Sentences with phrase «gain public acceptance»

A central bank digital currency could only gain public acceptance by providing a unique service that private alternatives do not offer: anonymity.
Yet how can a barely discernible, one - degree increase in the recorded global mean temperature since the late 19th century possibly gain public acceptance as the source of recent weather catastrophes?
We have seen Super Bowl advertisements and a mass media campaign to gain public acceptance.
Yet how can a barely discernible, one - degree increase in the recorded global mean temperature since the late 19th century possibly gain public acceptance as the source of recent weather catastrophes?
Before several hundred people, Bill Foster (D — IL), who is the only Ph.D. physicist in the U.S. Congress, kicked off the summit on Tuesday with a reminder that gaining public acceptance of what scientists and physicians want to do with CRISPR and similar tools is critical.
An emerging method to store global - warming carbon dioxide underground faces challenges in gaining public acceptance, especially when the global benefits carry localized costs, a new study co-authored by Indiana University researchers confirms.
As Abstract art movements and styles had not yet gained public acceptance, this program was a way for emerging artists like Tobey and Jackson Pollock (1912 - 56) to earn an income.

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U.S. advocates, where road tolls are starting to gain greater public acceptance, admit this «Big Brother» approach is likely a non-starter.
«While blockchain technologies have gained growing acceptance, encryptic currencies have raised public policy concerns, since they are anonymous, unbacked, and are highly volatile.
Mormons want it both ways and they will lie and mislead to gain superficial acceptance in public, and then they will condemn mainline Christians during their Sunday services.
The more women breastfeed without shame in public, the faster it will gain acceptance, in my view:) Babies need to be fed, breastfeeding is their birthright, and the people who think it's «gross» are the ones who need to adjust their attitudes, not us.
«If we gain the overall public acceptance of online dating, we can more than double the number of people coming to us,» Vest said.
Social media has gained a much larger acceptance with the public.
A group of independent painters deliberated whether they should conform their style to a norm in order to gain acceptance, and presumably prosperity, or whether they should continue to violate the rules of academic painting for their time, employing «impressionist» techniques which many in the public considered amateurish.
For instance, government agencies can watch the ODR market to see what systems gain acceptance, then move to incorporate successful technology into public systems.
The individual is testing the business model or legal product, educating other lawyers and the public, hoping to gain acceptance in the legal world.
Project advisor, Jacob Frenkel, the Israeli economist and chairman of JP Morgan Chase International and the G30 stated: «While Blockchain technologies have gained growing acceptance, encryptic currencies have raised public policy concerns, since they are anonymous, unbacked, and are highly volatile.
As the market not only gains traction, but public acceptance, it is becoming more popular.
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