Sentences with phrase «gas around someone»

A new image of gas around the most distant black hole known suggests that it arose without many stars around it.
S: Many people working in the big energy companies have great hopes that there are vast resources of natural gas around the planet that will keep us going for many decades.
The signature of cold gas around the first stars is far stronger than expected.
[4] The team is also hoping to see evidence of how the rapidly moving cloud interacts with any ambient gas around the black hole.
There is certainly far more gas around than seemed possible just a few years ago.
Its resolution is high enough to image flowing gas around the event horizon.
The group's findings, however, show that not all galaxy with gas around their centres are emitting large amounts of light.
She explained that her job involved managing the shipping of liquid natural gas around the world, as well as «project economics and contract negotiation».
One way to validate the model is to predict how the x-ray brightness of gas around the black hole would vary as one travels outward from the center.
Less than 1 % of the hot gas around this black hole will actually «fall» into it.
In order to calculate the age of these quasars, the astronomers examined how these objects had influenced their «proximity zones» — which are hot, mostly - transparent regions rich in ionized gas around quasars.
«When we look back, this will be a historic day, certainly for oilsands, for Alberta and I think for Canada as we move into a more solutions - focused leadership position on greenhouse gases around the world.»
Dr Grand adds: «For a spiral galaxy to grow in size, it needs a substantial supply of fresh star - forming gas around its edges — smaller gas - rich galaxies that spiral gently into ours can provide exactly that.»
These pictures from the Hubble telescope's imaging spectrograph provide a new and unprecedented look at one of the most unique and complex structures in the universe — a light - year - wide ring of glowing gas around supernova 1987A.
Paper and research team This research was presented in a paper entitled «Large turbulent reservoirs of cold molecular gas around high redshift starburst galaxies» by E. Falgarone et al., to appear in Nature on 30 August 2017.
To study the structure and kinematics of gas around IRAS 16547 - 4247, the research group observed molecular line emission of dust, CO, and methanol (CH3OH).
«Even though many of the astronomers assumed that this would be a fertile high - mass star forming region, we couldn't probe the kinematics of gas around high - mass protostars at the level of resolution provided by existing telescopes,» Higuchi said.
The Lancaster team used the Subaru and Keck telescopes on Hawaii, and the Very Large Telescope in Chile to discover several galaxies which seem to have large bubbles of ionised gas around them, allowing light to pass through.
The array probes torrid gas around black holes; it also monitors our own planet, measuring shifts in Earth's crust as small as one - fifth of an inch.
When exoplanet scientists first spotted patterns in disks of dust and gas around young stars, they thought newly formed planets might be the cause.
A schematic illustration of the infalling gas around the protostar.
«To interpret various observational features of AGNs, astronomers have assumed rotating donut - like structures of dusty gas around active supermassive black holes.
«There's lots of shale gas around» in the U.K. and elsewhere, Mr. Ratcliffe says.
The initial blast wave from the supernova is slamming into gas around it, compressing it, heating it, and generating crazy strong and chaotic magnetic fields.
Those interactions could explain the surprising abundance of O2 detected in the fuzzy envelope of gas around comet 67P / Churyumov - Gerasimenko in 2015 (SN: 11/28/15, p. 6), researchers report May 8 in Nature Communications.
Around spinning black holes, however, frame dragging could be hugely important: By whipping magnetic field lines through the electrically charged gas around the holes, it could convert them into electromagnetic generators, which would explain how they spew jets of energetic particles millions of light - years into space.
The main aim of LOFAR is to study the era in the early universe when the very first stars and galaxies were forming and ionizing all the interstellar gas around them.
An international collaboration of astronomers, led by a group at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich, Switzerland, has used the unrivalled observing power of MUSE on the Very Large Telescope (VLT) at ESO's Paranal Observatory to study gas around distant active galaxies, less than two billion years after the Big Bang.
Cicone's observations allowed the second team of researchers specialising in supercomputer simulations to develop a detailed theoretical model of the outflowing gas around a bright quasar.
The astronomers suggest that powerful winds on Kepler - 13Ab carry the titanium oxide gas around, condensing it into crystalline flakes that form clouds.
Detailed spectral analysis suggests that the innermost gas around the black holes is relatively cool.
He theorizes that some positively charged high - energy particles, including protons and helium ions, in the outer radiation belts acquire negatively charged electrons from the cold gases around Saturn.
Narrow, dark cores flicker within the bright filaments of gas around sunspots.
There shouldn't be any significant gas around», she says.
The Chandra X-ray observatory detected a halo of hot blue gas around galaxy NGC 5746.
In January 2003, astronomers (Rennan Barkana and Abraham Loeb) announced their discovery of a shock - wave of ionized gas around J1030 and another early quasar with a supermassive black hole (SDSS J1122 - 0229 with z = 4.75) that could be the fingerprints of dark - matter haloes.
This could allow analysis of the shells of gas around red giant stars of the faint galaxies around a quasar.
Out here in the real world, you are never going to get enough concentration of hydrogen gas around a battery terminal to cause combustion.
Inspection reports have documented dangerous levels of CO gas around gas cylinders used for the chambers.
My cat is approx. 5 years old and has just started passing terrible gas around 6 weeks ago..
Since the climate is the average of local weather, and weather is the sum of behavior of the surging gases around us, and mankind moves through and modifies these gases, as does every other animal and plant species, it is certain humanity influences the weather, hence climate.
They include «remote sensors for measuring clouds, trace gases and temperatures above and below the aircraft, as well as instruments to measure water vapor, cloud properties, meteorological conditions, radiation fields and numerous trace gases around the aircraft.»
GM Vice Chairman Bob Lutz (yes, he's still around) said that GM would make a 100 % battery - electric version of the Chevy Volt by removing the gas
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