Sentences with phrase «galactic center region»

This illustration shows the connection between measurements of the galactic center region from the H.E.S.S. observatory in the TeV energy range and the derived flux upper limit from the Pierre Auger Observatory in the EeV energy range.
Furthermore, particle flux upper limits are reported from selected candidate sources such as the galactic center region.

Not exact matches

As our solar system slowly orbits around the galactic center, the sun's ultraviolet radiation carves out an egg - shaped region of ionized hydrogen atoms surrounded by neutral hydrogen gas.
The results indicate that for the Milky Way and other spiral galaxies, the most dangerous regions are in the galactic centers, whereas the more diffuse spiral arms pose fewer hazards and are therefore more hospitable to life.
«What I see in the control regions looks just like what I see in the galactic center,» says astrophysicist Andrea Albert of Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, one of the researchers who worked on the analysis.
From this perspective, astronomers have been actively working on the starburst regions of galaxies (* 1) and the active galactic nuclei (AGN) at the center of galaxies, which are called circumnuclear disks (CND)(* 2).
Blazars are active galactic nuclei — energetic regions surrounding massive black holes at the centers of galaxies.
Another idea floating around is that FRBs are emitted by active galactic nuclei, or AGNs — superluminous regions at the centers of some galaxies.
Region in galactic center containing the Arches Cluster and Bubbles, the Quintuplet Cluster, and the Pistol Nebula and Star (more from Andrea Moneti) and Moneti et al, 2001).
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