Sentences with phrase «future catastrophe»

Insurance in general is a hedge against future catastrophe whether that be automobile insurance, life insurance or homeowners insurance.
Preparing proper loan agreements, mortgages or gift documents showing who the gift is to really helps protect from future catastrophe should a relationship go sideways.
He reviewed the evidence and came away a skeptic about the projections of future catastrophe.
Since then, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) began to implement several changes to the money market fund model to prevent future catastrophes like the Reserve Primary Fund.
Here are some of the lessons we've learned from 2017, and what they suggest for how to prepare for future catastrophes.
It had the potential both to shock the world into economic transformation, averting future catastrophes, and to generate catastrophes of its own, including a shift into even more damaging technologies, such as biofuels and petrol made from coal.
And how can it translate into unlikely claims about future catastrophes?
It warned that unless «this fundamental gap between global need and global capacity is closed, we invite future catastrophe
A Hollywood director has in fact followed up future catastrophe with a spectacle set in 10,000 B.C.E. Therrien, in contrast, draws on the movies for a family comedy.
Her current forays into conjectural future catastrophes or past disasters and their impact on the planet is an ongoing investigation as she blends in presonal memories.
And if we want the most reliable heads - up on future catastrophes, they say, we should look at patterns across space as well as time, «as a spatial pattern contains much more information than does a single point in a time series, in principle allowing shorter lead times.»
In my view, we need a systemic, organized approach to the situation; an approach that can be applied to this problem and to any potential future catastrophe that leads to large migrations of families.
To help prevent future catastrophes, worker advocates have recently promoted an international accord that sets mandatory safety standards for garment factories.
From ecosystem collapse to climate crunch, the warnings of future catastrophe could be staring us in the face
Cuomo brought local planners in to Albany for a progress report on how the post-Irene, Lee and Sandy rebuilding is going and on still - pending plans to protect against future catastrophes.
Trusted Choice ® independent insurance agents can discuss how the business and homeowners climate have changed in the wake of these disasters and how prepared the area is for future catastrophes.
And how can it translate into unlikely claims about future catastrophes?
I was working with her to stop worrying about all the possible future catastrophes that could befall her and suggested that she say to herself, I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.
Co-brooders also tend to focus on all the potentially bad consequences of a particular problem, often predicting future catastrophe,» Quartz says, explaining Bastin's work.
Of one thing we can be sure: future catastrophes will not occur because they have been sent as a divine punishment.
His pessimism is so acute that he feels God can act only by means of some cosmic catastrophe and, instead of describing God's action now, he describes the details of that future catastrophe.
But, Clinton warned, the immediate needs of those in Kenya, Ethiopia, Djibouti, part of South Sudan and Somalia must also be met with long - term measures aimed at preventing future catastrophes.
«People value our natural resources, so it's worth taking major actions to prevent future catastrophes and correct past mistakes.»
During the initial visit in mid-2011, they were able to observe the levels of destruction caused, while a follow - up in 2013 enabled them to see the recovery, newly - completed sea defences and the design guidelines being implemented to mitigate against future catastrophes.
Trying to avert a future catastrophe, like an outbreak of avian influenza, Bradt says, is «like holding a beach ball under water.»
Unlike before the earthquake, today it seems we all share the same goals: completing the reconstruction, preventing future catastrophes, increasing everyone's awareness of natural hazards.
In order to avoid any future catastrophes; the US government, along with the support of other world leaders, has decided to build a massive weather - controlling satellite system, strangely entitled the «Dutch Boy», which will be able to combat the forever - changing weather conditions.
Many Millennial's, fully accustomed to financial support from their parents, assume that any future catastrophes will continue to be covered in the same way.
This exhibition cements not only the New York art community's refusal to be defeated by the storm, but captures an important art historical moment, like a time capsule, preserved from any future catastrophe.
Sometimes artists knew what others were up to, partly thanks to the new practice of international exhibitions sponsored by governments and independent groups hoping that cultural exchanges might increase understanding — staving off future catastrophe or, in the face of the Korean War, conflagration in Algeria and totalitarian repression in Spain, containing it.
The pessimist's case assumes that future catastrophes will come from the climate and its effects.
Climate change exists in the present, but regardless, the future catastrophe is well worth preventing.
Operators must understand certain phenomena, identify root causes of failures, and implement solutions to prevent future catastrophes.
The deep time of past cataclysm becomes the deep time of future catastrophe; the residue of life in hydrocarbons becomes the residue of capital in petrochemical plastics.
The storms, floods, droughts, heatwaves, and associated excess deaths from AGW aren't «pumped up future catastrophes», they are now.
You need to tackle late rent issues head - on to avoid any future catastrophes.
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