Sentences with phrase «gave ideas time»

«That gave kids time to digest things, and it gave ideas time to percolate.
But how can you ever produce something great if you don't get started and give your ideas time to evolve?
It also gives ideas time to develop; mean reversion is typically a 3 - 5 year process, so allow time for this.

Not exact matches

You need to let people know where you volunteer and what else you do in your free time, which in my case includes a blog that I write and fitness classes that I teach — just to give you an idea.
Are you prepared to commit the time and resources to your idea to give it any real chance at becoming a successful business?
It gives parents an idea of when they can expect their baby to be overly fussy, demanding, or calm at certain times based on their age.
In an interview with Nordic Startup Bits, Srsen said being an entrepreneur is «a very creative process that demands everything you've got to give; knowledge, ideas, time, sweat and love.
At any given time, I would always have an idea or two to pitch.
First there is the idea of reliability, which in psychometrics refers to whether a test produces similar results when it's given a number of times.
Ideas need time to develop and become real before we begin involving others, as we don't want to give competitors any information that could allow them to steal our idea and make it happen before we do.
Up to 120,000 keywords can be pulled in and analyzed, giving a pretty accurate idea of how people are finding your site, and where you should budget your time and effort in order to increase traffic.
Still, given that Snapchat has yet to earn any revenue, the idea of turning down a buy offer three times the value of that which Mark Zuckerberg himself once turned down seems — not to put too fine a point on it — insane.
The idea that Schefter is putting forth is that there was a team lower in the draft who found this information, and chose to time its release to tank Allen's draft stock at the last second to give that team a shot at snagging him.
This will save time at the meeting, and hopefully give you better ideas to serve as the foundation for your discussion.
That gives a good idea of the type of positions that exist in the industry, salary levels, job type (full - time, part - time, contract, etc.), and which locations have the most demand for the industry.
If you're a first - time entrepreneur with a business idea, you probably need to do a lot of research and planning before you're able to persuade anyone — banks, angels, friends or family members — to give you funding.
Given the string of failures to prevent continually rising bills in both wired and wireless services, it's time to dust the idea off and give it another serious look.
And when they do — when people are given the chance to share their ideas, wisdom, and aspirations, and to actively and authentically collaborate with others — they are willing to invest their time, money, and energy toward the collective good.
«If you decide prematurely, if you somehow assume that fast decisiveness is the hallmark of intelligence, it's actually the reverse of that, it's a hallmark of stupidity because it stops you giving yourself the time to collect more information, to listen to more hunches, to allow more creative ideas to bubble up into your mind.
This thinking is then given time to incubate in the subconscious mind as we connect threads before the ideas pop out as new eureka - like innovations.
Every time someone holds back on a new idea, fails to give their manager much needed feedback, and is afraid to speak up in front of a client you can be sure shame played a part,» management consultant Peter Sheehan has said.
You need to «give yourself time to develop good ideas
A few years later I was working a full - time job as a marketing and brand manager at a toy company where I got a lot of product development experience and realized I had gained enough knowledge to give this idea a shot.
Turbulent times upend conventional thinking, and one of the most provocative ideas to surface in recent years is the doctrine of «free» — the idea that giving your product away is the surest, and perhaps only, path to success.
And the CEOs who generate ideas most consistently are mindful of doing whatever they need to — hiring, delegating, reorganizing — to give their minds time to roam.
The time to kick the OCD into high gear and give proper attention is when focusing on higher priorities and early - stage ideas.
«The worst thing we did in the 70's was give women the idea they can have careers and babies at the same time
Get down the main ideas, give yourself something to pick through when you get time to concentrate more fully.
If the idea of taking the full - time business plunge and giving up your comfy salary and cushy benefits keeps you awake at night biting your nails, then perhaps a part - time business is best.
You might be finding it difficult to come up with the right idea at given point of time, but there might be an idea sitting in the heads of a person who isn't a marketer, but still has immense knowledge about the business, its target audience and the operational niche.
I wouldn't actually turn down a raise (never actually met anyone who did), but don't jump onto this «great» new idea of giving small raises four times a year.
Evidently, if you give your brain time to relax, ideas will come later.»
To give you an idea of the time, energy and coordination that goes into a show, we decided to take you behind the scenes and profile a designer at this season's Mercedes - Benz Fashion Week.
They know that nearly any idea will work, given enough time and focus.
Boon + Gable, in contrast, built upon the personal stylist idea and decided to give stylists mobility as their core offering, support small and mid-sized business as well as limit each visit to 20 items so as not to take up much client time.
But when it came time to choose a scent for the new product line — and this will give you an idea of how involved Gurwitch was — the two could not agree.
If you're aiming more for creativity than productivity and have a bit more time to devote to a morning writing practice, you might want to give the idea of Morning Pages, developed by Julia Cameron in her book The Artist's Way, a try.
Getting the right idea from the right research at the right time can give you the edge over your competitors and allow you to adjust your strategies quickly.
I would also suggest to use — they give me ideas all the time on great long tails.
Don't pay up front Last time, my husband had this brilliant idea of avoiding the «hassle» of collecting money from cookie sales and putting it into envelopes: Just give the unit leader a cheque for the full amount, and then pocket the cash sales.
Given it's extremely difficult to time the market, it's a good idea to deploy a consistent dollar cost average strategy throughout your life.
Be willing to kill failed business ideas, even to shutter big operations you've been in for a long time, but never give up on the idea of building a great company.
At the time a new low is reached, traders and investors have no idea if any given low is the low.
Don't get attached to an idea: too often we throw away early stage ideas without giving them time to come to fruition, and develop.
GREENBLATT: Right, well the idea really was is that when you give a gate, every September or October, people have to decide whether they want to lock up for another year or two, when you have monthly liquidity, you're never forcing them to make a decision maybe the wrong time, they can always have their money and it's not a signaling device to say you should have a short time horizon, actually for what we do, you need a long time horizon.
You need to give yourself the time to let these ideas come up because it deals in the confusion and images and very subtle things.»
Instead, use her love of Pinterest and share time - saving household and nutrition tips and give her ideas for fun things to do with family and friends.
When he started Uber with a few friends in 2009, the idea was to create an app that would give town car drivers extra fares during their down time.
I want to use that to get an idea if a stock may be undervalued at any given time.
This is meant to give you an idea of whether dividend growth rates are increasing or decreasing over time.
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