Sentences with phrase «galactogogues like»

Not much clinical research has been done as far as how and why different galactagogues work — especially herbal galactogogues like fenugreek and blessed thistle.
In a different lecture, Smillie shared techniques that she felt were the most useful (massage and hand expression, less so galactogogues like Domperidone and fenugreek).
If its a question of milk supply there is such a thing as galactogogues like oatmeal and fenegreek to increase supply.

Not exact matches

Fenugreek is one of the most popular galactogogues, but some mothers report that it makes their babies fussy (not to mention it can cause you to smell like maple syrup).
Once you've established the milk supply, then you've pretty much got what your milk base is going to be, but you can always increase it marginally, You can try pumping a little bit more often, you can try feeding more often, you can try herbal galactogogue, especially ones like Goat's Rue that contain some type of a balancing effect on your hormones.
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