Sentences with phrase «future experiments»

The phrase "future experiments" refers to tests or studies that will be conducted at a later time, to learn and discover new things. Full definition
This system might be a valuable tool also in future experiments testing the impact of different compounds on cancer stem cells.
In grant applications, researchers must clearly articulate the rationale and plans for future experiments.
Too hard to replicate; too many unanswered questions; to little ability to predict the results of future experiments.
He said future experiments will analyze the impact of providing infected monkeys with effective intensive care.
Can you explain not only where we're at now, but also more broadly in what ways this might change how future experiments are designed.
If future experiments do not raise safety concerns, he says, human trials could start in two years.
A second goal is to help them decide which future experiments are most likely to deliver results.
These first results will then help determine what future experiments are needed to further clarify the mechanisms at work and which of these hypotheses is correct.
So every idea is challenge - able and may be proven to be false in future experiments.
Use the time you are in work to do things you can only do when you are at work — for example, doing experiments and discussing ideas for future experiments.
In order to maintain simplicity, model development and the design of future experiments were integrated from the beginning.
But Renno hopes to bolster the case for salty droplets with future experiments on perchlorate - rich water under Mars - like conditions.
But Hahn stresses that ethics prohibit taking blood samples from wild chimpanzees, and her own lab has only recently developed a way to quantify SIVcpz in fecal samples — which she sees as an important future experiment with the Gombe chimps.
First, we state that we have not measured mtDNA damage directly, and that would be an important future experiment.
Shapira plans future experiments with C. elegans to test these ideas and clarify the mutually beneficial relationship between hosts and their microbiotas.
CROP FUTURES Experiments using circles of white pipes blowing extra carbon dioxide over crops suggest that certain nutrients may dwindle in crops grown in a carbon - enhanced future atmosphere.
The results of the model may then be used to inform future experiments, further validating the model or shedding new light on the research question.
«Learning the Argonaute crystal structure is an important step in understanding the RNAi biochemical pathway and will be the basis for many future experiments
Already the military and two Fortune 500 companies have shown interest in conducting similar future experiments at the APS.
This technique promises an effective means for modeling and removal of such systematic effects to the accuracy required by future experiments to see direct evidence of the universe's putative acceleration.
These discrepancies, which will help shape future experiments, could point to flaws in the current models and also raise a possibility for the presence of an exotic type of neutrino that has not been detected before.
Was it because the results were suspect, the scientists incompetent or corrupt, or that public discussion might compromise future experiments as competing laboratories used new results to leapfrog over the CERN team?
If future experiments confirm that neutrinos have these predicted masses, that would offer impressive support for the multiverse.
While ignition may be six months or three years away depending on how future experiments progress, the project has already laid out plans to commercialize the process with the Laser Inertial Fusion Energy (LIFE) project.
These and future experiments not only help confirm that the universe inflated dramatically, but are providing theorists with the first clues about the exotic forces that drove space and time apart.
Additionally, the stress of liftoff and splashdown was not replicated, although future experiments will do so.
This accomplishment is critical to developing and proposing a much larger future experiment — with approximately a ton of detectors — to study the nature of neutrinos.
The researchers» chief technical challenge was to design a coating for the surface of the circuit board that would reduce friction, enabling droplets to slide across it, and that would prevent biological or chemical molecules from sticking to it, so that they won't contaminate future experiments.
Ultrafine tips are demanded for future experiments where the results are directly dependent on shape of the tip.
A key future experiment will involve attaching a malaria - resistance gene to the Myd88 code engineered to get switched on in the offspring during early development.
These nerve cells produce a chemical signal called neuropeptide Y. Future experiments can test what role that chemical plays in how a mechanical itch makes itself known, he says.
The current study yielded some preliminary insights into this problem and Jin and Li plan to tackle this challenge in future experiments.
Shaffer and his team want to produce enough of these molecules to carry out future experiments on dipole interactions.
Sommer says future experiments may inactivate more of the thalamus to see if monkeys have a harder time distinguishing their own saccades from changes in their environment.
While much of his work has centered on implementing student incentives programs, he is currently supporting EdLabs» school turnaround work and planning for future experiments in human capital and technology.
The team at Johnson Matthey might spend a typical day developing materials from scratch, testing them or telling modellers about their results to help plan future experiments.
Future experiments using iPSCs reprogrammed by the episomal virus - free, transgene - free strategy, in different original primary cell types is needed to validate such hypothesis.
Mathematical models like this one, based on experimental results and informing future experiments, establish a research foundation that will eventually make BBCIs more effective at creating healing within the brain and spinal cord.
Nearly a dozen experiments have sought neutrinoless double - beta decay, and as many future experiments have been proposed.
Make sure to stick around this blog for similar future experiments, including optimizing your physiology, augmenting your mindset and enhancing your life.
The Radiochemical Analysis of Gaseous Samples (RAGS) is a true trash to treasure story, turning debris from the National Ignition Facility's (NIF) target chamber into valuable data that helps to shape future experiments.
The team are hoping that their innovative technique will help them to hunt down chameleons or other dark energy particles in a future experiment.
One can not prove that a theory is true by showing that conclusions deduced from it agree with experiment, since (i) future experiments may conflict with the theory, and (2) another theory may be equally compatible with present evidence.
LIGO has already detected several black hole mergers, and future experiments will be able to detect events that happened much further back in time.
To amplify slow waves and get them into optimal sync with spindles, researchers plan to apply electrical brain stimulation to the frontal lobe in future experiments.
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