Sentences with phrase «gave good content»

Because you gave good content, you created a relationship.
It's a stepping stone to show those old white movie executives that black people deserve good content and if you give us good content we will show up and show out!
Even if you only do it once, it gives you good content to use.
If KU is going to continue to work, it's got to give good content providers the financial incentive to stick with it, so that customers find content they like and continue to subscribe.
I give them good content.
Help agent look smart; give them good content to share.

Not exact matches

I have found that one of the best uses of social media is to be useful to your followers by giving them content that they enjoy seeing in their social media feeds.
Twitter's head of content planning, Stacy Minero, gave us the inside scoop on the best ways to market during the holidays and get people to stop in their tracks when they see your stuff.
Implementing the hacks above will give your site and content the best chance of ranking in Google; however, many of these strategies will also naturally provide a better user experience for your site visitors.
If you create great content, there's a good chance that you'll garner some fans along the way, which is why it's so important to give them mechanisms to share that content with their friends.
Having a basic business website is great, but regularly adding unique, relevant content to a blog on your site will give you the best chance of attracting search traffic.
Also recommended by Gilette: Keyhole for social media monitoring, SharedCount to track the total number of shares any given URL receives, and BuzzSumo to find out what content will work best for your organization and which influencers you should partner with to promote your content,
«They have so much content, but they just move it around, and given that any session I have with them is maybe five minutes, they just need to move around the good content and that's how I get exposed to more,» Mulpuru says.
Best of all, LinkedIn's detailed analytics show you each and every individual who is engaging with your content, giving you the ability to cultivate warm leads in a fast, efficient, and targeted manner.
The best type of content should «reverse - engineer» the type of product / service you want to sell by demonstrating your expertise in a given niche or area of your industry.
Apple has excelled at giving people what DuBravac calls the «360 solution,» or devices designed from the ground up to work exceptionally well with the content also sold by the company.
In much the same way that an exploration of Pinterest's guided search can give insight into what topics are likely to be discoverable, an analysis of the content recommended for Google +'s hashtag discovery feature will likely inform the best possible strategy for creating content that has real staying power on Google +.
But think about just the most basic level, people who come to Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Messenger, about 100 billion times a day to share content or a message with a specific set of people, and I think that that basic functionality, people understand because we have the controls in line every time, and given the volume of the activity and the value that people tell us that they are getting from that, I think that that control in line does seem to be working fairly well.
In fact, if you have a good cable plan, the content you can get on TV on any given night is better, more diverse and entertaining on average than what's showing at the Cineplex.
Burchard has developed the world's best online sales funnels and gives away free content.
Many people are worried about giving away their best content for free.
Inspiring article to use longtail, we understand such keywords gives good traffic but at some point can it be negative (copied content) to use 7 - 8 longtail in same article as they can be on other sites also.
Best of all, LinkedIn's detailed analytics show you each and every individual who is engaging with your content, giving you the ability to cultivate warm leads in an fast, efficient and targeted manner.
Marketers are all trying to either create or curate shareable content, and BuzzSumo is simply the best tool to help you analyze what is the most shared piece of content for any given keyword on any given social network.
Online, you can write great content, but you might very well never get on the map if someone bigger doesn't recognize your work and give you a nod.
However, NIB chief executive Mark Fitzgibbon says he wants to give consumers data on the volume of procedures doctors are doing as well as content that helps them think about their treatment.
To give your content marketing program the best chance of driving your desired results, every content marketing leader should be prepared to answer a few questions:
I have no problem giving you a link here and there if you keep writing good content.
But what I do know better than most, perhaps due to longevity, experience, and trial / error is what type of link building approach and service (s) is most suited for any given content deployment scenario.
It all sounds goodgive existing customers and prospective buyers» great content and that should result in gains in customer loyalty and buyer conversions.
We will have to await the court decision, but my guess is that the simsub solution to retain ad revenues in Canada will be given a good hard look as part of the Trudeau government's ongoing cultural review and that, because of the changing way in which consumers access content, its days may be numbered.
Besides giving you a ton of content inspiration, topical questions can be an effective niche research tool as well as competitor research tactic (e.g., find out which questions your competitors» customers are asking and answer them more effectively.)
Done well, this process — which shouldn't take more than a couple of hours — will give you an extraordinarily effective and quick method to answer these questions and look like a content marketing genius to your boss or your client.
The content could give new or lapsed users a good reason to be on Twitter while also bringing in dollars for lucrative video ads.
And, measured well, starts to give you even more insight (e.g. how many are we getting to that «goal» of each content piece).
Today, the search giant includes mobile friendliness as part of its ranking algorithm, so to give readers what they want, content has to provide a better experience for mobile users.
With a major Canadian broadcaster supplying some highly desirable content — and what better timing, given the Blue Jays ascendance in baseball — Canada will likely indeed become an early leader in 4K broadcasting and TV adoption.
Advertisers like the volume of users and variety of content on YouTube, and the growth of various channels on YouTube, focused on topics such as beauty tips and gaming, gives advertisers that want to deliver relevant ads to those audiences a very well - targeted reach.
A buyer persona gives a more in - depth look at who might possibly purchase your product or service, and, more importantly, it helps marketers create better content that appeals to this group.
While concerns regarding Netflix and ESPN remain, I am confident Disney continues to do well given it's rock solid position in original content and limitless spin - off capabilities in terms of merchandise, theme parks etc..
For me, the best way to market a business through content is to educate your traffic to give meaning to each visit.
First identify your best performing content according to topics during a given time frame.
This can give you important insights into which networks work best for getting traction for your content.
This is to express my thanks for all the site content that you have put forth for us newbies and giving us a good hint about your course.
Following multiple complaints about the content published on the YouTube Kids app, the company has decided to give parents better control over what their children view.
Give a second life to your best existing content.
Revisiting old post ideas and updating content will give you a better chance of remaining relevant in searches pertaining to that subject.
As such, dividend growth in the next few years certainly won't match that last few, but I'm very content with that given the exceedingly high current yield, my high confidence in Textainer to ride the storm through to better times, and ultra-safe P / E and reasonable payout ratio.
A blog bundle — a compilation of your best blog posts around a given topic — is a great way to resurface your best blog content and simultaneously create a new lead - gen offer.
We highly suggest that all readers of this exclusive content given to Streetwise Reports take a look at our «picks» against an index, to verify just how well we did or did not perform with our analyses.
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