Sentences with phrase «gas shortages»

Local radio is warning of gas shortages and apocalyptic traffic.
But what about the so - called «east coast gas shortage»?
All these are being justified by claims that they will ease the supposed east coast gas shortage.
Coal prices have also been supported by gas shortages in China this winter.
Natural gas is the preferred fuel for autoproducers, but there have been natural gas shortages in the late 1990s that have forced some of these small cogeneration power plants to turn to alternative fuels — not a preferred solution, since most alternative fuels are more expensive than natural gas (on a heat content basis, including deliver costs to the plant site) and some alternate fuels (such as heavy oils) have a high sulfur content.
VANDERHOEF URGES CONSERVATION & PATIENCE AS ROCKLAND FACES GAS SHORTAGE added by dskriloff on November 2, 2012 View all posts by dskriloff →
Communications specialist Ava Hamilton, an ordinary role made improbably compelling by Gugu Mbatha - Raw, has left her man (Roger Davies), a doctor, behind to cope with gas shortages and exposition.
Smog and 1970s gas shortages revived interest in electric cars — and lithium batteries.
The supplies will help to ease gas shortages in China, the world's second - largest economy, and curb reliance on coal.
Using this connection, the criminals could cause the pump to register incorrect levels, creating either a false gas shortage or allowing a refueling vehicle to dangerously overfill the tanks, creating a fire hazard, or interrupt the connection to the point of sale system allowing fuel to be dispensed without registering a monetary transaction.
Tom Koutsantonis, the South Australian energy minister in Jay Weatherill's defeated Labor government, was a big believer in fracking throughout the state and had lambasted the Liberal policy for the past 16 months, arguing it would push up gas prices and be a contributor to a national gas shortage.
Cuomo said Wednesday's nor'easter exacerbated the area's gas shortage crisis, by delaying the arrival of scheduled tankers to the area.
The area experienced widespread gas shortages in the wake of Typhoon Haiyan.
He mentioned that he finds images from a range of sources, including online, where he discovered the 1970s American gas shortage photographs featured in his book, Gasoline, and the Dust Bowl postcards included in a Handful of Dust.
This summer there were no reports of power failures due to gas shortages despite considerably more gas - powered generation being in the fuel mix reported by NEMWatch on heatwave days.
Even if there were indeed a slight gas shortage four big new projects seems like overkill.
You may have to gas up days before the evacuation date, as gas shortages are fairly common in these desperate situations.
Local radio is warning of gas shortages and apocalyptic...
The little industry that could take a big bite out of oil demand Shell warns of liquified natural gas shortage
All of this is great for the Milky Way, but what about other spiral galaxies facing gas shortages?
For example, Hurricane Sandy caused gas shortages in the New York metropolitan region: loading docks on the water were physically damaged, refineries and terminals lost power and pipelines shut down, making it impossible to receive or ship fuel.
Gas shortages in Australia threaten exports.
The fuel and gas shortages that rapidly grew last year are exacerbating the financial crisis in the country.
The gas shortage is breeding tensions as patience is wearing thin.
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What a nutty state we live in and this isn't even addressing the gas shortage for power generation.
«No power, no water, no sewer, no heat, no cell service, landlines out, no traffic and a gas shortage.
Of the $ 200 worth of gas he charged on Nov. 2, 2012, «Galante incurred those charges filling both [his] Nissan as well as gas cans used by the library during its recovery efforts in the Rockaways, as there was a gas shortage in New York,» his suit says.
The Milky Way may have found a solution to its gas shortage.
I've seen you evacuating your homes and I remember from Hurricane Rita how painful that can be with the gas shortages and the crazy amount of traffic.
It's probably not really the emotionally charged crowd - pleaser it tries to be, but as a sports docudrama, it does a respectable job in creating a good sense of the atmosphere of the times, and the importance of the game to a country that suffered through Watergate, Vietnam, the Iranian hostage crisis, unbelievable inflation, gas shortages, and the Cold War.
Perez says that electricity in most rural communities comes from generators, so oil and gas shortages can keep schools offline for months, as can floods, which inundated the region in the spring of 2014.
The performance engines of the late sixties and early seventies eventually fell out of favor during the 1970's gas shortages and the small block 350 became the only choice.
He bought a ’67 GTO as his first car in 1974 at the height of the gas shortage and became a hands - on restoration enthusiast for life.
We've been talking about it for decades — since the gas shortages of the 1970s.
In the midst of the devastation, power outages, gas shortages, and scarcity of relief supplies, media is adding to the frenzy, blaming Sandy's fury on climate change and calling «Frankenstorm,» the «new norm.»
Or is the «gas shortage» just a Trojan Horse for extracting more gas for export?
The statement comes after the central government scaled back its plan earlier this month to convert northern cities to natural gas from coal for heating, because provinces across China had warned of gas shortages.
Owners symbolically burn their own SUV's in downtown streets after a brief period of gas shortage.
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