Sentences with phrase «gas giants bigger»

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State - owned oil and gas giant PetroChina fell 0.5 percent while Baoshan Iron & Steel, China's biggest steel maker, fell 1 percent.
The basic architecture of our solar system, where things go in circles, and there are small rocky planets close to the sun and big massive gas giants far from the sun, is certainly not the only architecture.
Missions to Jupiter and Saturn made big headlines this year, offering closeup views of the two gas giants.
Boss has recently proposed a similar effect to explain the discovery of two gas giants and two so - called super-Earths, or big rocky planets, each orbiting a small red dwarf star.
One possible clue was that small, cold stars tend to have close - in gas giants called hot Jupiters that stay in line, whereas bigger, hotter stars are more likely to have hot Jupiters with tilted orbits.
Young Saturn may have tossed rocks at the gas giant that grew into its four biggest moons
Giant gas clouds in the early universe could have powered the most energetic eruptions since the big bang.
Although tentative, this correlation makes sense: the fewer metals a Jupiter - mass gas giant possesses, the more lightweight hydrogen and helium it has, so the bigger and fluffier the planet should be.
Now, a new, computer simulation — based study suggests that these giants were formed and fed by massive clouds of gas sloshing around in the aftermath of the big bang.
Ideally, it should measure between half and twice the size of Earth, but the important thing is that it's massive enough to hold an atmosphere but not so big that it bloats into a gas giant like Jupiter or an ice giant like Neptune.
The leading explanation is that Epsilon Aurigae consists of a yellow giant star orbited by a normal star slightly bigger than the Sun embedded in a thick disc of dust and gas oriented nearly edge on when viewed from Earth.
«We are focusing on these big gas giants that are heated to very high temperatures due to the close proximity of their stars simply because they are the easiest to study with the current technology,» Evans said.
Both objects formed among the rocky and icy protoplanets beyond the Solar System's «ice line» now located around 2.7 AUs, but the early development of Jupiter apparently prevented such large protoplanets between the gas giant and planet Mars from agglomerating into even bigger planetary bodies, by sweeping many into pulverizing collisions as well as slinging them into the Sun or Oort Cloud, or even beyond Sol's gravitational reach altogether.
This U.S. giant began several big offshore gas projects off the Australian coast that helped boost production in 2017.
Credits for using giant machines to remove the gas are not likely to be accepted internationally for a long time, if at all, not least because the industrial infrastructure needed for extraction would need to be about as big as the infrastructure that puts it there — oil wells, coal mines, railways, pipelines, power plants, refineries and so on.
Moscow has for years used its giant energy reserves as a strategic tool to influence former satellite countries... The shale boom has reshaped the world energy market over the past decade, with the U.S. emerging as a new energy exporter, and the beginning of gas exports represents a big moment in this new world.»
This includes oil & gas giants like ExxonMobil ($ 344,000, 2007 - 2012) and Big Oil's top lobbying group, the American Petroleum Institute ($ 88,000, 2008 - 2010).
The models (and there are many) have numerous common behaviours — they all cool following a big volcanic eruption, like that at Mount Pinatubo in 1991; they all warm as levels of greenhouse gases are increased; they show the same relationships connecting water vapour and temperature that we see in observations; and they can quantify how the giant lakes left over from the Ice Age may have caused a rapid cooling across the North Atlantic as they drained and changed ocean circulation patterns.
A recent ad put out by her campaign argues that «Hillary Clinton knows it's time to act, take some of the windfall profits of big oil to pay to suspend the gas tax this summer, investigate the oil giants for price gouging and collusion.»
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