Sentences with phrase «gave life a chance»

This is the same type of irrational thinking trying to disservice the precision needed to just give life a chance on Earth.
The evidence of ID is in the magnitude of the extreme fine tuning that gave life a chance.
Even though these condition gave life a chance they didn't guarantee life.
The nineteen women who write about their defiance of what is aptly called medical eugenics are also heroines who gave life a chance and who write movingly of their joy in having resisted the «choice» that others tried to impose upon them and their children.
When someone in 30 or more years looks back on the academy movement to write the history, I believe that they will describe the first few years as a watershed in state education characterised by high risk and high returns and which its Alumni credit with giving them life chances.

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Facebook is stepping up its efforts to compete with Twitch and YouTube for video game streaming: The company is now offering select video gamers a chance to monetize their gameplay live streams on Facebook by giving their audience a way to tip them as part of a test of new monetization options.
Given the chance to talk after the Olympics, I would want to bring with me people who's lives have been hurt by legislation he has championed.
«He's the only one for our country that, for all of us, is going to even scratch the surface at giving us a chance to have a future where we're not living in a depression for the next 10, 15 years.
While the chances are slim to none that the spacecraft will detect life, the instruments will give scientists a better idea of the possibility for life on Europa.
She was with the Urban League's Monique Williams - Moore, who has been running job - readiness programs in the area, including a unique one created with Starbucks to give kids with complicated lives a chance to learn customer service and team work.
We took a look at the top 10 and are giving you the chance to decide which city you would like to live in.
Perhaps your true passion in life is something you've simply never given yourself a chance to explore.
Resilience is a skill that can be learned, and whether we like it or not, life gives us plenty of chances to practice.
The idea: Offer small businesses a flexible workforce and give prisoners the chance to stockpile earnings and skills needed for life outside prison bars.
Chances are you haven't given much thought to the inner life of the garment worker — the seamstress halfway around the world who made your clothes.
«STEM Behind Hollywood» uses the scientists and experts who consult Hollywood filmmakers to create free classroom activities for teachers, including software and iPad apps, to explore popular movie themes such as zombie, superheroes, space and forensics to give students the chance to solve problems as real - life scientists would.
In everyday life, this stringent threshold can lead us to refuse to give other people a second chance after a negative first impression, and explains why a well - evidenced positive impression can so readily evaporate with a single stumble.
«Over the years, the idea of giving people second chances or fresh starts has really become a focus for the business, and as a result it feels like the whole company is motivated and inspired make a positive impact on the lives of as many people as possible.
If they're going to give us a year... and see if we really mean what we say with some of these quality of life and quality of service [reforms], that gives them a chance to relook, and in another year, say, «Are we doing better, is my family in a good place, did you do what you said you were going to do, Air Force?»»
The Sharks will once again give people from all walks of life the chance to chase the American dream and potentially secure business deals that could make them millionaires.
To achieve this, the panels pointed to the importance of increasing dialogue between academia and business on the development of curricula to have business people teach classes but also to give students chances to experience business life through internships.
European dating giant Badoo has added a live video chat feature to its apps, giving users the chance to talk face - to - face with matches from the comfort of their own home — and even before agreei
Bringing all your retirement savings to Vanguard can make your life easier — and even give you a better chance at making your money last.
European dating giant Badoo has added a live video chat feature to its apps, giving users the chance to talk...
Thank you so much for sharing your experience about trading and giving me a chance to change my life!
Corporate Alberta went into overdrive, flocking to the media to warn Albertans that the economy would be destroyed and their lives ruined if they failed to think straight and give Team Prentice another chance.
«This scholarship has changed my life and gave me the chance to pursue my dreams.»
«Our collective commitment to giving back to the communities where we live and work has meant that thousands of women and children have access to safe shelter and the chance to rebuild their lives after violence.»
Those children have the right to live since God created them in the womb and deserve to be given the chance.
Read the article carefully: Romans did give a chance for Perpetua to live if she would renounce Christ.
Me personally would like to believe so and I do.If there is not god life is pretty pathetic if your think deeply about it.Theres always going to be someone who says no this is how something is or this happened exactly like this I know for sure (ha ok)... On another note instead of acting like you really do know everything maybe broaden your horizon and try church or read the bible and give God a chance.
Why not knock up 100's of virgins all over the world and give everyone a chance at eternal life?
That means there will be more chances to give a very public witness to the sacredness of life and to present the prolife message in a good light.
At many points in our lives, we've been given a second chance when we didn't deserve it.
«When we were fighting for our son, Charlie, to be given a chance to try a treatment that could have improved his quality of life, we realised that cases like these would keep happening until the law was changed.
This is very important as it gives us a chance to ask for mercy for those aspects of our life where we have not done as well as we should have....
I like to think that my God (no other word for him) reached down in his mercy and told me these things to give me a chance at life.
To speak of chance for a universe which presents such a complex organization in its elements and such marvelous finality in its life would be equivalent to giving up the search for an explanation of the world as it appears to us.
The nice thing about online forums like this one is that they let us know that we are not alone and they give us the chance to work through some of our new ideas without jeopardizing those «real life» relationships that are too fragile to handle brutal honesty.
Jesus is then the living analogy of God, and it is not by chance that He expressed His message in parables and gave Himself in finite symbols.
Then he doesn't love us that much he just leaves it to luck like if the child is born in a good family christan family then chances are very high that he will go to heaven but to a bad family and also god knows better than me that if he destroyed satun and did whatever i mentioned in my commented the world would have been a outstanding place to live in if god can send his son to suffer then why not destroy satun or give him life sentence in hell or even better why din't he paid attention while making Adam and Eve and even if he din't why din't he renoved the tree of knowlage from the garden of Eden then he woundn't have to tell Adam and Eve not to eat any fruit from that tree
Today's ruling decided that Miller v. Alabama can be applied retroactively to minors who had already been sentenced to life in prison in 2012, now giving prisoners the chance to negotiate shorter sentences or even parole.
Spreading of GOD's word thru crusades and physically preaching gives direct chances of people giving their lives to GOD.
Richard Dawkins, in his celebrated book, The Selfish Gene, exemplifies the same position.3 And a similar reduction of biology to a molecular science may be found in the writings of E.O. Wilson, Ernst Mayr, Jacques Monod and numerous other highly respected scientific writers.4 In Chance and Necessity, for example, Monod gives one of the most forceful renditions of the view that biochemical analysis is «obviously» the sole avenue to understanding the secret of life.5 Decades ago Jacques Loeb had already set forth the program of inquiry still emulated today by many biologists:
Just as a Father rebukes His children... God will rebuke us... so it is ridiculous to say the same God that loves me will destroy me... that can't be further from the Truth... Jesus died for us that we may have everlasting life... but rebellion will not be tolerated forever... so we destroy ourselves not God... He continues to give us chances to turn towards Him and when we don't we want to blame Him... well blame yourself..
By having a swift death penalty that is justly meted out, we are giving everyone the best chance to see the high value of life — theirs, and the lives of others.
But what he did was offer his love and grace by blessing her with the Holy Spirit, giving her another chance at life.
The only message is that God, through his Son, has given us a chance to know Him, to love Him and serve Him in this life and be with Him in the next if we choose to do so.
Your children should be removed from you and give them a chance to live a good fair life.
God was there but he want us to see whether we are living according to his will or not becouse God has already given us a chance prevelige to live according to his will on this Earth.
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