Sentences with phrase «gain in achievement»

On average, the practice of having students track their own progress was associated with a 32 percentile point gain in their achievement.
Both showed significant gains in achievement for students in smaller classes, with larger gains among minority and disadvantaged students.
How could schools improve their performance composite scores without a change in the average gains in achievement made by their students?
The general pattern among them is that programs producing large gains in achievement test outcomes are producing little or no increase in educational attainment.
Schools and teachers are accountable for how much students gain in achievement.
In my next blog we look at what the research has to say, along with an actual case from a school where common assessment has shown great gains in achievement.
Neither the district nor the state has experienced steady gains in achievement over time.
In some cases, score gains have been three to six times as large as real gains in achievement.
Should we expect similar gains in achievement from the use of minimum - competency exams?
Recent research suggests that they give an accurate picture of teacher - related gains in achievement only if students are randomly assigned to teachers.
We address three main questions: Do students attending charter schools in these grades make larger or smaller gains in achievement than they would have made in traditional public schools?
Such notable gains in academic course taking should have resulted in impressive gains in achievement.
Such low scores indicate that the majority of students will have to make large gains in achievement before they are able to pass the test.
Could they be large enough to offset the positive gains in achievement described above?
Despite gains in achievement, African American and Latino students still score significantly lower in the aggregate than white students.
Despite a half - century of data and research showing that retention does not result in long - term gains in achievement, schools continue to retain students.
Compared to controls, SEL participants demonstrated significantly improved social and emotional skills, attitudes, behavior, and academic performance that reflected an 11 - percentile - point gain in achievement.
However, previous research has shown that these teacher traits are not always associated with significant gains in achievement.
It is true that on average, an additional $ 1000 in per - pupil spending is associated with an annual gain in achievement of one - tenth of 1 percent of a standard deviation.
The same has been happening across the country as slight gains in achievement for fourth graders have stalled despite dramatic increases in testing - driven «accountability.»
We do not claim our units are ideal for all students across all settings, but in research, they did result in gains in achievement by teachers new to project - based learning, working in high - poverty settings, with limited professional development.
To benchmark this effect against the magnitude of other familiar results, it is slightly smaller than the estimated 0.1 standard deviation gain in achievement that results from being assigned to a teacher at the 85th percentile of the effectiveness distribution rather than a teacher at the median.
Have you led dramatic gains in achievement at a school or distric...
Specifically, we measure how average gains in achievement, adjusted for individual student and school characteristics, differ across principals — both in different schools and in the same school at different points in time.
Annual average improvement target of 2.5 percentage point gains in achievement on state reading and math tests between 2018 and 2025 for all students and student subgroups; plan includes goal of reaching a graduation rate of 90 percent by 2025 for all students and student subgroups
It is now clear that this strategy has produced only incremental gains in achievement and attainment, even as many other nations are leapfrogging the United States.
Online learning and «hybrid» schools are beginning to come into their own, for both quality and economic reasons, and America may finally face up to the fact that over the past half century we have reduced the student / teacher ratio from twenty - seven - to - one to fourteen - to - one with no matching gains in achievement.
In fact, charter schools in Boston and Lynn are generating gains in achievement that are large enough to close achievement gaps by race and income in a few school years.
If Angrist is finding a stronger connection that would be encouraging, but it has to be set within a larger literature that does not find gains in achievement correlated strongly with gains in attainment and earnings.
The Center for Popular Democracy (CPD) is organizing to promote Community Wrap - around Schools as a core strategy to achieve sustainable gains in achievement and improved outcomes for children in high - needs school districts.
A similar argument could be made in school settings: To get quick gains in achievement, reflection and innovation may be less important than simply executing teaching routines more effectively and implementing the curriculum more consistently.
Finally, we think that classroom participation and positive school attitudes are important early predictors of achievement - children who like school and participate more actively in classroom activities show much higher gains in achievement than do children who dislike school and evidence low levels of participation.
The broad conclusion bears repeating — in both reading and math and at all three ages tested, each of the three major racial / ethnic groups made greater gains in achievement than students did overall.
Assuming the more effective textbooks have a similar cost to the textbooks they replace, the incremental cost of the 3.6 percentile point gain in achievement would be the cost of the study itself — roughly 67 cents per student.
On the one side, she agreed with New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg to a test plan offering monetary incentives to teachers in schools whose poorest students make significant gains in achievement (see «New York City's Education Battles,» features, Spring 2008).
The report shows that the charter network has positive effects on students» academic success in math and reading, and that elementary and middle schools in particular show large gains in achievement.
After the release of the Brown Center's report in September 2000, Stephen O'Brien, the Blue Ribbon program's director, criticized both our reliance on academic achievement as the sole barometer of a good school and our reliance on absolute scores rather than gains in achievement from year to year.
At O. Perry Walker College and Career Preparatory High School, one of the first charters to open after Katrina, the mostly African - American student body has turned in dramatic gains in achievement.
«In addition to gains in achievement test scores we also saw improvements in engagement with school, such as an increase in attendance of about 2.5 weeks per year» said Jonathan Guryan, Associate Professor of Human Development and Social Policy in the Institute for Policy Research at Northwestern University and Co-director of the University of Chicago Urban Education Lab.
Noting the lack of rigorous analysis of the role principals play in determining student outcomes, the study's authors measure how average gains in achievement, adjusted for individual student and school characteristics, differ across principals - both in different schools and in the same school at different points in time.
Those who have worked with an inquiry approach find that the participants may change their beliefs and understandings about teaching and learning, change their practices, and in some instances, research has been conducted that indicates that their students gain in achievement, or at least learn what it is the teachers intend to teach.
The return to resegregated neighborhood elementary schools in Oklahoma City, after 13 years of busing for integration, has not led to the gains in achievement, parent involvement, and equity the school district had claimed, according to a report released today by researchers at the Harvard Graduate School of Education.
What they need not show is that disabled students are making gains in achievement.
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