Sentences with phrase «gained insight»

While working so closely with local families, the organization gained insight into the true needs of families and identified the necessity for improved parenting skills as an issue in the local community and beyond.
The proclamation of the good news of divine love, of the forgiveness of sin and the deliverance from evil; exhortation to lead the Christian life; instruction of young and old in the Christian faith — these evidently require not only that the minister have heard and apprehended the gospel, comprehended the law and learned the creed, but that he have gained insight into the ways of God and men and that he grow continually in his understanding of them; that further he have grasped the meaning of preaching and teaching in relation to all the other activities he and the Church carry on.
Jheron, you said, «Maybe if you saw more pieces of artwork that made you think or question, you may have gained insight, and therefore may not be a Catholicmom.»
I also gained insight into why, in many Muslims» view, religious forms of governance are preferable to democratic regimes.
We gained some insight in to their process regarding exchange integrations.
We gained insight into what they are feeling and thinking as they go through the process.
And in conversations with a few of the key players at HMS and the filmmakers, I gained insight into how your small business should approach this kind of opportunity.
Ask questions to gain insight into whether these individuals understand your business model and why they want to work for you.
You will be able to gain insight into which employees are most productive, employees who take the most vacation time, and similar information that can help in your labor planning.
Reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian floated the idea for a documentary series earlier this year under the r / futurology subreddit to gain insight into what Redditors are interested in and rally early support, reported the Verge.
Listening to his customers and learning about how they plan their events — ranging from concerts to fundraisers has helped him gain insight and expertise on how to host a successful event that he is always eager to share.
-- Suhail Doshi, CEO of Mixpanel, an analytics platform for mobile and web that helps companies gain insights into user activity and leverage this data to build better products.
Use these resources, which are often free, to gain insight on topics such as when to expand, when to seek credit and the types of loans available to small businesses.
To get to your answer, follow this five - step analysis that I used to gain insight to answer the question for myself and clarify my «claim to fame».
I had the opportunity to gain insights from several industry experts and SME / startup executives about their own reasons for advising businesses to pursue VC despite all odds, or to bootstrap and forego external financial security in favor of greater autonomy.
Expand on the pool of data you're already collecting to gain insights specific to your customer base.
By following your employees on Twitter and other social outlets, you'll gain insights about how they collaborate, what issues they care about and how they support one another.
If you can't directly survey the people you are trying to reach, you can gain insight into their language online: Read the same publications or blogs they do; listen in on conversations on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn; and use keyword research tools (like Google AdWords or Keyword Discovery) to see exactly what terms people are using in searches.
By contextualizing data, it allows a wider variety of people to gain insight, increasing data awareness and use.
Shifting from TCO awareness to understanding and measurement is critical for midsize business owners to gain insight into the dollars they're putting behind employees and their impact on the bottom line.
To gain insight into the best strategies for working with and for a narcissist, I tapped my dear friend Robert Weiss, the senior vice president for clinical development at Elements Behavioral Health, an accomplished author and world - renowned speaker on sex and intimacy in the digital age.
The Coinbase tie - up is a convenience for customers, but also lets Fidelity gain insight into how many how investors are interested in cryptocurrency.
Fidelity's mining operations aren't the only way the company is gaining insights into cryptocurrency.
Often, you don't have to cross the ocean to gain insight and perspective.
Over time, you'll gain the insights you need to drive conversions from each of your pages.
As for Jobs, reports of Zuckerberg's relationship with him resurfaced last year, in the wake of news that Zuckerberg, early in the Facebook era, had gained insights and wisdom from a month - long trip to India.
Amy Lewallen advises that you insist on being put in contact with struggling owners as well as successful ones, so you can gain insight into the real challenges of the business and evaluate your own ability to respond to them.
It can also provide you with an opportunity to gain insight on other products and services that you can offer to gain new business.
To gain insight into this emerging trend, BI Intelligence conducted an exclusive Global IoT Executive Survey on the impact of the IoT on companies around the world.
«City officials may not understand that they will get access to very little of what Google learns from their citizens... Meanwhile, Google will be gaining insights about urban life — including energy use, transit effectiveness, climate mitigation strategies, and social service delivery patterns — that it will then be able to resell to cities around the world.
Take some time to focus on who you are as a leader (even if you're not technically in charge) and you may see that others at your company are gaining insight from your example.
Customization helps companies gain insights from customized designs and fine - tune products to stay one step ahead of the competition.
Listen to gain insight about why a prospect is (or isn't) interested in your pitch, which can be valuable ammunition for later.
Are you looking to gain insight into your current customer base?
You can also gain insight about your audience using Q&A, bookmarking icons, link builder, wordtracker, Google Adwords and so on.
This service allows even the smallest startups to gain insight and use data in a way that was once reserved for enterprises with investments in staff and servers built to crunch numbers.
The tracking pixel will help you measure conversions, optimize your ads and targeting, and gain insights about the Facebook users visiting your website.
Gaining these insights takes surprisingly little additional effort.
If anything, he fears ISIS takes the risks seriously and gains insight from the hacking strategies.
Filmed on location in Red Bank, New Jersey at the site of the JBJ Soul Kitchen and on the streets of Philadelphia, the viewer will gain an insight into the real Jon Bon Jovi as he gives an incredibly honest interview revealing the man behind the rock star image.
Online resources make it easier than ever to gain insight into who will be in your audience and what they're all about.
I'd also suggest that after a significant win you may want to interview the key players to gain insights into the reasons for the win.
Rather than reexperiencing their ever fading adolescence, those CEOs are desperately trying to gain insight into the widely touted, white - hot teen - consumer market.
According to a study conducted by Experian, when it comes to their personalization efforts, 40 % of brand marketers struggle with gaining insights quickly enough and 39 % don't have access to sufficient information.
Perhaps more importantly, emerging businesses can work in close proximity to other innovators and thus build new connections and collaborate and gain insight organically.
Web analytics, search marketing and social media provide incredible opportunities to gain insight, but it's become increasingly difficult to learn from the information or to apply it practically.
This allowed him to gain insight into how to better serve his potential customers.
Additionally, free webinars are held often, helping you gain insight into featured topics.
Bernard Marr, a global enterprise performance expert and a best - selling business author, writes in a LinkedIn post that the reason some interviewers like to ask about weaknesses is to gain insight into how self - aware you are.
Stay ahead of the curve and gain insight into the latest news & trends.
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