Sentences with phrase «gay coitus»

It does not compute and its pre-cursor (gay coitus) has led to the downfall of millions through the transmission of increasingly drug resistant strains of STDs.
Reach out to LGBTQ at your place of worship and extend the hand of fellowship, letting them know that they are bound for glory when they unequivocally reject gay coitus and practice celibacy.
There is not much on gay coitus in the NT, and if you ignore all but the gospels, there really isn't anything at all (in the NT).
And a stance on gay coitus is not the only thing that gets weird starting with Paul.
Gay marriage and gay coitus are inconsistent with Biblical direction.
«A cursory review of scripture reveals a plethora of warnings and cautions regarding participation in and acceptance of gay coitus.
We are reminded, throughout the Bible to refrain from gay coitus because it is in conflict with God's will.
At least his favorite «gay coitus» wasn't used and abused this time.
Listen Chad, it seems Salero21 likes the cut of your jib and would like to hook up with you and discuss jesus and your opinion on gay coitus, if you know what he means, go for it, Rachel.
Showing zones where gay coitus is prohibited.

Not exact matches

Gay / Lesbian coitus is condemned repeatedly in the Bible, both Old and New Testaments.
This a non-starter since «gay marriage» is condemned in the Bible along with the practice of LGBTQ coitus.
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