Sentences with phrase «gelatinous which»

But the most critical thing is to mix and spread it right away because the flax as it sits gets more and more gelatinous which makes it gummy and harder to spread.
Protein, fibre, omega 3, calcium, iron, and when you combine with liquid it turns sort of gelatinous which is apparently very cleansing for the body

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Yes, ice cream is supposed to be smooth, but this one was so smooth that it almost felt gelatinouswhich isn't how we want our ice cream to feel.
Chia is a gelatinous seed, which means it absorbs water and forms into a gel.
The Starbucks pumpkin spice muffin is more like a pumpkin cupcake and has a cream cheese filling inside, which, while a good idea, has sort of an odd, gelatinous texture.
And be sure only to boil until the mixture becomes gelatinous (which I found took closer to 7 minutes at a true low boil), or again separating the gel from the seeds will become very difficult.
It's the chia seeds — a great source of protein and omega - 3s — which, when soaked in a liquid (in this case, light coconut milk and unsweetened vanilla almond milk) plumps up with a gelatinous coating, magically transforming a slightly weird looking mixture into pudding.
Spoon about 1/2 c cooked pearls (which will be quite gelatinous and sticky at this point) into a tall glass.
Chia seeds are similar to tapioca and I use them all the time to make pudding and other desserts because they plump up so nicely and give you a nice gelatinous texture which is difficult to replicate.
These little super-soakers develop a gelatinous coating after they've taken in all that liquid, which lends itself to all kinds of interesting food uses.
In case you didn't know, stock, as opposed to broth, is made with bones, and the collagen from those bones gives stock its thick and gelatinous texture, which broths tend to lack.
OZY INSPIRATION Gelatinous slug slime inspired a new adhesive, which sticks strongly to wet surfaces such as this pig heart.
Evolu - tionary biologist Casey Dunn of Brown University in Providence, R.I., has frequently been frustrated by what he calls «Jellies are scary» articles, which treat gelatinous animals as a sign of unhealthy ecosystems.
Karen M. Warkentin of Boston University and the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Panama studied egg clutches located on the edge of Ocelot Pond in Panama to identify the circumstances under which embryos leave their clutch (the gelatinous mass deposited on a tree leaf) prematurely.
The leading theory was that meat is made up of a nested series of collagen fibers, which are tough to break down into the nice gelatinous texture that is preferable to eat — why cooks often braise tougher meat in liquid for hours to denature the protein so it is edible.
agar A gelatinous material made from certain marine algae used as a material (and food source) in which to grow bacteria.
Decoding a message first required pressing the paper into a dish of agar; this is a gelatinous substance in which bacteria easily grow.
This creates a gelatinous substance called konnyaku which is made into noodle - like or rice - like substances.
Soluble fiber creates a gelatinous mass in the intestines, which absorbs toxins and cholesterol metabolized in the liver, preventing them from leaking back in the bloodstream and burdening the liver's detox function.
While these carbonated sodas are exceedingly easy to make, they require water kefir grains (also called sugar kefir grains), which are gelatinous communities of yeast and bacteria.
Having said that, I would be interested in what others have to say about the relative quality of store bought vs. the «liquid gold» I make in my crock pot, which can become very gelatinous indeed when cold!
The reason it's so gelatinous is because I added oxtail which is best for making bone broth.
Poultry bone broth like this typically contains chicken feet and wings, which are rich in collagen and help to give the finished product its gelatinous consistency.
One of the most unique attributes of this tiny black seed is its ability to form a gelatinous substance called hydrophilic colloid when it comes in contact with liquid, which helps maintain the integrity and health of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract.
Alternatively you can gently heat the chia and juice until the chia seeds become gelatinous and begin to thicken the juice; at which point you would remove from the heat and cool to room temperature before placing in the refrigerator to fully cool.
Water kefir is fermented with water kefir «grains», which are not actually grains but rather lots of little gelatinous translucent blobs of bacteria and yeast.
This naturally occurring carbohydrate is also a form of soluble fiber, which means it dissolves in water and forms a gelatinous substance that moves through the body undigested, promoting fullness and satiety and adding bulk to your stool, which can keep you regular.
It is the sticky and gelatinous quality of the carbohydrates in such vegetables, which brings this about.
I've been making homemade bone broth with grass - fed beef and chicken bones in a stainless steel stovetop pressure cooker, which results in gelatinous broth in just a few hours.
I only had the gelatinous canned beets growing up, which I detested; so beets are one of those new - to - me veggies that I'm determined to like.
It's a succession of stories unified by continuing characters — among them, three hairy - faced men (vulpine Desmond, simian Danilo, and Mister Morgen); pre-WWII diva Olympia, who was a companion of Yugoslavia's communist dictator, Tito; a gelatinous fat man; three scheming bureaucrats (maybe); a writer; and the cop who bugs him (and, earlier, Desmond)-- and a plot in which most people become George Romero ghouls.
It is round (hence the name disc) and fibrous on the outside with a soft gelatinous inside to absorb the forces to which the bones are exposed.
Soluble fiber absorbs water, which turns it into a gelatinous, slippery substance that can help «lubricate» the inside of the intestines.
It is round (hence the name «disk») and fibrous on the outside with a soft gelatinous inside to absorb the forces to which the bones are exposed.
But unlike your local barista's brew, which has who - knows — how - much caffeine in each life - giving sip, every gelatinous cube contains exactly 50 mg of caffeine.
Leading off the show with an obscene jolt is Dawn Frasch's large surreal canvas Pussy Phanatic (pictured above), in which a spew of toxic images, including belimbed skulls and gelatinous pistols, emerges from a petulant slattern's crotch.
This can have significant implications for certain species, such as the fish Alepocephalus rostratus, which feeds mainly on gelatinous organisms.
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