Sentences with phrase «galaxies near the centre»

M89 (top - right) is another of the large elliptical galaxies near the centre of the Virgo cluster.
NGC 4438 (top - centre) is a spiral galaxy near the centre of the Virgo cluster which has become disrupted by a close encounter with the lenticular galaxy NGC 4435 above it.
M84 (bottom - left) is a large elliptical galaxy near the centre of the Virgo cluster.

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Images of M32, a dwarf elliptical galaxy near to our own, show that stars become clustered much more closely together near its centre, which is what should happen if the galaxy contains a black hole.
Intense comet bombardment near the galaxy's centre may make it tough for life to gain a foothold there.
In 2007, a star near the centre of our galaxy appeared to brighten because another object had focused the star's light onto Earth.
You would need a super-sensitive, gargantuan tongue to taste it, but Sagittarius B2, a molecular cloud about 100 light years wide near the centre of our galaxy, would taste terrible.
Sagittarius B2 is a molecular cloud about 100 light years wide near the centre of our galaxy — and it would taste absolutely terrible
Their tendency would be to cluster near the centre of galaxies, making them more likely to pass near the supermassive black holes that sit there and run into the accretion discs of gas that surround them.
«This study shows that it is possible a dense environment near the heart of the galaxy hinders and stops galaxy growth,» says Callingham, who did much of the research as a PhD student with the Australian Centre for All - shy Astrophysics (CAASTRO).
Those would cluster near the centre of galaxies, making them more likely to pass through the accretion discs of supermassive black holes there, causing the bursts we detect.
The astronomers note that the galaxy is only about 2 degree from M87, a giant elliptical galaxy near the cluster's centre.
UGCA 86 (centre) and UGCA 92 (right) are much closer, they are two faint irregular dwarf galaxies located about seven million light years from us at the front of the group near IC 342.
Astronomers find evidence of enormous black hole one hundred thousand times more massive than the sun in a gas cloud near the galaxy's centre.
NGC 59 (centre) is a small elliptical / lenticular galaxy near the back of the group.
NGC 1569 (centre) is only a dwarf galaxy but it is probably the nearest example of a starburst galaxy - a galaxy which is rapidly forming a lot of new stars.
The brightest clusters are found along an arc near the galaxy's centre.
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