Sentences with phrase «future of one's students»

So writing a good dissertation has a crucial role in deciding the academic future of the students in our universities.
Scientists and educators successfully argued that such a move would damage the education and futures of students by presenting a scientific consensus on an urgent issue as up - for - debate.
They have an enormous impact on the economic future of their students and of the nation.
After all, education policy is not about concern for a current government's latest polling, but about the consequences for the educational futures of our students.
Online Assignment Help agencies are playing a lead role in making future of students bright.
«This bill is critically important now that the U.S. Department of Education has abandoned student loan borrowers by revoking reforms to prevent the abuses uncovered in my investigation,» Madigan said in the press release announcing the bill passage, «These commonsense measures will improve the financial futures of student loan borrowers, their families and our economy.»
I believe the future of America's education system is bright, as bright as the possible future of each student in our public schools.
Emergency assignments help provided to the students of Malaysia are also very crucial for the sake of saving future of students.
During the trial, Professor Walter Haney of Boston College presented statistics showing that, following the imposition of the test, the already high dropout rates for black and Hispanic students in the state shot up and has remained high, threatening the economic future of those students.
He added that the Ghana Legal Council, under which the Body operates, risks ruining the futures of the students at the school if it retains the body.
Mulgrew praised the union's political action efforts by both in - service members and retirees in the weeks leading up to the Nov. 6 elections, which he said would have a huge impact on the future of students, educators and the entire country.
He jabbed at the teachers union, saying, «Albany has been too concerned with protecting the pension rights of teachers and not concerned enough with the future of students
«That funding is necessary to make a real impact on the future of our students,» he said.
An educationist, and expert in Adult Education, Mr. Bunyamin Zakariyah on Monday said examination malpractices tend to destroy the future of students who get involved in...
He didn't not deem it fit to intervene for the sake of the future of the students in that school.
It takes a huge leap of faith on all fronts, but the future of our students depends on it.
He said the centre ground should be discussing issues such as the role of technology and big data in public services, the use of monetary policy such as quantitative easing and the future of student debt.
«My emphasis is that let us not pursue this noble objective which is important for the future of our students and dear to the parents hearts with experimental financing.
«These major investments in childhood programs have been important not only to the future of students but to the state's financial bottom line,» said Muschkin, who serves as associate director for Duke's Center for Child and Family Policy.
A scholarship could only change the future of a student if it were actually used.
We know that learning is powerful when made tangible and relevant to the lives and futures of our students.
It is valuable for both students and tutors and shows in practice how educational technology is progressing so that it can show not only the past performance but also forecast the future of a student's learning outcomes.
Even in our most struggling public schools, there are excellent teachers who are transforming the lives and futures of the students they are entrusted to educate.
Predictive LA is an intellectual tool making forecasts based on the results of description and diagnosis; it determines the future of student performance on the basis of past and present learning outcomes.
Hidalgo Early College High School — in fact, the entire Hidalgo Independent School District — simply won't allow demographics to dictate the future of its students.
When midway through the school year, the majority of her students were failing, and a large portion of class time was being spent on controlling behavior rather than on lesson plans, Groves had a change of heart that shaped both the future of her students and her future as a teacher.
As I reflect upon my teaching experience and the community I call home, I find myself constantly thinking about the future of my students.
and «Can schools contribute to improving the futures of students from immigrant or disadvantaged backgrounds?
Character education has changed the climate in our building, increased our academic scores, and is helping shape the future of our students.
Lawmakers are meeting to consider the future of student testing.
Well, this attack on the future of students of color was a prime opportunity to do so.
The initiative successfully brought many of the challenges facing school leaders into the spotlight of public policy and worked to spark a spirited national debate about the future of our students, schools, and leadership.
The initiative brought many challenges into the public policy spotlight and helped spark a national debate about the future of our students, schools, and leadership.
«We knew the future of our students was going to change, and we wanted to make sure we could provide our students with the best learning tools that were available.»
The Power of Individuality is a focus of how one school uses pathways, career clusters, Naviance, internships, and partnerships to create individual opportunities that are relevant to the future of our students.
The Initiative successfully brought many of the challenges facing school leaders into the spotlight of public policy and worked to spark a spirited national debate about the future of our students, schools, and leadership.
If Epic is allowed to grow without any transparency, accountability and oversight, the futures of students, families and the greater community will be at stake.»
The future of our students and our state depend on it.»
The future of students - and many head teachers - often rest upon them.
What could the future of a student living in poverty but attending a top school look like?
In June, NEA's Brian Washington wrote, ``... pro-charter forces are putting more money behind efforts to elect and lobby politicians who will implement policies resulting in unaccountable charter schools that threaten the futures of our students
With many questions still to be settled over the future of student testing in California - the notion was broached at Wednesday's meeting of the California State Board of Education of returning to sampling assessments - and to the days before the No Child Left Behind Act required assessments of every student, every year.
The all - female charter school depicted in the film works to reshape the futures of its students by making it an objective for every member of their senior class to gain acceptance to and graduate from college.
Leading at Ascend means growing deeply in your career, expressing your voice, and playing a defining role in the future of your students, your school, and the Ascend network.
As we commence the 2013 general session of the Utah State Legislature and determine the future course for our state, something just as obvious that I hope policymakers, community leaders and parents remember is this: A good education is not only vital for the future of our students; it is essential for the economic future of our state.
In the meantime, anyone who cares about the future of our students should urge their legislators to vote against House Bill 2214 when it comes up for a vote at the end of the final Special Session in 2015.
We knew that increased learning and the ability to work with others were important for the future of our students.
Your vote will decide the future of our students and public schools.
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