Sentences with phrase «future education of our children»

The results of this study hold significant implications for education funding and the future education of our children.
And I think especially if you really look at the data on what it means to have those quality programs in terms of the future education of those children, (there is) a growing consensus on that part of it.
Whether you are investing for the future education of a child or for yourself, NextGen offers a wide selection of investment options.
Young and growing families may have a lot of responsibilities like auto loans, a home mortgage, and the future education of their children.
The approach that is used by Fidelity in fulfilling its customers» basic needs includes offering assistance with maintaining a family's standard of living, helping a family to pay ongoing family debts, funding the future education of children and / or grandchildren, paying for final expenses, and leaving the family a financial legacy.
Children Education Bonus: Specified amount paid for future education of the children (one or more).
Young and growing families may have a lot of responsibilities like auto loans, a home mortgage, and the future education of their children.

Not exact matches

«The Juno Beach Centre Association supports the education of adults and children of today and future generations about the role of Canada and Canadians during the Second World War,» said Don Cooper, Director and Acting President for the Juno Beach Centre Association.
I think people have a right to be a bit concerned about the effect the opiion of a TV personality from the past may have on their children's education in the future.
Announcing the U-turn, the Department for Education said: «We want to ensure any future system of regulation that we may introduce appropriately targets the small minority of settings which may be exposing children to harmful practices, without causing undue burdens on the sector as a whole.
Actually, this is another scientist who understands that there isn't a SHRED of proof to indicate that any god exists, and that American kids who are taught creationism will be at a great disadvantage in the future when they try to compete for jobs against children with real educations.
In 1970, just before the walls of mainline Protestant church education began to show their cracks, I wrote a short tract, Values for Tomorrow's Children (Pilgrim, 1970), which boldly suggested that a radical alternative for church education was needed for the future.
As bad a shape as this country is, looks to me you would be doing articles on the effects of meth head parents on chidren or the effects of poor education on the future of our children..
I would therefore hope that future Catholic SRE programmes would develop a three-fold strategy to this important aspect of Christian Education: A vision of human sexuality founded on the teaching of the Church, a means to help children combat the conflicting messages of modern society and a recognition of the need for healing in many of those under their care.
globalisation with a human face, global citizenship, sustainable development, good governance, consensus - building, global ethic, cultural diversity, cultural liberty, dialogue among civilizations, quality of life, quality education, education for all, right to choose, informed choice, informed consent, gender, equal opportunity, empowerment, NGOs, civil society, partnerships, transparency, bottom - up participation, accountability, holism, broad - based consultation, facilitation, inclusion, awareness - raising, clarification of values, capacity - building, women's rights, children's rights, reproductive rights, sexual orientation, safe abortion, safe motherhood, enabling environment, equal access, life skills education, peer education, bodily integrity, internalisation, ownership, bestpractices, indicators of progress, culturally sensitive approaches, secular spirituality, Youth Parliament, peace education, the rights of future generations, corporate social responsibility, fair trade, human security, precautionary principle, prevention...
For this reason I have realized this: a chimpanzee does not understand math (regardless of how many hours I spent trying to teach them this) because of it's anatomy, yet I do understand math because of my anatomy (and education of course), I as a mere mortal (unlike yourself) know that my faculties must be somehow limited and that there are concepts that no matter how much I try to use my retarded brain I will never understand them because I don't have the god lobe in the ole brain like you do, none the less I keep on thinkin» in a finite fashion hoping that my future children might have a little more range than I since they too will be a «tarded snapshot in a timeline of cognitive evolution.
Through education, support, advocacy and research, API's principal goal is to heighten global awareness of the profound significance of secure attachment — not only to invest in our children's bright futures, but to reduce and ultimately prevent emotional and physical mistreatment of children, addiction, crime, behavioral disorders, mental illness and other outcomes of early unhealthy attachment.
Finding an Educational Approach for Children with Disabilities in a Siberian Village — Cassandra S. Hartblay Reports from the Research Fellows One Hundred Meters Squared — Michael D'Aleo Basic Schools and the Future of Waldorf Education — Peter Guttenhöfer When One Plus One Equals Three: Evidence, Logic, and Professional Discourse — Douglas Gerwin
The years of practice that your child will get through a Montessori education — where learning to handle social interaction is part of the program — along with your loving support, will reap rewards in your child's future.
Through education, support, advocacy and research, API's principal goal is to heighten global awareness of the profound significance of secure attachment - not only to reduce and ultimately prevent emotional and physical mistreatment of children, addiction, crime, behavioral disorders, mental illness, and other outcomes of early unhealthy attachment, but to invest in our children's bright futures.
GOLD Learning Online Education Oct 2 — Dec 1: 5th Annual Perinatal Conference Birthing an Empowered Future The birth of a child is a time of profound transition and adjustment.
Your investment in Waldorf education is a demonstration of your belief in our children and your hope for our future.
If you want your children to experience a kind of education that can secure their future, Waldorf School of Baltimore is the place.
Home education is a big part of the parenting process, and now is the real time to point out some issues that are related with our children's future.
Additionally, the Committee is responsible for modern - day education and workforce - related challenges, and seeks to assist in supporting the existence of an education system that prepares children for the future, simultaneously fostering an economy that encompasses American enterprise and entrepreneurship.
Your child is not going to want to make any long term plans for their future in the beginning, so you need to show them the power of a good education.
Research shows that a parent's interest in a child's education is the biggest indicator of their future success.
Allowing children and families to make their own choices, with education about how to make those choices in a healthy way, will lead to a future of healthy eating.
It's about being passionate in what you do, and the importance of nutrition in a child's future; helping to eliminate hunger, and to help children reach one of the goals of education — to be ready to learn in the classroom.
We asked Higgins about his concerns for the future of education, especially for children living in poverty that attend Buffalo Public Schools.
And they are clamouring that person who is saying that their children should be given quality education, who is saying that their children should be guaranteed a better future, who is saying there should be better housing for every individual, who is saying that our community should not be flooded... When he was Commissioner for Environment, we did not experience the kind of flooding that we experience today.
It would be appalling if the coalition does not find a way of helping working class children like me to go on to further, and higher education in future.
Commenting on the reports in the media that the Secretary of State for Education, Rt Hon Michael Gove MP, is to apologise to Parliament for errors contained in the Government's list of schools to be rebuilt or refurbished under the Building Schools for the Future (BSF) programme, Chris Keates, General Secretary of the NASUWT, the largest teachers» union, said: «The Government's decision to scrap over 700 projects to rebuild or refurbish schools was an unnecessary and disastrous development that history will judge to be bad for children, bad for education and bad for local communities and theEducation, Rt Hon Michael Gove MP, is to apologise to Parliament for errors contained in the Government's list of schools to be rebuilt or refurbished under the Building Schools for the Future (BSF) programme, Chris Keates, General Secretary of the NASUWT, the largest teachers» union, said: «The Government's decision to scrap over 700 projects to rebuild or refurbish schools was an unnecessary and disastrous development that history will judge to be bad for children, bad for education and bad for local communities and theeducation and bad for local communities and the economy.
«I am not holding my children's future and education hostage to a game of political football.
Adamu, who was represented by the Permanent Secretary, Sonny Echono, said in his address, «there is an urgent need to protect education from attacks, because without access to quality learning, the children are not only being deprived of education; they are also being robbed of future opportunities which will affect the entire society.
As the future congressman from this great district, I know Keith stands ready to deliver on the same fundamental issues he has fought for alongside me in the legislature — bringing more affordable housing to our neighborhoods, pushing through meaningful criminal justice reform and ensuring that all of our children have every chance to succeed with the promise of a first - rate education.
We are determined to give every child, regardless of background, a broad and balanced education — so that, by the time their compulsory education is complete, they are well equipped for further study, future employment and adult life.
Racial discrimination is deep - rooted, endemic and institutionalised in the education system and is blighting the lives and careers of BME teachers and damaging the futures of children and young people
That's not just a number — that's 250,000 children who have been cheated out of the future they deserve by a broken education system.
«May I also seize this opportunity to admonish all our parents and guardians to invest in education of their children and wards because good education is the most precious legacy that we can bequeath to our children; it is the best insurance to guarantee a secure future
The next part of our plan to make Britain fit for the future is to improve the quality of our children's» education.
Confronting the obstacles that stand in the way of important improvements to education and our children's future.
The key issue here is that we must make sacrifices and provide our children and future generations a quality of education that can give enhance their life prospects, and guarantee self - reliance for all our people.
Asked about the charter schools» push, a spokeswoman for the city Department of Education said, «We are committed to lifting up all our children, across every zip code, who will be the future of this city together.»
«I have come to realize that, beyond infrastructure and social amenities, the only way, we could transform our communities and create a sustainable future for ourselves is through strategic investment in the education of the children of our communities,» he said.
He observed «education is key and an indispensable tool for accelerated socio - economic development of any nation and therefore appealed to parents to give children who are the future leaders of the nation, the type of education that will equip them with knowledge and skills to meaningful lives in this complex world.
It is extremely important to all of us that the Thirty Meter Telescope will be able to make a contribution not only to the exploration of science, but also to the connection of science with humanities, culture, language, religion, environmental sustainability, and education, especially the education of future generations of children in Hawaii,» said Yang.
Longoria is founder of «The Eva Longoria Foundation» dedicated to helping Latinas build better futures for themselves through education and entrepreneurship; co-founder of «Eva's Heroes,» which enriches the lives of adolescents with developmental disabilities; and is national spokesperson for «Padres Contra el Cancer,» a nonprofit that is committed to improving the quality of life for children with cancer.
These two features of ESAs — the ability of parents to completely customize their child's education and save for future educational expenses — make them distinct from and improvements upon traditional school vouchers.
After all, the education of today's children affects everyone's future.
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