Sentences with phrase «gardens as a litter box»

Since cats often use gardens as litter boxes, wear gloves when gardening and when you are washing raw vegetables and fruits, handling raw meat or scrubbing food prep surfaces.
By placing chicken wire with the sharp side facing down, lattice fencing, or river rocks over the soil will keep feral cats from using your garden as a litter box.
People who don't like cats will not tolerate cats using their gardens as litter boxes, and will sometimes resort to extreme measures to keep the cats out.
Cats are often shot at, poisoned, trapped or tortured by neighbors annoyed by cats using their gardens as a litter box or hunting bids and other small animals.
Around the same time, some of the outdoor cats began spraying on Ramsey's front porch and using her vegetable garden as a litter box.

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They dig up your plants, use them for toys, or worse use the garden bed as a litter box.
Another great idea is to place a litter box out of view in your garden to encourage your kitty to not use your plants as a bathroom.
(If your adult cat is making the transition from outdoor to indoor life, help him recognize the litter box as his toilet area by mixing some garden soil into the litter.)
Toxoplasmosis can also be spread to a pregnant woman when she consumes undercooked meat or works in a garden that outdoor cats have treated like a litter box, so gloves should be worn then, as well.
They use flower pots, flower beds, and vegetable gardens as public litter boxes.
Keep neighborhood cats from using your garden or container plantings as a litter box with the Cat Scat Mat, a non-toxic way to say «No Trespassing!»
Give your feline invaders a distraction from your prized garden areas by providing them with something better: create a designated sandbox for them to use as a litter box, preferably accompanied by a patch of fresh catnip — an herb that cats naturally love.
To help reduce conflict in the community, the organization provides information for humane ways to keep cats out of your yard, including fencing options, using scented plants as a deterrent, and how to build outdoor litter boxes that will help keep cats from digging in your garden.
-- Please keep your cat indoors if the cat uses garden areas as a litter box.
It is extremely important to prevent parasites in outdoor cats who use vegetable gardens and children's sandboxes as their litter box.
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