Sentences with phrase «gastrointestinal lining»

PERMEABILITY SELECT ™ contains an effective blend of ingredients researched to help support the repair and restoration of a healthy gastrointestinal lining.
Due to inflammatory diets and the overuse of antibiotics, many children have a very weak gastrointestinal lining.
EPO has also been researched for potential benefits to healthy joints and cartilage, healthy skin, healthy cardiovascular function and a healthy gastrointestinal lining.
As a result, they survive to cross the gastrointestinal lining, enter the bloodstream, and go to target organs, causing allergic reactions throughout the body.
«Pandas are basically shedding their gastrointestinal lining to allow for the replacement of those microbes.
One minute it's breeding season and you're happily dining on fresh bamboo leaves, the next you're left clutching your stomach while your gastrointestinal lining passes through your system.
Doctors generally remove severe, high, and moderately reactive foods and rotate healthy foods in an effort to heal the gastrointestinal lining.
You allow your gastrointestinal lining more time to recover and rebuild, bearing in mind the cells of your gut lining like to replace themselves every 2 days as compared with every 8 years or so for the neurons in your brain.
If you have signs of intestinal permeability, your doctor may use supplements designed to strengthen your gastrointestinal lining.
Quercetin has been studied to help in stabilizing these mast cells, so they don't become destructive to the gastrointestinal lining [2, 9].
GI Select ® contains a unique and effective blend of ingredients researched to help support the repair and restoration of a healthy gastrointestinal lining.
Deglycyrrhizinated licorice has been researched to support the body's output of protective mucus to help protect and heal the stomach and gastrointestinal lining.
The gastrointestinal lining is somehow irritated that it overreacts by increasing its peristaltic movement, facilitating the rapid removal of the fecal matter.
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