Sentences with phrase «future of democracy»

Ms Eagle also said the membership fee was «pretty good investment for the whole future of democracy».
The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation invited him to deliver the distinguished Massey Lectures, which have now appeared in a little book, On the Eve of the Millennium: The Future of Democracy Through an Age of Unreason (Free Press).
As things stand, however, it would appear that the future of democracy is linked to the future of Western Christianity and, in its third wave, to Catholicism in particular.
♦ In the May issue we cited some wise words by Leszek Kolakowski on the subject of religion and the future of democracy.
A non-profit study center, the Institute offers a variety of educational and outreach programs with the mission of inspiring men and women to lives of public service and preserving the health and future of our democracy.
They're central to the future of our democracy.
A massive accomplishment, and pretty much mandatory reading for anyone working in urban education — or anyone interested in the future of our democracy
Although the meeting was held in Washington DC in 1997, and most in attendance viewed the alliance as critical for children and the future of our democracy, no subsequent meetings occurred.
In a refreshingly candid discussion, he reveals why the «public mood» is a myth, what it's really like on the campaign trail, why the legacy of the MP expenses scandal makes him fear for the future of our democracy, and how Alex Salmond predicted the key role of minor parties almost a decade ago.
SDN is a global network of researchers, journalists, activists, policy makers and citizens concerned with the future of democracy.
For the future of our democracy and America's standing in the world, it'd better.
The future of democracy and the rule of law in Southeast Asia is in peril.
But it would be disastrous for young people, and the future of our democracy, if citizenship is removed from the curriculum, as recommended in the review currently being undertaken by the government.
He said that the future of democracy depended on unity within the PDP, adding that it was high time members of the party stopped fanning the flames of acrimony.
Well, THAT's the future of democracy, according to Design Museum director Deyan Sudjic, who was speaking at the Houses of Parliament TEDx talks today.
«It's exciting we've got so many of the major UK parties signed up to the idea of really strong citizen involvement in shaping the future of our constitution and the future of our democracy
«William Hague has said he's open to the idea of citizen involvement in shaping the future of our democracy,» Ghose added.
The party must take back the argument on the economy, expose the Conservative threat to social cohesion and lead the debate on the future of our democracy
«It's great to be here today at the launch of a campaign that is crucially important, not just to my party, but to the future of democracy.
Young voters are the future of any democracy, and we can't risk seeing them slip through the net because of lacklustre local registration drives.
Notwithstanding the alleged frustrations, the PDP chairman admonished all Nigerians to use the Christmas period to reflect deeply on the future of democracy in this country and try and use this season to show love to one another and build on those things that unite than divide the country.
The Future of Democracy in the
Our work is critical to the future of this democracy.
This cynicism is potentially harmful to the future of our democracy.
By telling their stories, we honor them and their unselfish dedication to the best hope we have for ensuring the future of our democracy: our children.
Their activism inspires confidence in the future of our democracy, and their schools should be proud of them.
It's also essential if we're going to save public education for our children and for the future of our democracy.
The dedication and commitment with which Mitchell Chester worked all his life to help public schools educate all students are exemplary of the essential leadership to sustain these institutions which are the heart and the future of our democracy.
Libraries are the past and the future of democracy in America.
It seems like a very important way to voice concerns about the future of our democracy.
The third is a project for Creative Time in New York City, which she is co-curating it with Nato Thompson; it will entail the selection and commissioning of proposals by artists and other intellectuals about the future of democracy.
Hansen correctly notes that solving climate change is about solving money in politics, and that the future of democracy depends on addressing both.
It is essential reading for anyone who cares about the future of democracy
«It erodes the future of democracy and the idea that a special law can be adopted to control the population at large is scary.»
Thus, as we celebrate MTCSALC's 25th anniversary and look back on our achievements over the last two decades, we believe it is important to also take a critical look at the current state of (in) equality in Canada, and engage in an open and honest dialogue about the future of our democracy.
Then, John Iadarola, host of Think Tank and co-host of the Young Turks, joins to discuss millennial voters, their values and priorities, and what their attitudes might mean for the future of democracy.
The future of our democracy requires us to imagine these technologies as potential threats and to recognize that unfettered innovation in social media has had its heyday.
KS: We're back with Recode's Senior Media Editor Kurt Wagner talking about Facebook and the future of democracy and they're incredible.
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