Sentences with phrase «future injuries»

After laser surgery is complete, tissues are strengthened helping your pet return to their normal activities with reduced risk of future injury.
Protect your client from future injury by correctly strengthening their pelvic floor.
Pay special attention to proper technique to avoid future injuries.
Keeping up a consistent daily stretch can prevent both small and serious future injuries.
Usually personal injury claims are a good thing, modifying negligent behaviour, shifting the financial burden off the state and reducing future injuries.
Also, the amount paid to you as living benefits is not deducted from your policy's face amount, which remains in full effect to cover future injuries.
Dynamic warm - ups and some joint mobility work before you train will help prevent future injury.
In addition, conditioning programs can improve overall fitness, facilitate weight loss, lessen the chance of future injury, and reduce or possibly eliminate the need for medical treatment or surgical intervention.
This does not bode well for future injury reduction, which could be significantly reduced if technology is used properly.
Following injury this is damaged and needs to be rehabilitated to prevent future injury as well as restore the athlete back to optimum physical fitness.
Ankle braces that do restrict your movements do not let your muscles work correctly, and that results in future injuries as the muscles become weak.
But hereâ $ ™ s a secret all top trainers know: a strong upper body is not only the key for an overall defined look, but it's your best defense against future injury and poor posture.
The Kinduct helps athletes from future injuries by collecting data from various sources and putting them together in an easy - to - use app.
It seems that we avoid extending forgiveness for several reasons: first, we worry that we may be opening floodgates, acceding to future injury poured in upon past wrong (although, as C.S. Lewis noted, «there is all the difference in the world between forgiving and excusing»), and, second, less commendably, we hesitate to surrender outrage.
Fetal MuSCs are geared toward creating new muscle, whereas adult MuSCs repair damaged muscle and self - replicate to sustain the pool of stem cells to mend future injuries.
«A lot of the workouts I do in my Creating Curves program are about developing the glutes, the hamstrings, the posterior chain, because that's not only going to help them look more proportioned but also prevent them from developing future injuries as well,» says co-founder Alexa Towersey (pictured, centre).
Thomson's offer to remove the court documents from Litigator, at best, stops future injury, but this approach does not compensate or atone for the copyright infringement and the past violation of moral rights.
Strains and sprains weaken the soft tissues so that future injury becomes imminent.
DuPont even agreed not to contest the panel's conclusions even if they found a general causal connection between C - 8 and health effects - the basis for any possible future injury claims.
Our client achieved a significant financial settlement, and thanks to the dedication of his California MTS trolley injury attorney the trolley company now prohibits patrons from doing this and has installed warning signs to limit future injuries.
In reviewing the literature relating to previous hamstring strain injury, Mendiguchia et al. (2011) concluded that previous hamstring strain injury increases the risk of re-injury substantially and suggested that previous hamstring strain injury is likely the greatest individual risk factor for future injury.
In such instances, the risk of future injury can be minimized with proper footwear and through appropriate monitoring field conditions for holes or other irregularities.1
The Perro de Presa Canario is a working breed, and cropping the ears helps avoid future injury to them in a multitude of ways.
Preventing these types of product defect injuries from happening to other innocent people in the future
Keeping your muscles strong eases everyday movements and can protect you against future injury or other health issues.
According to new research published online in The FASEB Journal, brain cells from a small biopsy can be used to grow large numbers of new personalized cells that are not only «healthy,» but also possess powerful attributes to preserve and protect the brain from future injury, toxins and diseases.
Physical Therapist, Dr. Erin Weber breaks down the anatomy of the glutes, and the ways you can prevent future injuries by strengthening this muscle group with corrective exercises.
Wouldn't a shrewd manager have already tied him to a new contract, albeit with wages clauses as to future injuries.
, for future injuries (seemingly a need for at least one game a year), and because we were not going to retain Randall after this year anyway.
If someone had taken Andrew Luck's beard into consideration, maybe they could've foreseen all of his future injuries
But that doesn't automatically doom him to future injuries.
The left back is also keen to avoid any future injuries and hopes to be involved regularly for United between now and the end of a season that fans will be hoping improves from here:
Jack is supposedly considering an offer from the club, which is claimed to include a reduced weekly wage, with the improved appearance bonuses in order to protect the club from any future injuries, but he is yet to agree to such a deal.
Strengthening core muscles is extremely important for aquatic athletes to increase power and to prevent future injuries.
I really felt he is a good striker before his injury and he will find back his form.Wishing him all the best for his future
They teach kids exercises designed to help them regain strength and range of motion, and also show kids and families how to prevent future injuries.
If the athlete's knee had been hurting for weeks, identifying the reason for the pain (remember: pain is the body's way of saying something is wrong) is important to correcting the problem and minimizing the risk of future injury.
While young athletes heal faster than adults, rushing them back from injury before they have been given enough time to completely recover simply increases the risk of future injury.
If an athlete has always had poor balance and has difficulty standing on one leg, it could result in a future injury.
A failure to address joint stability and mobility, flexibility, core strength, balance and proper mechanics will significantly increase risk of future injury, especially as a deficiency in one of these five areas may have been the main cause of the ACL injury in the first place.
With some help from the pros (a physician, physical therapist, or athletic trainer), your child can find a sport that works for her, and a strategy to help prevent future injuries.
Second, the pool of satellite cells needs to be replenished so there is a supply to repair muscle in case of future injuries.
The study, published in the Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, also found that gradually increasing the total number of innings pitched per season has no effect on young MLB pitchers» risk of future injury.
«It keeps you in tune with your body and what your training has been, and can help you avoid future injuries
If you want to rehabilitate shoulder injuries as fast as possible and prevent any future injuries from happening, you need to strengthen the rotator cuff muscles with a variety of exercises, a healthy fat intake and take supplements which promote joint health.

Phrases with «future injuries»

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