Sentences with phrase «gambling pays»

Sometimes gambling pays and sometimes, it doesn't pay.
The gamble paid off — soon S'well was setting trends rather than chasing them.
The gamble paid off in a 9 % revenue increase during the next season, 199495.
The demise of Lehman brothers» New York Times and GP gamble paid twenty million dollar fine this the FTC which is planning to file.
What if Wenger and Silent Stan are going to gamble on keeping Alexis to his contract as the rewards will be worth it if the gamble pays off?
If anything Wenger's gamble paid off sending Giroud in so your point is litteraly doomb.
@Trevor, it was a gamble to bring in Suarez from Eredivisie to EPL, we know that gamble paid off.
You don't get it do you?I'm not even talking about the money.But I agree with you that for the kind of money that will be spent on Mbappe it's a higher gamble.Henry was bought to be a starter and as the main man for Arsenal.He was so young by then and the pressure on him was massive.Looking at the impact he's had in our club if Henry had failed who would imagine what Arsene would have done.To me he's our best player ever.Arsene put a lot of trust in him to be honest but the gamble paid off.However, I think he had a point to prove to world and to Juve hence he succeeded.The same as is with Mbappe with even a higher transfer fee and more expectation.If he's ever signed for that amount he's coming here to be the main man whowill send us into glory.Forget Ozchez for all eyes will be on him.
Cty booted him, Milan have booted him, Maureen booted him, Rogers has bought him to try to prove something, TIME will tell IF his egotistic gamble pays off.
Time will tell if their gamble pays off.»
Had the gamble paid off, am sure most of you would have commented something along the lines of «i would have done the same thing....»
For his a jolly good fellow because his gamble paid off, According to him??
The gamble paid off with Raheem Sterling, another obvious choice for both teams, waltzing through Redknapp's defence and slotting past Simon Mignolet from distance.
At times Button's strategic gambles paid dividends, particularly in Monza where a gamble on strategy brought him within touching distance of another win.
Though we now know that Conte's gamble paid off, he may have been questioning the wisdom of his decision in the opening 45 minutes.
Will Ed Miliband's great gamble pay off?
Time will tell if the gamble pays off.
I and most other commentators - even sympathetic ones - reckoned this would backfire, but in the event the gamble paid off.
If those short - lived talks with Labour were indeed just a way of strengthening their hand with the Tories then their gamble paid off.
Bloomberg's gamble paid off this time, and he's clearly moving to shore up his ties to the Senate majority.
If Brown's spending gamble paid off, the Tories would have remained the party that had nothing to offer and merely agreed from the sidelines when crisis hit.
He won a major victory and his great gamble paid off.
Yesterday Ed Miliband gave a landmark speech about Labour's relationship with the union movement, but it is Nick Clegg who will determine whether this boldest of gambles pays off for Labour's leader.
In the event Teather's gamble paid off.
Whether the Conservative team offered AV cynically gambling that the voters would not vote for a system more complicated than the present with few obvious benefits will probably never be known, whether the gamble pays off and the consequences for the coalition will only come to light after May 5th.
Earlier this year, after what Morena calls «3 years of carrying on a project that almost nobody within the Spanish funding agencies believed in,» the gamble paid off when he received an award of $ 1 million from the European Research Council in a highly competitive research funding call.
Presuming that gamble pays off and the VLT spots a planet in our nearest neighboring star system, the discovery could catalyze an explosion of interest and follow - up investigation.
The pressure is on the builders of the James Webb Space Telescope to ensure that NASA's $ 8 billion gamble pays off.
It was «a bit more crowded than I thought,» but there was still «much more room» than in Drosophila research, so — eventually — his gamble paid off.
Within three years, «the gamble paid off,» she says, confirmed by her receipt of the 2010 Outstanding Young Investigator Award from the International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR).
Lucky for me these are Lotus boots so the gamble paid off.
Her gamble paid off, and her love life wouldn't be the same if she hadn't done that.
Sometimes doing what comes naturally is as big a risk as attempting to do something outside of your comfort zone, and that gamble paid off this time for Tokyo Police Club.
The gamble paid off handsomely: Deadpool became the second highest grossing R - rated movie in US history after The Passion of the Christ.
Sometimes those gambles pay huge dividends, and other...
The gamble paid off, with Ant - Man not just being a funny film, but still being an excellent addition to Marvel's growing film roster.
The gamble pays off in spades, as we see sides to the Batman saga that feel fresh and inventive, even if the conflict between Batman and Joker has been the oft - told story in the character's history.
Will their gamble pay off?
The gamble paid off, and Soderbergh's film went on to win the Palme d'Or, and took a spectacular $ 24 million on its theatrical release, making it one of the most successful independent films of all time (at least back then), and cementing Harvey & Bob Weinstein as major players in the process.
Karl Urban, who played an assassin in The Bourne Supremacy and Eomer in the Lord of the Rings movies, is oddly cast as Dr. McCoy — he still looks as though he'd be more comfortable administering injuries than healing them — but the gamble pays off neatly (though the inevitable, inside - joke «Damn it, man, I'm a doctor, not a physicist,» might've been a tad more creative).
The gamble paid off.
Rooney convinces Vinny to move up a weight class, and the gamble pays off in their first fight together.
There were definite talks about the movie being a gamble, but the gamble paid off for Hugh Jackman and opened the door for the superhero movies as we know them today.
That it even occurred to him to structure «Boyhood» the way he did is excitingly innovative, but then his big gamble paid off in its own quietly moving way.
Luckily, the gamble paid off, and when the chance to collaborate came again, the pair not only took it, they also — as they explained during a visit to the Deadline studio — used it as a chance to switch things up again.
The huge gamble paid off, and I obsessed over it after I saw it.
Wishful thinking on my part.NOTABLE NOTES: Marvel movie honcho Kevin Feige is known for recruiting unlikely directors for his big - budget spectacles, and his gamble pays off yet again on RAGNAROK.
If this two - door gamble pays off — given that the selection of compact coupes currently on the market consists of Honda's much - derided - though - not - that - bad Civic and Korean - sister - come - archrival Kia's Forte Koup, it doesn't seem that risky — the Elantra, with additional help from the also - new GT hatchback variant, could take the sales crown in the compact segment.
The gamble paid off, and the dealership soon experienced some of its most successful years.
Currently, all color e-Readers are LCD but if one company's gamble pays off, all that may soon change.
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