Sentences with phrase «gait imbalances»

If not properly treated (which often is the case) then continuing to walk on the injured ankle will cause gait imbalances and soon you may develop trigger points (from muscle imbalances) in your knee, and / or elsewhere.
This also allows these practitioners to understand abnormal patterns (such as gait imbalances) that have developed from the trigger points and the order in which they are best corrected.
But I have dealt with many people who say their bones aren't lining up correctly or moving correctly and it's because of muscle imbalances, ligament and tendon problems, and / or gait imbalances.
Point is, the pain is / was coming from muscle imbalances from chronic gait imbalances and compensations — for her, the last 40 years — for you, the past 20 years.
If my arch is collapsed in one foot but not the other one isn't it going to cause a gait imbalance?
Your calf may work harder than what it used to on one leg because of the gait imbalance, or your hamstring may work more because your quad isn't functioning correctly due to the gait and joint disturbances caused by the dietary imbalances; these nutritional dysfunctions affect your nervous system that, in turn, affect the muscles.
Four is the gait imbalance.

Not exact matches

• Keep both hands on the stroller at all times to avoid imbalanced gait and possible injury to the back and shoulders.
Hormonal imbalances bring on nausea, your gait changes causing muscle pain, the ligatures in your pelvis begin to stretch bringing aches that seem to go on forever...
While extreme gait anomalies may indicate muscle imbalances, which may require orthotics, most foot idiosyncrasies can be overcome with appropriate shoes.
You can discover a lot about you own imbalances just by tuning into your gait and noticing how you apply pressure in each of your feet.
Tightness in this muscle can cause lower back pain, leg pain or other imbalances in gait.
Observing posture and gait, and considering the health and fitness history are two ways of observing both types of muscle imbalance.
I recall my days as a student, learning about muscle imbalance and which muscles perform specific movements, and the imbalances that cause slight irregularities in gait.
I did the Running Injury Prevention Quick Start Program, which is a private hour - and - a-half session that identifies inefficiencies in your running gait by evaluating posture, cadence, foot strike, stride, flexibility, movement patterns and muscle imbalances.
For example and in addition to the problems noted above, it also offers an approach to treat the «weak» muscle (s) of a TMJ problem; it provides a way to directly improve brain function, which in turn can correct many muscle imbalances that effect posture and gait; and, it can often eliminate the need to treat various other elements commonly employed in various muscle testing - based techniques, reducing treatment time.
These include poor mechanical (such as an altered gait), metabolic stress (reduced fat - burning) or hormone imbalance (such as an increase in the stress hormone cortisol).
A key feature of both approaches is the use of manual muscle testing, along with posture and gait analysis, to help determine the neuromuscular cause of the imbalance.
They can occur without obvious trauma, and are often due to muscle imbalance interfering with weight bearing, gait, and other movement.
Even if you're doing all the right things — performing your brief barefoot jog, using the correct flat - sole shoes during the rest of your workout and throughout the day — muscle imbalance can interfere with a more efficient gait.
So a recipe for injury can be found in an athlete with muscle imbalance leading to gait irregularity and finally a local injury to a muscle or joint — along the way, reductions in performance also occur.
However, it was becoming evident that athletes who used the 220 Formula to calculate their daily training heart rate showed poor gait, increased muscle imbalance, and other problems following a workout.
So you need to find the balance between what is going to heal you up the fastest and not cause a problem in your gait, or other muscle imbalances.
A gait disturbance is another very common reason for a person to have muscular imbalances and joint dysfunctions leading them to seek out help and orthotics.
It's these muscle imbalances that cause injures, either locally or elsewhere in your body — especially if they affect how you move (your gait).
High arches and foot imbalances need to be addressed for you to correct the gait — and there's no orthotic that will do that for you.
Dysfunction of the abdominals is a common cause of posture and gait irregularities, muscle imbalance, and related back, neck, pelvis, shoulder, and other injuries.
Common injuries: Repetitive strain or overuse injuries, which can be caused by going too hard too fast, wearing poorly fitting or inappropriate footwear, muscle imbalances or gait pattern.
Nails that are too long can affect the dog's gait and cause imbalance and muscle strain.
Any exaggeration or imbalance between the front and hind assembly will clearly affect the profile when gaiting.
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