Sentences with phrase «future psychopathology»

Although heightened EV may partly be a sign of normative developmental changes in adolescence (Larson et al. 1980), comparatively high levels of EV in adolescents may indicate emotional dysregulation, and be indicative of future psychopathology (Schneiders et al. 2006).
SDQ total difficulties scores (summed hyperactivity, conduct, emotional, and peer problem scores) were significantly associated with «treatment status» and «presence of any disorder» criteria, supporting concurrent criterion validity of the measure.15, 16 However, each preschool SDQ study was limited to a cross-sectional design, prohibiting examination of factor structure stability over time and validity in predicting future psychopathology.
The examination of subclinical depressive symptoms is important given that such symptoms are associated with an increased risk for future psychopathology (e.g., depressive, anxious, and behavioral disorders) as well as a wide range of negative outcomes including academic deficiencies, interpersonal difficulties with peers and family, and impaired cognitive functioning (Avenevoli et al. 2008; Kessler and Walters 1998; Reinherz et al. 1993).
The longevity of parental mental illness, its potential impact on parent - child attachment, and the stress associated with periods of acute illness are viewed as factors that may negatively affect the child or adolescent's health, psychosocial competence and future psychopathology.
Children of mothers with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) are a disadvantaged group of children that are at risk for future psychopathology.
Living with an alienating parent is analogous to a petri dish cultivating future psychopathology for the children.
The report concluded that support for pupils whose «behaviour challenges school systems is important» and that «timely intervention may prevent exclusion from school, as well as future psychopathology».

Not exact matches

«Although most preterm children catch up with their full term peers during early elementary school, future interventions to improve friendships and social interaction skills should start before school entry to prevent later psychopathology and behaviour problems.»
In this lecture, Schuster explored the «clinic of AI:» the psychopathologies of our machine intelligent future.
Future studies with such designs and more detailed assessments of the correlates of poverty, such as nutrition, parental psychopathology, and genetic factors, are needed to further elucidate the mechanisms of risk.
Developmental psychopathology: Pathways to the future.
Multilevel dynamics in developmental psychopathology: Pathways to the future.
This type of research can only help build political momentum for future applications in developmental psychopathology.
The past achievements and future promises of developmental psychopathology: The coming of age of a discipline
In future research we recommend to also add other covariates to the latent transition models to see whether transitions in time are influenced by factors such as parental psychopathology and parenting styles.
Emotion regulation as a transdiagnostic factor in the development of internalizing and externalizing psychopathology: Current and future directions.
That is, suicidal thinking itself increases risk for future thoughts of suicide, beyond the influence of potent risk factors (depressive symptoms, substance use, parental psychopathology).
This study directly informs future measurement models of child and adolescent psychopathology and demonstrates the effectiveness of a three factor model.
A crucial task for future research is to further investigate the specific function of emotion regulation for psychopathology and to integrate this ability into treatment approaches for children.
However, future studies could include father's report of their current and past psychopathology, child anxiety symptoms and stressors or use official records (e.g., school and health records) to verify the dating and occurrence of events.
That is, to further establish the validity of the FEEL - KJ, future research should investigate whether children with diagnosed psychopathology employ more maladaptive and less adaptive strategies than control children.
Finally, future studies should aim to extend the cross-sectional nature of the current study to longitudinal designs for a better understanding of the long - term relations between FEEL - KJ emotion regulation strategies and psychopathology.
In this paper we (a) critically examine the current status of available theories, research, and methods related to the study of gender and psychopathology and provide recommendations for future work; (b) identify promising new trends that appear to have utility for enhancing our understanding of the role of gender in the development of adjustment difficulties; and (c) generate conclusions regarding gender and psychopathology by integrating information from past and present work with new ideas about fruitful directions for future inquiry.
Future Directions in Childhood Adversity and Youth Psychopathology.
In addition, to get a detailed overview of the relation between the FEEL - KJ and psychological distress, future research should examine whether the different FEEL - KJ emotion regulation strategies are related to specific psychopathologies or whether they are related transdiagnostically to psychopathology [6].
Such changes have resulted in an adolescent population that has less perceived control regarding their future, and preliminary cross-sectional research amongst Chinese adolescents has indicated that diminished control has contributed to a greater number of behavioral problems and higher rates of psychopathology (Liu et al. 2000).
With future research in the topic, parent co-regulation and scaffolding may emerge as useful areas of focus in interventions targeting psychopathology in children with ASD.
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