Sentences with phrase «future workers»

Ultimately, we should be involved in shaping our children as future workers.
The MTA's most recent proposal, to give current workers the raises recommended by the two presidential boards but seek concessions from future workers came about three weeks ago.
32 % of respondents opted for the compromise agreed with the trade unions — that current workers should retire at 60, but future workers at 65.
Education should help guide us in doing that, not just train us to optimize food, shelter, and longevity by becoming the best future workers we can be.
The authority and the workers are fighting over differences in base pay, health care costs and contributions to pensions for future workers.
On Monday, the largest public workers union, the CSEA, suspended all political endorsements and campaign contributions over the pension package, saying lawmakers traded the retirement security of future workers in exchange for new district lines, which were also passed in the all night session.
Biotech companies already train future workers in - house and through internship programs (for example, through the Biotechnology Human Resource Council).
We consider of fundamental importance to forge that awareness of the context in which we interrelate to educate future workers who have this sociability with its causes and consequences and develop their work from a holistic perspective, avoiding partial technicality that ignores that the human being is a historical subject, isolating individuals at the current time ignoring the past.
In a statement released Monday afternoon, Cohen spokesman Bill O'Reilly criticized Latimer for voting against recently enacted pension reform, which moved future workers to a Tier VI, and last year's bill capping property taxes.
Cuomo and officials from the MTA and the unions said concessions made by the unions involving future workers made the agreement affordable to the MTA.
«It's always easy for the unions to compromise on issues affecting future workers, because those workers aren't hired, aren't paying dues and aren't voting.»
State worker unions have opposed the proposed pension changes, saying future workers would see their retirement benefits reduced by as much as 40 %, or, if they choose 401k's will be subject to gyrations of the stock market.
Tensions are already simmering between the union and the governor over pension changes approved earlier in the month that will require future workers to pay more for their pensions and receive lower benefits.
Birch provided a small Rosetta stone that enabled future workers to interpret the results his methodology made possible.
«Our work on this common species helps us to understand the adaptive responses of birds to a changing climate and their constraints, and this fundamental knowledge will help future workers and managers focus their work on other species and potentially identify those species most at risk from climate change.»
A recent court ruling by the Pennsylvania Workers» Compensation Appeal Board may have significant impact on future workers» compensation cases filed in the state.
In addition, personal injury settlements generally must be approved by the workers» compensation carrier to avoid losing future workers» comp benefits.
The employee borrowing went both ways, too, with Faraday Future workers being pulled off their own projects to work on the LeSee cars.
Ensuring children can access high - quality early learning benefits the economy in two main ways: First, it supports children's development and, in turn, prepares children to be productive future workers.
Developing preventative methods to reduce student exposure, and thus protect future workers from upper extremity musculoskeletal disorders later in life, requires an... appropriate measure for upper extremity musculoskeletal disorder prevalence and related limitations for student functioning.
The Senate leader predicts that the budget will once again be on time, and that the legislature will ultimately approve Cuomo's proposal for a new pension tier with fewer benefits for future workers.
In his commentary on the implications of technological change for the future workforce, Marc S. Tucker calls our attention to several studies that replace the now - familiar vision of a «knowledge - based» information society with stark predictions of an economic wasteland for the majority of future workers (Education Week, Dec. 14, 1983).
The program is supposed to make it easier for companies to start up apprenticeship programs to train future workers, according to state Sen, Dave Valesky, a member of the IDC.
Keeping benefits ironclad may be a win for senior union leadership, but it's a loss for new and future workers who will now bear the full brunt of cuts.
Parents who entrust their children in Colorado's public schools, educators who put students» needs first, and employers who need well - educated students as future workers and consumers understand the monumental importance of getting this right.
Prendergast has said giving workers the terms of the presidential boards» recommendations would cost the agency about $ 40 million annually, but that the concessions from future workers would help make the deal more affordable in the long term and relieve pressure on the agency to increase fares.
Ask any technologist, scholar, or other expert in the future of work, and they'll likely tell you that the most critical skill for future workers will be adaptability.
Bradley believes being viewed as age friendly will serve the hospital well as it competes for future workers.
Reform would also include a way for future workers to be authorized, and the number would be calibrated according to community needs,
Cuomo also said in his State of the State message that he intends to propose a new pension Tier VI for future workers that offers fewer benefits.
Let us open great vocational schools so our future workers can learn a craft and realize their full potential.
Mayor Michael Bloomberg broadened his challenge to city workers» unions Wednesday when his administration proposed eliminating an annual $ 12,000 bonus for current police and fire retirees and workers as part of an overall plan to create a new tier of less generous benefits for future workers.
«It is fair for the taxpayers of this state to be relieved of a tremendous burden and it is fair to future workers.
Bloomberg also wants to eliminate an annual $ 12,000 bonus for current police and fire retirees and workers as part of an overall plan to create a new tier of less generous benefits for future workers.
Although Simon previously said changing wage and benefit structures for future workers could compromise the quality of employees attracted by the LIRR, he said Thursday that his concerns had to do with the «magnitude» of the MTA's proposed concessions.
The retirement age for future workers will also be raised from age 62 to age 63.
It is commendable that he, as well as numerous members of the Democratic party, believe that all current workers at minimum wage and future workers be given a more conducive living wage but in practice it would cause a greater number of current workers and perspective workers to be or remain unemployed.
The governor was reminded by a top aid that he and the legislature approved a new pension tier, so that future workers will receive fewer benefits, saving the state, as well as local governments, billions of dollars in costs in coming decades.
Also helping to create a qualified workforce are the future workers themselves.
Court tells the state it can't cut benefits for existing workers, so new and future workers will have to bear the full brunt of cuts.
The judge's ruling is a tough blow for the city's finances and could worsen the situation for new and future workers, including teachers.
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