Sentences with phrase «future studies they plan»

As a foundational study, the research team investigated superionic ice treating the ions as if they were classical particles, but in future studies they plan to take quantum effects into account to further understand the properties of the material.

Not exact matches

A Roth 401 (k) isn't always better financially — for example, if you work in a high - tax state now but plan to retire in a lower - tax state in the future — but for the majority of Americans, the Harvard study shows a Roth 401 (k) leads to increased spending power in retirement.
The timing for this growth is ideal, as a recent study from Better Buys found that 42 % of companies plan on leveraging mobile BI solutions in the near future.
But another study that year, by Quantum Workforce, examining feedback from more than 400,000 employees at nearly 5,000 organizations, revealed that about 25 percent were uncertain about how they fit into their organization's future plans.
According to a series of studies done from 1950 — 1980, having «clear, written goals for the future and plans to achieve them.»
Over 20 hours of videos, interactive lessons and case studies curated to help you manage your savings, plan your long term goals and invest in the future.]
I'll be unpacking more at the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion and plan to blog again on it in the near future.
To answer that question, future studies on peanut allergy are planned for much longer avoidance periods.
A week after his selection was announced by the board, Brissa pointed to two plans that will help the district define the future: a strategic plan to study offerings and a facilities plan to determine what types of buildings the district needs.
Put your sixty percent of income to your household expenditures, save ten percent of your income for the future of your child (for study purposes, etc), twenty percent of the income for long term savings like retirement plans, etc, and ten percent you can spend on anything that you need.
The village partnered with the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning for the «Homes for a Changing Region» study, which looks at future housing trends and offers recommendations on how to meet them.
The researchers say they plan to explore in future studies how other environmental factors and previous experiences, such as interactions between mother and baby, influence the way newborns process and experience pain.
In his opening and closing remarks, Peter Van Scoyoc, a Democrat serving his second term on the town board, pointed to his record, and that of the sitting board, on open space preservation, water quality protection efforts, energy efficiency, social services, obtaining grants, and planning for the future through ongoing hamlet studies and creation of a plan that accounts for rising sea level and shoreline erosion.
The study may include an analysis of ridership numbers, a review of economic development or population changes that could affect ridership and any plans for future expansion.
DOWNTOWN BROOKLYN — The Department of City Planning is rushing to rezone a 14 - block area of Williamsburg — in what could be a template for future development across the city — without properly studying the issue, the Borough President's representative said Monday night.
A research study «Changing Lives and Times» funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) at Cardiff University has explored the impact of the financial crisis on the daily lives and future plans of new fathers, finding that several men were making significant life changes.
Examples of the early successes of task force members include legally establishing its operating authority and scope of operation in the State Budget, requiring a study of re-use options of the Indian Point property, adding an additional $ 15 million to the State's Power Plant Cessation Mitigation Fund starting in 2020, extending the timeline for payments from that fund, and authorizing the HendrickHudson School District to start a reserve fund to plan for future tax impacts.
And recently, the group has begun a clinical study to predict, after one treatment, how an individual's cancer will progress, and use that prediction to plan the future course of treatment.
The study was conducted to make data about extreme events a part of the ongoing research and planning required to help communities prepare now for conditions that may be dramatically different in the not - too - distant future.
Milovancev notes that future, larger studies that categorize results by factors that might influence tumor - free margin length — such as tumor grade and location — are likely to lead to more refined preoperative surgical planning.
In the future, we plan to coordinate these experimental efforts with related experiments on LLNL's National Ignition Facility that study plasticity at even higher pressures.»
In future studies, we plan to test techniques to remove the bacteria from the ants and observe whether the compounds continue to be produced.»
Related space biology research continues aboard the space station, including recently selected studies that are planned for future launch to the orbiting laboratory.
Now that Medvigy knows what information is needed to predict what the future holds for leaf coloration, he plans to again collaborate with his colleagues at GFDL to do more sophisticated modeling based on the study results, he said.
The group is planning future studies that look at the effect of activating ERRγ in white fat cells — which they suspect could make some white fat resemble brown fat, and potentially help treat obesity and diabetes.
Future studies are planned by Chang and other School of Medicine researchers — including senior author Kenneth R. Carson, MD, PhD, an assistant professor of oncology, and Graham Colditz, MD, DrPH, a cancer expert who also is associate director of prevention and control at Siteman Cancer Center at Washington University School of Medicine and Barnes - Jewish Hospital.
Dr. Xu and his team currently are planning follow - up studies, hopeful that these could lead to a life - extending therapy for pancreatic cancer patients in the not - too - distant future.
The results from the study could be used to help public health officials to plan a more effective response to future pandemics, such as rolling out vaccines at a much earlier time and targeting specific types of vaccines at different age groups.
The findings of this study may be useful for planning future support programs for cancer patients, and can provide additional information to guide programs for people with specific cancer types.
But even if the myriad potential applications don't pan out, Ristenpart is still planning a long future in droplet studies.
Ellenbogen plans future studies to lay these mysteries to rest.
Stolk plans future studies with Knight using fine - tuned brain mapping on the actual surfaces of the brains of volunteers, so - called electrocorticography.
«Future planned studies will cover full 24 - hour periods rather than just the day shift, as well as extend the method to other ICUs.»
The researchers plan future studies to determine the exact mechanism.
Celnik cautions that this study only included chronic stroke patients and that their future research plans include conducting similar studies in acute stroke patients — those within three months of the stroke — which could yield different results.
Their study also did not incorporate other important predictors for volcanic eruptions such as earthquakes and gas output — although the researchers plan to include these measurements in future studies.
Corresponding future studies are planned to investigate these precision tailored strategies.
People who participate in social activities in their community are more likely to plan and prepare for future disasters, such as tsunamis, according to a new study published in the journal PLOS ONE.
For this reason, in the future they plan to study compounds which are found in the Périgord and Piermont truffles and are common to all types of truffles.
She notes, though, that there could have been improvements in other outcomes she didn't examine, such as publication impact, faculty retention, and service activities, and she plans to look into these further in future studies.
The team plans to study the exact composition of this chemical attractant, as well as the mechanisms of its release and reception in the future.
The study improves our understanding on future trends in river flood risk in Europe while also highlighting the need to prepare effective adaptation plans for a likely increase in the severity and frequency of floods in Europe.
Carson and his colleagues plan future studies involving PET imaging of synapses to research epilepsy and other brain disorders, including Alzheimer's disease, schizophrenia, depression, and Parkinson's disease.
In future studies, the team plans to use the model to better understand how microbes, host factors and inflammatory markers interact to produce the hallmarks of inflammatory disease in the intestine.
Future plans include studying the pathogen that causes SARS, which also doesn't require a BSL - 4 lab, before moving on to Ebola and the West African Lassa virus, which do.
In the future, OIST plans to sequence several squid species and the Okinawan octopus, which Rokhsar hopes will become a model organism for studying cephalopod biology.
«A promising future development of the project is planned to be a genetic analysis of corneal nanopattern formation on platform of a well studied Drosophila melanogaster (fruitfly) model.
Future studies are being planned to determine if a higher dose of Verapamil may be needed to be therapeutic for some patients.
In the future, the researchers plan to extend their work beyond these simple tasks of perception and into studies of long - term memory, which could have broad implications — from how we assess a presidential candidate, to if a witness is offering reliable testimony.
In the future, the researchers plan to replicate the study with football players in the current eras.
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