analyses, because it implies that inefficiencies are caused simply by traffic volume, not network complexity.
Taking reduced forecasts for winter peak demand into account is essential in future analyses of electric system reliability impacts — these new projections of demand were not used in ISO New England's recent Operational Fuel Security Analysis study, but were analyzed in a follow - up report.
But our work here shows that we can understand in general how to use this open data, that it has scientific value, and that this can be a stepping stone to future analysis of more exotic possibilities.»
These numbers establish important benchmarks for future analysis, as well as help us understand which firms are best disposed to female entrepreneurs.
If you can keep CP and other like neurological conditions in mind your future analyses (especially given their high comorbidity with epilepsy), that would be welcome.
While the UniFrac analyses we performed suggest independent associations between microbiome composition and both delivery mode and feeding method, the substantial overlap between the communities defined by both factors suggests that there are other important drivers of microbiome community composition that remain to be identified in future analyses.
It successfully pinpointed known regulatory factors, and also highlighting hundreds more genetic candidates for future analysis (Nature Genetics, DOI: 10.1038 / ng.375).
But the experts doubt that future analysis of the Thames whale will show high levels of pollutants as this species generally feeds on animals near the bottom of the food chain — such as squid.
Unfortunately, the tides obliterated the prints in less than a month, before they could be fully documented for future analysis.
Future analyses of the orbit will help astronomers determine the mass of the Makemake / MK 2 system, thus adding insight into the materials of which the objects are made, the researchers say.
He suggests that future analyses of the survey results, which will look at infertility, miscarriages and other aspects of child health, could also be thrown into doubt.
Further clinical trials are on - going internationally, and we hope to include data from them in a future analysis to determine whether the promise of today's results is confirmed in an even larger and more diverse group of patients.»
«Data - driven techniques are mostly limited to finding correlations rather than causation... Future analyses are moving beyond words to capturing less ambiguous meanings from language,» explains lead researcher Andy Schwartz.
And Mendoza - Denton's team did not consider the consequences of being both a woman and a minority, though they plan to explore this potential «double whammy» of discrimination in a future analysis.
While the finding provides some support for the team's hypothesis, future analyses, including direct measurements of heavy metal levels in the birds» bloodstream, would likely provide a better assessment, Chatelain says.
The trained neural nets performed with 90 % and 96 % accuracy respectively (or 94 % and 99 % if the most challenging specimens were discarded), confirming that deep learning is a useful and important technology for the future analysis of digitized museum collections.
Future analyses will be targeted toward capturing these finer details, Wilson noted.
A surprising result that has a transformative effect on future analyses and on the treatment of silver textiles.
And it gives us confidence that we can use this kind of open data for future analyses
Because the firing activity between both monkeys was very similar, data from both animals will be combined in all future analyses as well.
The agreement also specified that future analyses of the data must include Russian permit holders.
The team also hopes that in future analyses, they can link hydrological models with their analyses to study changes in flood risk more directly.
Future analyses of these databases include assessing the postoperative revisit rates of patients undergoing septorhinoplasty, as well as the risk factors and primary diagnosis associated with these revisits.
All these genetic elements detected in UM270, but not in other analyzed strains here, unveil candidate genes for future analysis and potential roles for competence and colonization of the rhizosphere.
During the simulation scenario all data is recorded for future analysis and use.
The report establishes a baseline for future analyses and identifies areas where additional research and information could inform City Schools concerning its graduates» success with college access.
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