Sentences with phrase «geekiness as»

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This shared geekiness extends to what we produce as well.
All candidates were ranked with up to five stars in three broad categories: «Geekiness» is an evaluation of whether or not the candidate qualifies as a geek.
But Berg also knows when to slow down and let The Rock and Scott play off each other, the former with a slow burn, the latter with a geekiness that is as pathetic as it is plucky.
Cera's puppy dog sincerity coupled with an ingratiating geekiness goes far in getting that across, as does the vulnerability that Winstead projects from beneath that vivid hair and de rigeur ironic cool.
The San Diego native's drive to help others and «geekiness» have fueled his work as a blogger, journalist, entrepreneur, and family man.
Our new school approach is all about thinking differently, We've replaced the traditional ambiguous approach with an unique «geekiness», and focus on clear and engaging explanations, fun, safe surf sessions and analytical feedback, as well as video coaching and useful surf theory classes to help create the ultimate learn to surf environment for even the most accomplished surfers.
Previously I had not imagined that any publishing business would be so committed to accuracy and quality as to invest in such high levels of skill, if not geekiness.
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