Sentences with phrase «gathered pointed words»

Not exact matches

Word has gotten around about the monthly fete — mostly through E-mail and various newsgroups — to the point where Clark says the gathering has become a «centerpiece for our particular niche.»
At one point in the evening, the following words are spoken (a close paraphrase, not direct quotation): «It was not our Fathers and our Mothers who were Pharaoh's slaves in Egypt but we, all of us gathered here tonight, were Pharaoh's slaves in Egypt.
The point is, «Are you gathering with other Christians to pray, fellowship, sing, learn the Word of God and edify one another?»
This begins with a historical statement, namely (to use our words), that the starting - point of the message of Jesus in the synoptic gospels is the authority of Jesus to proclaim the Kingdom and to gather together Jew and «Jew who had made himself as Gentile» into the table - fellowship of that Kingdom.
In his words, Commissioner for Information, Malam Ahmad Sajoh, said relaxation points, particularly those that gathered crowd, would also be affected by the ban.
cards, however, must give up all the word cards she or he has gathered to that point.
Although we canvassed the island from back to front, side to side, we were still able to thoroughly enjoy adct to the fullest... at one point, I sat alone, enjoying a cocktail, admiring the beautiful view of the surrounding islands, but also took the time to visually «inspect» the villa from my position just to pick out the things that weren't right, or didn't fit, on were the wrong color... I couldn't come up with anything... everything about the villa from the private entrance, to the «endless» pool, to the perfect positioning of the bedrooms, to the outside showers with incredible views, to the «common» area where we would all gather for drinks, to the beautiful structure of the landscaping... I could go on, and on, however, in a word, and I don't say this often, but adct is perfect.
Other factors that influence the resume are the writer's skill level in gathering information, their understanding of the nuances of specific job titles in desired industries, and it goes without saying their ability to transfer facts, information and accomplishments into powerful words, sentences, paragraphs and bullet points that elicit a call to action from employers.
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