Sentences with phrase «gay panic»

The penis is used for one of the film's many gay panic «jokes».
The Dwayne Johnson and Kevin Hart (a top repeat offender in this annual survey) buddy comedy is described as «a near two - hour gay panic joke that relies on the long - running homophobic «sissy» stereotype for most of the lm's intended punchlines.»
But based on how they proceed to behave, it seems that all they've been missing out on is the sort if formulaic slapstick and sophomoric behavior one might find in a typical teensploit, such as pratfalls, preening, potty humor, skinny dipping, ogling women, boozing it up, and participating in gay panic homophobia.
That's nowhere near the problem of the movie's low humor: simple slapstick, mild gay panic, crotch injuries, and «isn't it hilarious that women are sexual beings» are the most it stretches to.
That patently preposterous premise provides the fodder for the plentitude of gay panic slapstick which sits at the center of Blades of Glory.
To that end, the politically - incorrect bottom feeder easily earns its R rating via an incessant indulgence in scatological, ethnic, sexist, slapstick, bodily function and gay panic fare.
Gay panic abounds in writer - director - star Dax Shepard's big - screen take of the»70s cop show.
So the film is rife with gay panic.
As it was last time around, Heffernan is a real standout in terms of sheer comic energy although the surface - level crassness of his oafish poonhound wears thin in a world where it's a lot less «transgressive» to make gay panic jokes.
But the show's weird obsession with trying to glean laughs from science fiction gay panic somehow goes beyond that.
Gay panic jokes are sprinkled inside — unlike the first one, from what I can recall — and its need to call back to the first movie is typically more tiresome than amusing — though it should be stressed that it's not nearly as irksome as it is (or suggested to be) by the trailers.
To give Grimsby credit, for a lowbrow comedy whose jokes are overwhelmingly rooted in gay panic and treating the bodies of larger women as walking sight gags, it's surprisingly good - natured, even sweet at times.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed an executive order to further protect civil rights by banning all state agencies and authorities from doing business with companies that promote or tolerate discrimination, and announced he'll advance legislation that will ban the use of a «Gay Panic» defense to protect against revictimizing New Yorkers.
The Democrat also said he's supporting legislation that will ban the use of a «gay panic» defense in which a person charged with attacking someone attempts to blame the victim's sexual orientation for a violent reaction.
The measure would end «gay panic» and «tans panic» defenses based on a defense theory of a provocation, diminished capacity because of insanity due to knowledge or disclosure of sexual orientation or a theory of self - defense due to the discovery, knowledge or disclosure of a person's sexual orientation or gender idnetity.
Illinois man who stabbed neighbor 61 times acquitted using «gay panic» defense: «Joseph Biedermann fatally stabbed his Hoffman Estates neighbor....
(Yes, gay panic - prone Mark Schultz, that was a joke at your expense.)
Paul should be a simple wacky sci - fi comedy filled with pot humor, unrelenting profanity, gay panic, and dry Brit humor...
You might think the wrestling scenes are where the movie would finally give in to gay panic jokes and slapstick, but it even plays these scenes as inherently funny, but not over-the-top (except for a cute scene of a rookie kid running circles around the mat to avoid confrontation).
A poetic title for a serious subject, Reuben Paterson's third solo exhibition at Gow Langsford Gallery was a personal response to the «provocation» or «gay panic» legal debate in New Zealand.
Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund today denounced New York State state legislators for rejecting provisions in Governor Andrew Cuomo's proposed budget that would have prohibited criminal defendants from raising so called «trans panic» or «gay panic» defenses.
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