Sentences with phrase «future price moves»

But going deeper, technical analysis can help indicate possible future price moves.
Since cash and futures prices move hand - in - hand, the futures position will profit if barley prices rise enough to balance barley cash losses.
In contrast, technicians use indicators and chart patterns to predict future price moves.
Fundamental analysis on the other hand is a way of forecasting future price moves by analyzing all the news in the market that is effecting supply and demand issues.
The guys / gals on CNBC's Options Action put up a chart showing pricing today and profit / loss based on future price moves.
Essentially, the theory holds that the market is always right; it synthesises the wisdom of crowds so that it is never possible to earn steady trading profits by forecasting future price moves.
I do not consider myself and Elliott «purist» and I apply the counts in a liberal manner only as I find it appropriate to getting a clearer picture of possible future price moves, locating better targets, or placing better stop - losses.
Next, we will look at the other side of the popular market analysis techniques commonly employed by spread betting traders when they are looking to forecast future price moves and place trades that are based on those forecasts.
(1) It would make it more likely that future price moves are up instead of down.
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