Sentences with phrase «future space telescopes»

Project Blue will demonstrate and test coronagraph and wavefront technologies similar to ones that could be used on much larger future space telescopes currently being studied by NASA (e.g., HabEX, LUVOIR), and thus help to retire technical risks and hone the observing techniques and data processing algorithms for those missions.
The team plans to use this research to make recommendations about the requirements for future space telescopes designed to search exoplanet atmospheres for signs of alien life.
Knowing eta - Earth, Batalha says, will allow astronomers to estimate how nearby the closest Earth twins are and thus how large future space telescopes will have to be to image those planets and study them for signs of life.
Astronomers are already dreaming of a future space telescope purpose - built to produce a crude image of an Earth - sized planet.
They won't provide targets for that future space telescope, unfortunately.
Future space telescopes will use similar technology to probe planets more akin to Earth, searching for signs of habitable environments and even life itself.
Using a web interface, interested scientists can, for example, select objects from the raw simulation data, process it, and even create virtual observations mimicing existing or future space telescopes.
Or, future space telescopes might even be able to pick up signatures of oxygen, water, carbon dioxide and methane — indicators that the planet might be somebody's home.
TESS will observe these brighter nearby stars for exoplanets in order to identify a list of the best targets for follow - up observations by ground - based observatories and future space telescopes.
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