Sentences with word «galactans»

I was nervous at first that my stomach wouldn't like the reintroduction of fermented soy after doing some time away from it (FODMAPS elimination phase), but after lengthy (read: exhausting) food trials with galactans (beans, peas, soy, etc.), I've determined miso and tempeh aren't problematic for me personally *.
As I mentioned before, I try to avoid mixing FODMAPS, especially galactans.
Finally, there's oligosaccharides, including galactans, raffinose and fructans.
I seem to be intol to fructan / galactan group only.
■ Galactans: Complex sugars prominent in dried peas and beans, soybeans, soy milk, broccoli, cabbage and brussels sprouts.
These include carrageenan, fucan, galactan, and many more.
Research suggests that many IBS sufferers are sensitive to these types of carbohydrates — including fructose (found in fruits and honey), lactose (in dairy), fructans (in wheat, garlic, and onions), galactans (in legumes), and polyols (used as artificial sweeteners and found in stone fruits like apricots, cherries, and nectarines).
FODMAPs (which include fructose, lactose, galactans and polyols) are sugars that are either poorly absorbed in your small intestine or completely indigestible.
FODMAPs include the following: fructans (found in wheat, rye, onion, garlic, artichokes, asparagus, and chocolate), fructose (found in honey, fruits, high fructose corn syrup), galactans (beans, lentils, and legumes, such as soy), polyols (found in apples, apricots, cherries, nectarines, peaches, pears, prunes, watermelon, blackberries, avocados, mushrooms, and artificial sweeteners, such as mannitol, soribtol, and xylitol), and lactose (dairy).
Oligosaccharides: Fructans and Galactans, found in foods such as wheat, onion, garlic, barley and rye.
... but raspberries are low in almost all types of FODMAPs, including fructose, polyols, and galactans, raffinose, and sugar alcohols.
Galactans: These are oligosaccharides (short chains of sugars) that are abundant in beans.
It avoids carbohydrates high in fructose, lactose, fructans, galactans, and polyols.
These sugars are also commonly known as fructose, lactose, and galactans.
I adhere to a modified FODMAP diet (modified in the sense that what I personally need to avoid are the Galactans [beans, lentils -RCB-, and some fructans [garlic, onions, broccoli, cabbage]....
Then there's galactans, a combination of raffinose and stachyose, which function very similarly.
The main oligosaccharides are raffinose, galactans, and fructans.
However, if you are sensitive to fructose, it is possible that you also react to other similar short - chain carbohydrates, such as fructans, polyols and galactans, found in other vegetables, such as cabbage, onions, garlic, broccoli and cauliflower.
Galactans are a chief FODMAP in beans such as lentils, chickpeas and red kidney beans.
They include sugars like fructose and lactose, but also less famous carbs like fructans and galactans.
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