Sentences with phrase «gain scores»

To the extent that we view reading and math gain scores as one element of teacher effectiveness, the system seems to be both keeping the right teachers and helping teachers improve.
This statistical methodology introduced a new paradigm for predicting student academic progress and comparing the prediction to the contribution of individual teachers (or value added) as measured by student gain scores.
First, using gain scores along with benchmark achievement assessments is critical.
For the most part, the criticisms have to do with random noise in measuring gain scores.
Our major interest is to help you save time and gain scores through our services.
► The journal Cell Metabolism retracted a 2014 paper in which researchers announced «that they had discovered how grizzly bears gain scores of weight before hibernation, but avoid the obesity - associated health problems,» Hanae Armitage reported in a third Tuesday ScienceInsider.
In fact, with the possible exception of minority boys from the Caribbean, schools whose student population had shifted from white working class to minority were usually schools with high gain scores.
As indices of client outcome, the residual gain scores on each subscale of the self - report measures (BSI, IES - R) were calculated.
Schools regularly calculate gain scores for each pupil and every state has a Tennessee - style value - added scoring system that spits out data on the effectiveness of its teachers, schools, and districts.
The biggest gains scores in DC came in the very first year of her tenure, and are arguably attributed more to the changes made by her predecessor than to anything that Rhee did (or could have possibly have done given her hiring date).
«We looked at gain scores and concluded that there is a significant difference for boys when put in separate classes,» says Piechura - Couture.
Just more than a year ago, researchers published a paper announcing that they had discovered how grizzly bears gain scores of weight before hibernation, but avoid the obesity - associated health problems, such as diabetes, that typically accompany such dramatic weight gain in people.
Players gain a score multiplier when continuously defeating enemies.
During the 2006 and 2008 elections, for example, Democrats held generic ballot leads in the high teens — a sign of the sweeping Senate and House gains they scored in each of those elections.
The Florida program requires participating schools to meet federal nondiscrimination requirements and state and local health and safety codes, and to administer a state - approved norm - referenced test to their FTC students (the results have been made publicly available for schools with 30 or more gain scores since 2010 - 11).
Similar gain scores are not necessarily comparable.
Student ability is controlled for by using the math gain scores as the dependent variable.
Under the new rules, private schools with 30 or more FTC scholarship students must release to the public gain scores on standardized tests for those students.
Gain scores indicated that middle school students» knowledge about club drugs and the basic neuroscience concepts that explain their effects improved significantly.
Estimates that include student fixed effects require at least three years of scores, which provide two changes in scores from one period to another, typically called gain scores (even though in some cases they are losses, not gains).
Our use of annual gain scores provides an estimate of treatment effects based on the extent to which students at each school do better or worse than would be expected, given their initial test scores.
The value - added achievement gain scores pioneered by Tennessee in the early nineties allow users to compare schools as to how much they actually improve the achievement of their students — as opposed to comparisons of simple achievement scores that mainly reflect demographics.
Because Alachua County's gain scores tend to be larger than the national average, these are more conservative estimates of years of gain than are those based on national grade equivalents.)
A focus on disaggregated gain scores would bare inequalities in achievement at all levels along the achievement scale.
Table 2 Pearson correlations between vocabulary gain score for each word and word - related variables for Gumdrop at Sea story
If, however, a school has a narrower range of student achievement levels — high or low — and high TVAAS gain scores, it may or may not be effective with students who are outside of that range.
The average of the 3 - Yr - Average NCE Gain scores reported for each school, in each subject.
Results A. Group Descriptions B. Test Results C. Gain Scores D. Demographic Comparisons 1.
These residual gain scores across the patients were correlated with their scores on the WAI - S.
Gain scores from pretest to posttest indicated that middle school students retained important information by interacting with the online material for as little as 30 minutes per adventure; however, gains for high school students were less persuasive, perhaps indicating a different learning tool or content is required for this age audience.
Eating the trapped insects will reward you with points and you'll gain a score multiplier if you eat multiple bugs without touching any other surface.
Each participant's residual gain score at each posttreatment assessment point was the deviation of the posttreatment score on that measure from the pretreatment assessment.
Upon completion of the Idaho online ticket dismissal course you are expected to gain a score of at least 80 % on the short Idaho final exam.
In our analysis, there are 68,677 students for whom the data allow us to compute at least two gain scores in math (and a similar number for the reading estimation).
The trailer asks players which way they play Pac - Man: As a Hunter who goes for ghosts to rack up points, or as a Runner, who goes for pellets to gain score, and becomes deadly once you get a power pellet?
In statistical parlance, gain scores are much noisier than level scores.
Gain scores may be influenced by factors other than school quality.
Each school will be given grades in six areas: (i) pupil academic progress (gain scores); (ii) pupil attainment (of particular academic goals); (iii) the narrowing of gaps of high and low pupils in particular categories (low SES, minority, gender); (iv) parent opinions of the school's quality; (v) teacher and staff opinions of the school quality; and (vi) pupil opinions of the school quality.
A gain score is the difference between two test scores, each of which is subject to measurement error.
The result: the proportion of a gain score that represents measurement error is magnified vis - à - vis the initial scores.
A gain score of zero indicates that a student has kept pace with the average student in the state, while a student with a gain score of 0.25 standard deviations will have improved his or her performance by enough to exceed roughly 10 percent of the state's students.
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