Sentences with phrase «gameplay after the first hour»

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The controls are very confusing at first but after a solid hour of gameplay you get used to them.
Distinctly average, and aside from a few interesting online elements there's little to keep you coming back for more after your first few hours of gameplay.
At first it feels as if there is a ton of variety in the gameplay, but you will soon realize after about 3 - 4 hours you have done everything there is to be done.
That said, the core gameplay doesn't really evolve much after the first three or four hours and is never quite as complex as it first seems.
Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy served as an inspiration for few names and situations (Dite, the world the game is set in; Charon Corps, the game tasked with the exploration of this world; the AI named after Vergil, and so on), which as an Italian I particularly enjoyed, but isn't as deep as hinted at during the first hour or so of gameplay.
This inevitably leads to repetitive gameplay that gets old after the first hour.
Although Vertical Drop Heroes HD's simple gameplay setup is fun at first, it starts to become repetitive and bland after playing for about an hour or so.
For the first few hours Naughty Bear is highly entertaining and unique but after a time the idea's begin to wilt and become repetitive and the lack of variety in locations and gameplay begins to bore but I have no doubt that this game will find a niche of gamers to slot itself into and it does deserve it for all of its flaws it's unique and plain fun which are both things that many games now are lacking in.
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