Sentences with phrase «future philosophizing»

Hegel really wanted the final unity of man, the overcoming of modern diremption, but he wanted it humanly, and the completion of wisdom somehow consonant with future philosophizing.

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Instead of philosophizing about the future to design it or meet it halfway, build it by solving real problems that are right in front of us.
According to Marx and Teilhard, the socialization of consciousness will dissolve the barriers that separate physical and mental labor, allowing the Marxian individual of the future to hunt in the morning and philosophize after dinner, and enabling the Teilhardian «man in the street» to do research in physics or biology.
Filled with nostalgia for the kind of future Disney envisioned when he built the original Tomorrowland theme park in the 1950s, Bird's film borrows sci - fi tropes from «The Matrix,» «Stargate» and other films, mooshing them together with CGI action sequences (one of which, a rocket lifting off from the Eiffel Tower, is truly spectacular) and enough philosophizing to fill several TED talks.
Belong to himself, to philosophize; task for the future, even if late.
Category: Português, South America, Transversal Studies, Your ideas · Tags: archeology, arqueologia, filosofar, filosofía, future, Futuro, philosophizing, philosophy, pre-platonics, préplatônicos
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