Sentences with phrase «future capacity requirements»

Planned future capacity requirements and kept current stock control systems up to date.
Depending on how much wind capacity is in a region, a slight change in the rated capacity value for wind can mean a large change in future capacity requirements.

Not exact matches

Factors that could cause actual results to differ include general business and economic conditions and the state of the solar industry; governmental support for the deployment of solar power; future available supplies of high - purity silicon; demand for end - use products by consumers and inventory levels of such products in the supply chain; changes in demand from significant customers; changes in demand from major markets such as Japan, the U.S., India and China; changes in customer order patterns; changes in product mix; capacity utilization; level of competition; pricing pressure and declines in average selling prices; delays in new product introduction; delays in utility - scale project approval process; delays in utility - scale project construction; delays in the completion of project sales; continued success in technological innovations and delivery of products with the features customers demand; shortage in supply of materials or capacity requirements; availability of financing; exchange rate fluctuations; litigation and other risks as described in the Company's SEC filings, including its annual report on Form 20 - F filed on April 27, 2017.
Factors that could cause actual results to differ include general business and economic conditions and the state of the solar industry; governmental support for the deployment of solar power; future available supplies of high - purity silicon; demand for end - use products by consumers and inventory levels of such products in the supply chain; changes in demand from significant customers; changes in demand from major markets such as Japan, the U.S., India and China; changes in customer order patterns; changes in product mix; capacity utilization; level of competition; pricing pressure and declines in average selling prices; delays in new product introduction; delays in utility - scale project approval process; delays in utility - scale project construction; continued success in technological innovations and delivery of products with the features customers demand; shortage in supply of materials or capacity requirements; availability of financing; exchange rate fluctuations; litigation and other risks as described in the Company's SEC filings, including its annual report on Form 20 - F filed on April 20, 2016.
Factors that could cause actual results to differ include general business and economic conditions and the state of the solar industry; governmental support for the deployment of solar power; future available supplies of high - purity silicon; demand for end - use products by consumers and inventory levels of such products in the supply chain; changes in demand from significant customers; changes in demand from major markets such as Japan, the U.S., India and China; changes in customer order patterns; changes in product mix; capacity utilization; level of competition; pricing pressure and declines in average selling prices; delays in new product introduction; delays in utility - scale project approval process; delays in utility - scale project construction; cancelation of utility - scale feed - in - tariff contracts in Japan; continued success in technological innovations and delivery of products with the features customers demand; shortage in supply of materials or capacity requirements; availability of financing; exchange rate fluctuations; litigation and other risks as described in the Company's SEC filings, including its annual report on Form 20 - F filed on April 27, 2017.
With high - capacity broadband a priority for the UK government, we will be working to reduce the electrical power requirements of this technique to make this commercially viable in the nearest future.
Local outcome data will drive this decisionmaking, says Kane, and to deliver on these new requirements, he imagines a future in which a collection of «efficacy networks» provide local capacity to measure, evaluate, and share the impact of local interventions.
Specifically, officials at the state and district levels have had difficulty building staff capacity for implementing the reforms, meeting the requirements to develop teacher evaluations and increase student learning time, and gathering data on performance in SIG schools to make decisions about future grant renewals.
The Education Corps is designed to provide tutoring and after - school support but not necessarily to train future teachers.92 The VISTA program matches corps members with a nonprofit organization to perform capacity building and provides yearlong stipends, but it is not intended for provision of direct services.93 The Professional Corps, which specifies teaching as one of its qualified positions, allows participants to access Segal AmeriCorps Education Awards — which recipients can use either for loan forgiveness or for paying tuition and other qualifying educational expenses — but increases residency program costs because residents are prohibited from receiving stipends through AmeriCorps and must therefore be paid through their program or the school district.94 None of these programs were designed for supported entry specifically; thus, programs dedicated to providing a gradual on - ramp to the teaching profession can sometimes find it hard to meet their definitions and requirements.
Registration as a CTA is required by the National Futures Association for individuals or firms who provide advice on commodities trading, unless one of the following requirements are met: advice is given to a maximum of 15 people over the past 12 months and the individual / firm does not hold itself to the public as a CTA; the individual / firm is engaged in one of a number of businesses or professions listed in the Commodity Exchange Act or is registered in another capacity and the advice given in relation to commodities investing is incidental to the individuals profession or the firm's principal business; or the advice being provided is not based on knowledge of or targeted directly to a customer's commodity interest account.
To address the challenges of its existing site, as well as future program and animal capacity requirements, the Placer SPCA Board of Directors has embarked on plans for a new Animal Care and Adoption Center.
[97] I find that the plaintiff has established all of the requirements to establish a loss of future earning capacity as she will likely experience some pain in her neck and back for the remainder of her working life that will impact her marketability as an employee and limit the opportunities for employment that might otherwise have been open to her.
Forward thinking professional who accurately forecasts future capacity, resource, and cost requirements.
Insure the operations organization has the capacity and capability to meet current and future business requirements, with flexibility to quickly meet manufacturing and supply requirements Responsible for the confi...
future requirements — such as age, health, financial resources, caring responsibilities and capacity to earn
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