Sentences with phrase «gender effects»

Perhaps not surprisingly, the major gender effects that emerged were that men tended to increase their heights, whereas women tended to lower their weights.
But there's an interesting gender effect: Female - headed households saw far greater increases in consumption than male - headed households.
So, big gender effects, which was thoroughly consistent with some of the literature on gender differences.
There were also gender effects consistent with the prior research I mentioned earlier.
Based on our findings in the literature, we examine gender effects by conducting these analyses separately for men and women.
Perhaps not surprisingly, the major gender effects that emerged were that men tended to increase their heights, whereas women tended to lower their weights.
Differential gender effects of parent involvement.
There were, however, significant multivariate gender effects for relative frequency (F (1, 58) = 8.26, p ≤ 0.001) and relative duration (F (1, 58) = 2.72, p ≤ 0.05) of dyadic coping behaviors.
The witness data for sons and daughters were analysed to gauge gender effects in reporting.
Otherwise any simple gender effect and any effect of the AWS process will confound one another.
Adverse gender effects have an impact on both boys and girls, but that effect falls more heavily on the male half of the population in middle school, simply because most middle - school teachers are female.
A multivariate analysis of variance, in fact, revealed a significant overall gender effect, Wilks» Lambda =.79, F (11, 611) = 14.77, p <.001.
Concerning gender effects on attachment, studies showed diverse results.
Gender effect on insulin sensitivity and secretion in different categories of glucose tolerance
Comorbidity of depression and aggression: Age and gender effects in a community sample.
We argue that the presence of a gender effect for target boards but not for bidder boards is consistent with less overconfident female versus male directors on bidder boards initiating fewer bids, higher litigation risk facing target boards for accepting too little, and the different type of advice sought by bidders and target firms.
A study of the gendered effects of body art on consumers attitudes toward visibly tattooed front line staff.
The study also showed some gender effects.
After crunching data gathered from the US Bureau of Labor and the FBI's Uniform Crime Reporting Statistics, the team analysed them further for gender effects.
The study also showed a gender effect at work.
Medical studies authored by women are more likely to include an analysis of sex and gender effects than studies where women researchers didn't take part.
Progesterone Cream Transfer Effects Progesterone does not have gender effects, although it can «wake up» estrogen receptors.
No gender effects were observed, contrary to several previous studies21.
A multilevel study on the gendered effects of school resources and school practices Margriet van Hek, Gerbert Kraaykamp & Ben Pelzer School Effectiveness and School Improvement Vol.
If teachers had gender - specific training based on evidence about the different learning styles of boys and girls, could gender effects be limited?
The data indicate considerable variation in beliefs about and interest in science, and also variation in the extent of gender effects.
As for gender effect, men in the sample were more likely to learn about opportunities through networking, while women were more successful with published openings
A MANOVA examined self - image, depression, and anxiety scores for the total sample at 10 years and found a gender effect favoring males, but found no differences according to divorced or intact family background.
Telomere length as an indicator of biological aging: The gender effect and relation with pulse pressure and pulse wave velocity
No gender effects were found in regard to changes in SOC scores.
Comparisons between respondents reporting about same - sex relationships with those reporting about opposite - sex relationships provided evidence that the amplified victimization / satisfaction association among female victims is a victim - gender effect rather than an actor - gender effect.
First, the influences of peer - victimization and protective factors on mental health problems were investigated, and in addition, gender effects were considered.
According to the hypothesis H1 a gender effect was expected but this gender difference was not significant [χ2 (1, N = 1676) = 0.06, p > 0.05; Cramer's φ = 0.01].
Gender effects also were evident among the sample, suggesting that a number of personality correlates of marital adjustment tended to be different for the husbands and wives in this study.
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