Sentences with phrase «garbage containers»

Ensure cleanliness A responsible pet owner will agree to immediately pick up and dispose of dog feces, bag kitty litter before placing in garbage containers, and take other necessary sanitation measures.
Many people treat these as garbage containers, but they're not.
There are only two other small garbage containers in the home.
One example of a business that tries not to impact its immediate surroundings is Tim Hortons, which provides large numbers of garbage containers on their own property as well as large signs asking people not to litter in the neighbourhood.
It sits in our tidy bins, finds its way to the larger garbage containers that some hardworking person, usually a man, has the good fortune to dump into a huge super-compacting truck where said item journeys to a HUMUNGOUS landfill to sit for anywhere from a few years to, much more commonly, a few centuries2.
Buffalo was experimenting on a small scale with «tipper totes» — large, rat - proof garbage containers designed for easy loading by trucks — but only in one of the city's most affluent neighborhoods and with no plan for wider use.
Having missed several short putts that left her 3 down after 14 holes, the deeply religious and normally stoic King slammed her putter through a cardboard garbage container, leaving it there for her caddie and a marshal to retrieve.
Dear Abby: I bought a rubber garbage container with a tight - fitting lid.
The residents told Glen Ellyn Park District officials that they are finding beer and liquor bottles strewn about the park, garbage containers overturned and incidents of vandalism.
It is also important to keep your yard such that there isn't food available, such as fruit falling from trees, rotting food compost piles which can be scavanged, open garbage containers, road kill out in the street, use animal proof garbage cans like the parks use, and so forth.
Also in Belize City, where the government expects people to build houses on piles of garbage, it would hardly be consistent to cite persons for dirty yards and unsatisfactory garbage containers.
Ask for a room away from the large blue garbage container which is emptied each early morning (loud noises)
Kindly throw your trash in garbage containers provided and refrain from leaving dirty dishes or trash on the sink or tables.
The movie uses remote dog walkers, automatic garbage containers, and virtual waiters in restaurants.
Food Preparers work in kitchens and are responsible for assisting cooks, storing food, cleaning work areas and tools, portioning food, preparing take - away packages, disposing of waste, and cleaning garbage containers.
Key components of land - based sources include litter, trash and debris from construction, ports and marinas, commercial and industrial facilities, and trash blown out of garbage containers, trucks, and landfills.1 Ocean - based sources, such as, overboard discharges from ships and discarded fishing gear, account for the other 20 %.
The protesters set fire to garbage containers and threw cans and other objects at the police
The true spirit of the beggar can be discovered when he encounters a garbage container: He faces the garbage with a sense of anticipation.
The workers tell me that over 50 % of the food at their school goes in the garbage containers.
• Place all trash in the garbage containers located near the parking lot and garden plot areas.
On pick up day, you simply hand over the grimy diaper - filled liner from the diaper pail the same way you would get rid of a bag of trash from your garbage container.
It's better to recycle and repurpose than overfilling the garbage containers.
It means that community's beach has near - perfect ocean water quality, potable water quality, coastal sanitation areas, treated waste and run - off water, garbage containers and very little litter.
His motifs include people in everyday situations, abandoned buildings, and garbage containers in seemingly completely empty spaces.
• Empty trash cans and garbage containers and ensure that all waste is appropriately disposed off • Complete all routine and interim floor care and provide additional assistance with housekeeping activities • Operate and maintain industrial floor care equipment and tools and handle restorative processes on types of surfaces • Ascertain that all cleaning and maintenance work is done in accordance with company safety and risk management policies and procedures
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