Sentences with phrase «gait pattern»

A "gait pattern" refers to the way someone walks or moves their legs and body while walking. Full definition
«Would changing gait pattern decrease your likelihood of running injuries?.»
Orthopaedic literature, however, has demonstrated that with less - cushioned footwear, runners spontaneously transition from the RFS to the FFS gait pattern.
Normal gait patterns like walking and running are also included in some functional exercise routines.
The ReWalk exoskeleton allows user - initiated, independent, controlled walking that mimics the natural gait pattern.
«Compensatory strategies have a negative effect on gait pattern,» noted Dr. Nolan, research scientist.
At this point Dr Anderson started to go way over my head, talking about asymmetry in the positioning of the diaphragm, how the ribs of each side of the body move independently of one another, how breathing can influence gait pattern etc..
Irregular and varied surfaces (insert preferred heart icon)-- such as trail running, increases the risk of traumatic injuries while, on the plus side, increasing proprioception, a varied gait pattern and cadence.
Exercises included raising the toes (dorsiflexion) during the forward swing of the leg, kicking off the floor with the ball of the foot, walking with directional changes, and gait pattern variations.
So — make sure you're wearing running shoes (go to a running shoe store and have them help you choose a pair that supports your particular gait pattern).
The movement of the treadmill increases the stance phase of the gait (increased weight bearing) allowing your pet to build muscle mass, increase range of motion, and receive necessary sensory feedback to promote correct gait patterning.
Hip pain, stiffness, abnormal gait patterns, an audible «clicking» sound while walking, and a reluctance to exercise are all possible signs of hip dysplasia.
«Evidence to date shows that changing gait patterns, not shoe selection, is the best intervention to lower the injury prevalence in runners.
Transition from a RFS to FFS gait pattern should be a gradual process — over many months.
Now the physiotherapist can start the rehabilitation program with range of motion exercises without bodyweight, teaching a normal gait pattern and giving a heel raise to limit forced dorsiflexion in walking.
An abrupt switching of gait patterns can lead to an increase in other repetitive stress injuries if not done correctly.
We'll head out on a walk and assess your gait pattern.
But you shouldn't have to force a gait pattern.
«Even for each individual, gait pattern will evolve as running skills do.»
«Therefore since your mass is the same no matter whether you're contacting heel first or forefoot first, the force will simply be redistributed to a different area of your body when you change from one gait pattern to another.
«Changing from one's naturally adopted gait pattern to another gait pattern has not been shown consistently to result in a reduced injury rate — simply a change in the location of the injury,» says Hamilton.
Common injuries: Repetitive strain or overuse injuries, which can be caused by going too hard too fast, wearing poorly fitting or inappropriate footwear, muscle imbalances or gait pattern.
This affects dog's gait pattern and coordination.
Gait patterns that may indicate CHD include a shortened stride, bunny hopping, a left to right shift of the pelvis, or an elliptical swing to the leg and hip.
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