Sentences with phrase «gains in test scores on»

First, we identified the set of classrooms most likely to have cheated, based on the prevalence of suspicious answer strings and unusual gains in test scores on the initial spring 2002 exam.
The report by the NRC committee claims that gains in test scores on the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) between 2007 and 2009 were no better than in the ten other school districts for which comparable data is available.

Not exact matches

But ever since becoming a federally funded turnaround school in 2010, these meetings have become cherished time for the teachers and, according to Nolan, one of the key reasons their elementary school — once one of the lowest achieving in Boston — has seen significant gains on test scores.
When comparable samples and measuring sticks are used, the improvement in test scores for black students from attending a small class based on the Tennessee STAR experiment is about 50 percent larger than the gain from switching to a private school based on the voucher experiments in New York City, Washington, D.C., and Dayton, Ohio.
A less narrow concept of school quality (currently limited to short - term gains in test scores alone) is essential to refocus the movement on its ultimate object: setting children on a path for lives of self - sufficiency, upward mobility, and engaged citizenship.
In addition, the differences in test - score gains between bottom - and top - quartile students on each non-cognitive skill amount to almost a full year's worth of learning in math over the middle school yearIn addition, the differences in test - score gains between bottom - and top - quartile students on each non-cognitive skill amount to almost a full year's worth of learning in math over the middle school yearin test - score gains between bottom - and top - quartile students on each non-cognitive skill amount to almost a full year's worth of learning in math over the middle school yearin math over the middle school years.
In 1998, Florida scored about one grade level below the national average on the 4th - grade NAEP reading test, but it was scoring above that average by 2003, and made further gains in subsequent years (see Figure 1In 1998, Florida scored about one grade level below the national average on the 4th - grade NAEP reading test, but it was scoring above that average by 2003, and made further gains in subsequent years (see Figure 1in subsequent years (see Figure 1).
This statistically significant difference of -0.23 standard deviations is in the opposite direction of that expected, based on the student - level relationships between self - control and test - score gains displayed above.
He is currently directing studies that will explore new methods for evaluating gains in scores on high - stakes tests and evaluate the use of value - added models in educational accountability systems.
Figures 1a, 1b, and 1c compare the average number of absences, the share of students who were suspended, and the average test - score gains between fourth and eighth grade of students who ranked in the bottom - and top - quartile on each skill.
Jay accuses the foundation of failing to disclose the limited power of classroom observation scores in predicting future test score gains over and above what one would predict based on value - added scores alone.
An analysis of test score gains made by students in 49 countries which was published in Ed Next last year found that students in the U.S. were not on track to close the global achievement gap.
These new systems depend primarily on two types of measurements: student test score gains on statewide assessments in math and reading in grades 4 - 8 that can be uniquely associated with individual teachers; and systematic classroom observations of teachers by school leaders and central staff.
According to an analysis by Eric Hanushek, Ludger Woessmann and Paul Peterson, Indiana was toward the back of the pack when it came to test score gains on the National Assessment of Educational Progress in reading, math, and science from the early 1990s until today.
Results from a new report on test scores show the nation's students making modest gains in math and science in recent years, while failing to significantly increase their reading and writing performance.
In addition to dipping into his private fortune for unlimited campaign ads touting his test score gains, he has total control of a $ 15 billion education empire that doles out jobs and no - bid contracts to potential critics and spends millions on a well - oiled public relations machine, but spends nothing on independent research or evaluation of classroom programs.
And the situation is even worse because most regulators making decisions about what choice schools should be opened, expanded, or closed are not relying on rigorously identified gains in test scores — they just look primarily at the levels of test scores and call those with low scores bad.
In our study, the teachers with larger gains on low - cost state math tests also had students with larger gains on the Balanced Assessment in Mathematics, a more - expensive - to - score test designed to measure students» conceptual understanding of mathematicIn our study, the teachers with larger gains on low - cost state math tests also had students with larger gains on the Balanced Assessment in Mathematics, a more - expensive - to - score test designed to measure students» conceptual understanding of mathematicin Mathematics, a more - expensive - to - score test designed to measure students» conceptual understanding of mathematics.
In our new study, published today in Education Next, my colleagues and I found that only 22 percent of teachers were evaluated based on test score gains in the four urban school districts we studieIn our new study, published today in Education Next, my colleagues and I found that only 22 percent of teachers were evaluated based on test score gains in the four urban school districts we studiein Education Next, my colleagues and I found that only 22 percent of teachers were evaluated based on test score gains in the four urban school districts we studiein the four urban school districts we studied.
In the end, our analysis of charter school effectiveness is based on the experiences of only those students for whom we observe annual gains (whether positive or negative) in test scores at least once in a charter school and at least once in a traditional public schooIn the end, our analysis of charter school effectiveness is based on the experiences of only those students for whom we observe annual gains (whether positive or negative) in test scores at least once in a charter school and at least once in a traditional public schooin test scores at least once in a charter school and at least once in a traditional public schooin a charter school and at least once in a traditional public schooin a traditional public school.
We estimate that improvement from the 25th to the 75th percentile of test - score change — that is, moving from a loss of 4 percentile points to a gain of 3.8 percentile points between 1999 and 2000 — produced on average an increase of 3 percentage points in an incumbent's vote share.
The council's Beating the Odds VI report, a city - by - city analysis of student performance, recently revealed that urban students» scores on state assessments in reading and math as well as on the more rigorous federal test — the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)-- are rising, with urban students making the most gains in mathematics.
According to another popular theory, additional spending on education will yield gains in test scores.
Participation in afterschool programs is influencing academic performance in a number of ways, including better attitudes toward school and higher educational aspirations; higher school attendance rates and lower tardiness rates; less disciplinary action, such as suspension; lower dropout rates; better performance in school, as measured by achievement test scores and grades; significant gains in academic achievement test scores; greater on - time promotion; improved homework completion; and deeper engagement in learning.
A Sacramento Bee story, Smaller Classes Post Gains on Test (11/25/97), reports that test scores have risen and discipline problems have decreased in the San Juan Unified DistrTest (11/25/97), reports that test scores have risen and discipline problems have decreased in the San Juan Unified Distrtest scores have risen and discipline problems have decreased in the San Juan Unified District.
On the Nation's Report Card's main tests, 4th and 8th grade reading and math scored gains in 49 of 50 states.
He notes that his policy is based on the efforts of North Carolina, where significant gains were made in test scores last year.
Recent studies using lottery data — that is, comparing applicants who gained a seat in a charter school versus those who were turned away — show positive impacts on student test scores.
What explains the positive impacts of private schools on the amount of schooling students complete, even in the absence of test - score gains?
She also wrongly asserts that students from the Calvary Christian school would need to score in the top 4 percent of the SAT II (now called SAT Subject Tests) to gain admittance based on test scores.
In states that had genuine alternative certification, test - score gains on the NAEP exceeded those in the other states by 4.8 points and 7.6 points in 4th - and 8th - grade math, respectivelIn states that had genuine alternative certification, test - score gains on the NAEP exceeded those in the other states by 4.8 points and 7.6 points in 4th - and 8th - grade math, respectivelin the other states by 4.8 points and 7.6 points in 4th - and 8th - grade math, respectivelin 4th - and 8th - grade math, respectively.
In February 2012, the New York Times took the unusual step of publishing performance ratings for nearly 18,000 New York City teachers based on their students» test - score gains, commonly called value - added (VA) measures.
So, he asks «whether regulators are any good at identifying which schools will contribute to test score gains» and then says this: «The bottom line is that none of the factors used by authorizers to open or renew charter schools in New Orleans were predictive of how much test score growth these schools could produce later on
In 2001 Governor Davis also provided $ 667 million in school - performance awards for test - score gains on the Stanford In 2001 Governor Davis also provided $ 667 million in school - performance awards for test - score gains on the Stanford in school - performance awards for test - score gains on the Stanford 9.
The first and most rigorous of the studies, by Dan Goldhaber and Emily Anthony of the Urban Institute, found that on average North Carolina students in grades 3 - 5 whose teachers were board certified scored 7 to 15 percent higher on tests than students whose teachers attempted but failed to gain certification.
In addition, all Florida schools are graded from A to F based on the share of their student bodies that scores at high levels on the FCAT and experiences gains in their test scores from year to yeaIn addition, all Florida schools are graded from A to F based on the share of their student bodies that scores at high levels on the FCAT and experiences gains in their test scores from year to yeain their test scores from year to year.
«We find that following a ban on phone use, student test scores improve by 6.41 %... our results indicate that there are no significant gains in student performance if a ban is not widely complied with,» Beland and Murphy write in the LSE paper.
In the state's annual reports on test score gains, the researcher has repeatedly taken note of the lower average income for scholarship students.
Research by Marty West and colleagues of no excuses charter schools in Boston found large gains in test scores but also significantly lowered student performance on noncognitive measures.
Oregon has settled on an approach to evaluating teachers based in part by their students» test score gains, officials announced Monday.
Consequently, many states now claim dramatic improvement in their test scores, but these gains are not reflected on the tests given every other year by the federal government.
In the work released Wednesday, researchers assess whether these test score gains are actually putting students on a path to better lives or simply the result of charter schools» effectiveness in «teaching to the test» for the MCAIn the work released Wednesday, researchers assess whether these test score gains are actually putting students on a path to better lives or simply the result of charter schools» effectiveness in «teaching to the test» for the MCAin «teaching to the test» for the MCAS.
And many states defied the theory [that «additional spending on education will yield gains in test scores»] by showing gains even when they did not commit much in the way of additional resources.»
For alternative schools like Sunshine, the state calculates those ratings based on gains in test scores.
Unfortunately, the author of this blog fails to mention that the Gates study relies on score gains on standardized tests to compare to other measures in order to test for reliability.
First, we made a straightforward comparison of the average test - score gains in classrooms run by TFA and non-TFA teachers, controlling for a variety of factors known to influence academic achievement, including students» backgrounds, the students» previous performance on the TAAS, characteristics of their schools, and characteristics of their classmates.
For example, research on a privately funded school voucher program in New York City provides some evidence in favor of a link existing between test scores and longer - term outcomes, where vouchers raised test score gains and increased the likelihood of graduating from high school and enrolling in college.
Even though more women and girls are getting college degrees and scoring in the top ranks on national math tests than was the case in the 1970s, their academic gains have not come at the expense of boys, says a report by the American Association of University Women.
Earlier program evaluation reports for Louisiana showed that voucher students made significantly lower gains on math and reading test scores in the first year (27 percentile points and 17 percentile points lower, respectively) than students who applied for vouchers but were not awarded them through the lottery.
While the effects that math and English teachers have on students» test scores in the year that they have them similarly persists in their own subject in subsequent years, the gains in English scores due to English teachers have far greater effects on students» subsequent math performance than the gains in math scores due to math teachers have on students» subsequent English performance.
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