Sentences with phrase «gasoline cars in»

Tesla says that even though (after tax credit) the Model S electric sedan will cost $ 49,900, it will compete with gasoline cars in the $ 35,000 range because of the savings on fuel.
CA, NY, MA and other states have had Zero - Emission Vehicle programs since the early 1990s because battery electric vehicles in those states, taking into account power plants, are far cleaner than gasoline cars in reducing urban air pollution and smog.
Table 7 of the study (p. 46) captures the result of this sensitivity analysis and shows that the average environmental benefits of EVs are twice as good as for the Toyota Prius (the proxy for gasoline cars in this future - oriented sensitivity analysis).
Daimler previously announced that Smart would stop selling gasoline cars in North America in 2018, but the report indicates the all - electric policy may apply globally.
Well, the researchers estimate that if the U.S. has 10 % more gasoline cars in 2020, 870 more people will die each year from the additional air pollution.
Think smartphones in the past decade, color TVs in the 1970s, or even gasoline cars in the early 20th century.

Not exact matches

With oil selling for around $ 100 a barrel and gasoline prices high, sales of cars that plugged in rather than filled up were beginning to climb.
«Our true competition is not the small trickle of non-Tesla electric cars being produced, but rather the enormous flood of gasoline cars pouring out of the world's factories every day,» wrote Musk in a 2014 blog post.
Unlike in Europe, where more than half the cars are diesels, they are rarities in the U.S. — about 0.5 % — and they cost more than gasoline - powered models.
OTTAWA — Rising gasoline and car prices fuelled the first significant spike in Canada's cost of living since February last month, lifting the annual inflation by half a point to 1.2 per cent — still low by historial standards.
As electric cars become more and more common, and as their batteries can hold more and more energy to allow for a range comparable to that of a gasoline car, the main obstacle remains: how to charge the batteries as fast as you can fill in your gas tank.
For me, money was the equivalent of gasoline in a car.
Autopilot is at least as safe as human drivers on the highway, in a car that doesn't use gasoline and performs like a sports car, the magazine said.
(Most gasoline contains 10 % ethanol, but regulators have approached E-15 (15 % ethanol) for use in vehicles manufactured from 2001 on, and all new car warranties approve the use of E-15.)
«The point of doing this is to give a hardcore smackdown to gasoline cars,» Musk told a crowd in Los Angeles on Thursday.
«Looking forward, a healthy global economic forecast for 2018, positive car sales data in recent months, stronger 2018 yea - on - year U.S. product consumption in January and potentially tighter global product markets are expected to boost gasoline and distillates demand...,» OPEC said.
It used to be cheaper at the pump than gasoline, which was a selling point for diesel cars, but in the United States, its price is currently above the price for gas.
The two biggest purchases any family typically makes are a house and car, and swings in gasoline prices make those decisions extremely difficult.
Force millions of old people that were not going to do anything aside from watch Fox news all weekend to get in cars and drive does wonders for selling gasoline demand it seems.
When I ask him what would happen if gasoline cars simply continued to improve in efficiency, he says, «I think people should be a lot more worried than they are,» explaining that even if carbon dioxide levels remain what they are today, we won't feel the ill effects until at least 2035.
This was interesting because I was currently spending an average of about $ 300 a month on gasoline in my current car... which would equate to my lease payment being half as much as I was previously paying for gas.
In the U.S., diesel cars tend to be more expensive than gasoline simply for the extra hardware it takes to make them run cleanly, like the aforementioned AdBlue systems.
When a person wants to use gasoline or diesel to fuel their car, the energy is released in the motor.
Doubtless, you've noticed it if you've filled the fuel tank in your car with gasoline in the past nine months.
You might as well pray and give thanks to god for the gasoline in your car every time you start it up.
WASHINGTON, DC — Today the Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA), as part of a coalition of food, farm and oil industry groups, filed a petition with the U.S. Supreme Court asking that it reverse the DC Circuit Court's August 2012 decision to dismiss its challenge to the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) decision to allow gasoline containing 15 percent ethanol («E15») to be sold for cars manufactured in the 2007 model year or later.
People put more money in their cars and the gasoline that goes into those replaceable cars than they do in their own bodies... Until they get sick.
There start to be very serious effects on the economy - meanwhile the rich are still driving around in sports cars, using as much gasoline as they feel like.
One could frame the debate in the advantages of using less fossil fuel, which range from lower costs to people (an all electric car has operating costs about 1/4 that of a gasoline vehicle), to balance of payments (less capital flowing out of the country, especially relevant to countries who import most of their oil), to terrorism (not funding it, and western influence leaving the ME, which is the basis of most ME terrorist organizations) to conflict in general (most of the major conflicts in the last 30 years have involved ME oil), to finite supply (when we run out, we'll be facing a global economic meltdown).
Why the hell won't Ford make the best damn car in the world that's affordable to the average family and doesn't use gasoline?
Electric cars were popular during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and came back in vogue during the late 1990s, finding a spot in the marketplace as gasoline / electric hybrids.
Thanks also to a fuel tax on gasoline, diesel cars in Europe have been steadily catching up to their gasoline counterparts.
Ultimately, however, these cars will still rely on gasoline and / or electricity — and that electricity in China predominantly comes from polluting coal.
In the lab (at the Paul Scherrer Institute, near Zurich in Switzerland), «gasoline cars emitted on average 10 times more carbonaceous PM at 22 °C and 62 times more at -7 °C compared to diesel cars,» the researchers noted in their studIn the lab (at the Paul Scherrer Institute, near Zurich in Switzerland), «gasoline cars emitted on average 10 times more carbonaceous PM at 22 °C and 62 times more at -7 °C compared to diesel cars,» the researchers noted in their studin Switzerland), «gasoline cars emitted on average 10 times more carbonaceous PM at 22 °C and 62 times more at -7 °C compared to diesel cars,» the researchers noted in their studin their study.
«Diesel has a bad reputation because you can see the pollution, but it's actually the invisible pollution that comes from gasoline in cars that's worse,» said Hayes, 36, an assistant professor at UdeM.
Modern diesel cars emit less pollution generally than cars that run on gasoline, says a new six - nation study published today in Scientific Reports whose groundwork was laid in part by an American chemist now working at Université de Montréal.
«We realized that we were discovering (or had blundered into) a huge oil and gas field buried in our cities (buildings), factories, and roads (cars), which could be «extracted» at pennies per gallon of gasoline equivalent,» he wrote.
That said, it is true that older diesel cars do pollute more than gasoline cars, because they don't have DPFs, and diesel cars in general emit far more nitrogen oxides, which cause smog and acid rain, the study also noted.
Oil production may fall in 10 years — not because it is running out but because electric cars will be cheaper and gasoline engines will be better
This is happening because humans have been producing carbon dioxide (for example, by running cars on gasoline) faster than plants can absorb it, which makes the Earth warmer — and much faster than has happened naturally in the past.
Basically, it is a conversion factor that measures the electricity required to run the car (usually expressed in kilowatt - hours) in another unit of energy: gallons of gasoline.
Particulate matter in city centers isn't just caused by diesel vehicles without filters; gasoline cars also play a role — especially during cold start.
Reducing the amount of fossil fuels (such as gasoline for cars and coal burned for electricity) that we use can help slow how quickly the ice is melting (by slowing the rise in average temperatures).
Those cars charge up their batteries with electricity generated when the car brakes and then used that «recycled» energy to power their electric motors, which take over from the vehicle's gasoline engine at low speeds and in stop - and - go traffic.
Although nitrogen - enriched gasoline may provide a slight bump in engine performance, some worry about adding to cars» already substantial air pollution load, especially nitrogen oxide
Hybrid cars are electric efficient, gasoline convenient, and the biggest auto innovation in a century
To find out what vehicles on the road are currently emitting, Drozd and colleagues at the University of California, Berkeley; Carnegie Mellon University; the University of California, San Diego; and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology rented 25 gasoline - powered cars, including two hybrids, from residents in the Los Angeles area.
«The main goal of our project was to find out how effective regulations of gasoline vehicle emissions have been at reducing the formation of smog,» says Greg Drozd, Ph.D. «It was also a very forward - thinking study in anticipation of how cars that meet future emissions standards will lead to reductions in air pollution.»
An all - electric Nissan Leaf in Buffalo, N.Y., emits relatively few greenhouse gases, equal to the amount produced by a gasoline - powered car getting 86 mpg.
Researchers report today that a vehicle's cold start — at least in gasoline - powered cars — is the best target for future design changes.
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