Sentences with word «gametogenesis»

«However, the molecular basis of, and the stage of gametogenesis critical for, feminization remain unknown.»
Stem cell gametogenesis — creating germ cells from stem cells — was shelved because developments in birds were lacking.
Its happening now in a diploid germ cell undergoing gametogenesis in or near you, today!
The animals were held for about four months while the females made ripe eggs — a process called gametogenesis.
Such ancient core reproductive components should fulfill the following criteria: present in most, if not all, of the major lineages of animals undergoing sexual reproduction; originated around the time when gametogenesis likely evolved; demonstrated conservation at the sequence, expression and functional levels in species from diverse animal phyla.
Characterization of a TUTase / RNase complex required for Drosophila gametogenesis.
The findings suggest that the information on the X and Y chromosomes that makes this division possible is primed during gametogenesis — the process of creating ovum or sperm cells — in the parents.
Research topics: female gametogenesis and oocyte acqusition of developmental competence and cord blood stem cells regulation and tissue regeneration
They included cloning (somatic cell nuclear transfer, accomplished in many placental mammals), stem cell gametogenesis (has been done in mice), direct engineering of early stage embryos (has been done in several mammals), embryonic stem cell editing, and primordial germ cell (PGC) editing.
Ana Riesgo states that «they have more complex morphological characteristics than other sponges and, in the case of Corticium, they follow the same process of gametogenesis than cnidarians.»
«Our analyses using medaka collectively also suggest that germ cells acquire the feminizing effect before committing to gametogenesis, while male germ cells undergo a quiescent state before the initiation of spermatogenesis,» corresponding author Minoru Tanaka says.
In their latest study, they generated three different medaka mutants to demonstrate that the feminizing effect of germ cells is not a result of the progression of gametogenesis or a sexual fate decision of germ cells.
Genome integrity in the mammalian germline: recombination and checkpoints during gametogenesis
Mutations identified as de novo are generally assumed to have occurred during gametogenesis and, consequently, to be present as germline events in an individual.
The fundamental component of animal sexual reproduction is gametogenesis, the differentiation of sexually dimorphic male sperm and female eggs.
Meiosis and gametogenesis are among the most ancient developmental processes widespread among eukaryotes.
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