Sentences with phrase «gain greater range of motion»

Ankles become loose from the repetitive flexion and extension of kicking, hips gain greater range of motion from the undulations in butterfly and breastroke, and shoulders hyper - rotate from the repetitive circling of the arm in every stroke.
Using dumbbells also speeds up visible results, and you gain a greater range of motion using dumbbells compared to a barbell.
Lynne Puzo, nurse manager for the Spinal Cord Injury and Disorders Center, says the new therapy pool relieves pain for patients and helps them gain greater range of motion as they recover.

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This new system will offer patients greater range of motion, variable speeds and augmented feedback, which allows users to visualize themselves walking in a variety of environments, all of which can contribute to greater functional gains.
You also get the added benefit of a greater range of motion and increased time under tension, which of course translates to better mass gains.
The thing is that shrugs don't offer a great range of motion, so it's almost impossible to achieve adequate time under tension when performing them the standard way, not to mention that going really heavy translates to fewer reps which diminishes your chances of making great gains even further.
However the research is in fact very clear — a greater range of motion leads to greater muscle hypertrophy and overall strength gains than a lesser range of motion (even allowing for the fact that you can use a heavier weight when you use a partial range of motion).
A great advantage of the band is its accommodating resistance or gaining tension through the range of motion or in this case the pull (row) towards the body.
Strength gains after partial range of motion training tend to be greatest around the joint angle at the point of peak contraction (Graves et al. 1989; 1992; Barak et al. 2004; McMahon et al. 2014), which in the squat corresponds to the longest muscle length of the prime movers (Rhea et al. 2016).
But why does partial range of motion training produce less hypertrophy, but greater joint angle - specific strength gains?
Accommodating resistance training transfers well to constant load strength, and also seems to produce greater joint angle - specific strength gains towards the middle of the exercise range of motion, greater improvements in repetition strength, and greater high - velocity strength gains.
If you are interested in gaining muscle mass, a greater range of motion or a full range of motion is associated with a higher stimulus for muscle growth.
They tested joint angles from long (90 degrees of knee flexion) to short (30 degrees of knee flexion) muscle lengths, expecting to see greater gains for the isotonic group at both ends of the range of motion, where loading was higher than in the middle.
For example, partial range of motion exercises produce greater gains in strength at partial ranges of motion than at full ranges of motion.
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