Sentences with phrase «galaxies like»

In Super Mario Galaxy and Super Mario Galaxy 2, pits often take the form of black holes, appearing in island - like galaxies like Beach Bowl Galaxy or Matter Splatter Galaxy.
Astronomer Vera Cooper Rubin found over decades of radio observations that the rotational velocity of clouds of ionized hydrogen (HII regions) in spiral galaxies like the Milky Way was not decreasing at increasing distance from their galactic cores, like the velocity of the planets around the Sun.
Previous studies of stellar rings around other galaxies suggest that a substantial portion of galaxies like the Milky Way are formed by a lot of smaller galaxies mixing together, according to SDSS team co-leader Heidi Jo Newberg.
ALEX JI: I had spent some time looking at stars in other galaxies like this, and in every one of those, the content of this type of element — which we call r - process elements — was very low.
In contrast, looking at galaxies like Reticulum II is like digging into a coherent, subterranean layer and finding a collection of artifacts that are all telling the same story...
Many articles were published reporting evidence that spiral nebulae were separate galaxies like our own and at significant distances.
Megamasers are intensely bright, around 100 million times brighter than the masers found in galaxies like the Milky Way.
Stellar haloes are a common component of galaxies like the Milky Way.
«I think this is the craziest thing because before we could only see singular stars from nearby galaxies like Andromeda or Milky Way,» said Patrick Kelly, a University astrophysics professor who led the international team of scientists.
Targeting bright giants, the method allows to obtain simultaneous age and chemical abundance information far deeper than would be possible with asteroseismology, extending the possible survey volume to remote regions of the Milky Way and even to neighbouring galaxies like Andromeda or the Magellanic Clouds already with present instrumentation, like VLT and Keck facilities.
«It appears that the young stars in the early galaxies like EGS - zs8 - 1 were the main drivers for this transition, called reionization,» said study co-author, Rychard Bouwens of the Leiden Observatory, Leiden, Netherlands.
«The protocluster will very likely grow into a massive cluster of galaxies like the Coma cluster, which weighs more than a quadrillion suns,» said Purdue University astrophysicist Dr. Kyoung - Soo Lee, who initially spotted the protocluster and is one of the authors in this study.
Galaxies like our own have relatively neat disk structures, but NGC 6240 smears swaths of gas 30,000 light years into space.
He said the latest finding challenged a long - held theory among cosmologists and theoreticians that there were thousands of dwarf galaxies in all directions around these large galaxies like bees swarming around a hive.
Halos of dark matter are thought to envelop galaxies like the Milky Way.
Star formation and evolution in galaxies like our Milky Way have distinct characteristics that are only now being surveyed and understood.
Theory predicts the formation of many dwarf galaxies like the one imaged here, LEDA 677373.
If we could find other systems that look like the LMC — SMC — Milky - Way system, we might be able to learn more about pairs of dwarf galaxies and how they interact near the halos of large galaxies like the Milky Way.
«Dwarf spheroidal galaxies like Sculptor are some of the most dark matter dominated objects we know of in the Universe,» says Helmi.
Galaxies like our own Milky Way are embedded inside this web, but fill only a tiny fraction of its volume.
«Dwarf galaxies like the LMC probably retained this same youthful makeup because of their relatively low masses, which severely throttles back the pace of star formation.»
«We have no idea how galaxies like Dragonfly 44 could have formed,» said Abraham.
Dark matter - dominated galaxies like Triangulum II are excellent prospects for detecting the gamma - ray signal from dark matter self - annihilation.
Abraham said the team had no idea how galaxies like this could have formed.
In fact, many of the things we know about the nature of galaxies like the Milky Way were learned by studying Andromeda, since the overall features of our own galaxy are disguised by our internal vantage point.
This discovery is momentous because dwarf galaxies like the LMC tend to have a lower abundance of the heavy elements that make up complex organic molecules — most importantly, oxygen, carbon, and nitrogen.
The galaxy, which has been extensively observed using the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope, the Hubble Space Telescope and NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory, is exhibiting behavior that defies our understanding of how galaxies like Markarian 1018 should behave.
In galaxies like the Milky Way, dense gas traced by HCN but composed mainly of hydrogen molecules is always associated with regions of active star formation.
«Dwarf spheroidal» galaxies like KKs3 have no spiral arms and lack any gas or dust, the substances needed to create new stars.
Until the 1920s it remained unanswered whether these were gaseous nebulae within our own galaxy, or separate «island universes» (i.e., galaxies like our own).
Ultra-diffuse galaxies (UDGs) are notable for their extreme low surface brightness nature and extended radii; they have the stellar mass and appearance of dwarf spheroidal galaxies but the stellar radii of larger galaxies like the Milky Way.
In the current narrative of how galaxies like our own Milky Way formed, cosmologists postulate they were once fed from a vast reservoir of pristine hydrogen in the intergalactic medium, which permeates the vast expanses between galaxies.
«We have no idea how galaxies like Dragonfly 44 could have formed,» pointed out Abraham.
Galaxies like to group together and those groups, in turn, congregate together.
Galaxies like the Milky Way have some 30 times more dark matter than normal matter.
«Although the galaxies in our sample existed a few billion years after reionization, it's presumed that galaxies like these, or possibly some of these galaxies, did play a big role in reionization,» Siana said.
Some galaxies like our own are predicted to have about 30 times more dark matter than normal matter, whereas dwarf galaxies can have up to 400 times more.
But for large black holes, like the supermassive objects at the cores of galaxies like the Milky Way, which weigh tens of millions if not billions of times the mass of a star, crossing the event horizon would be, well, uneventful.
They believe that galaxies like the ones in Stephan's Quintet, superimposed behind them, beget other galaxies.
Large galaxies like the Milky Way are thought to have supermassive black holes at their cores.
Even so, he suspects the rare events are the main way many black holes put on weight, because mature galaxies like the Milky Way have little extra gas at their cores.
Giant galaxies like the Milky Way grew by absorbing smaller ones.
«These appear to be the newborn versions of typical «adult» galaxies like our Milky Way,» Heckman says.
BIGGEST PILEUP Massive galaxies like ours usually form when smaller galaxies collide.
It was once possible to confuse faint dwarf galaxies like Segue 2 with globular clusters — tightly bound clumps of stars that are also known to orbit larger galaxies like the Milky Way.
But light from nearby bright stars can drown out dimmer galaxies like the 72 new ones, none of which contain stars Hubble can see.
«Dwarf galaxies are the building blocks for galaxies like the Milky Way,» Governato notes.
Large galaxies like the Milky Way can contain several hundred billion stars, but Sculptor is home to just a few million.
«CDM predicts that galaxies like the Milky Way should be orbited by tens of thousands of clumps of dark matter,» says Beth Willman, an astronomer at Haverford College.
In one of the most comprehensive multi-observatory galaxy surveys yet, astronomers find that galaxies like our Milky Way underwent a stellar «baby boom,» churning out stars at a prodigious rate, about 30 times faster than today.
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