Sentences with phrase «gender representation do»

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The same is true of gender and minority representation, since the expectations of the day, unfortunate as they were, didn't commonly include the belief held by many today that Parliament should look, think, and care about issues in broadly similar ways to the country at large.
Therefore, in order to move to a proportional representation system, you would need the state officials in charge of drawing congressional districts (traditionally the state legislature) to draw districts against their own interests when it is perfectly legal to blatantly draw them in your favor (so long as you don't do so in such a way as to not explicitly dilute the power of some actual protected class, i.e. race, gender, etc.).
I don't think many women will be alarmed by the thought of their political prospects being diminshed by a smaller Commons because women, generally, aren't as interested in politics as the academic argument on gender representation makes them out to be.
-- Oscar Wilde BODY UTOPIA creates a visionary space that honors ideas and representations of the nonconforming body — a body that does not subscribe to cultural ideals, whether through size, age, disability, ethnicity, gender presentation, or «queer», self - chosen, outlier identity.
Further, in terms of gender representation in Trecartin's work, it must be stated that cisgendered (nontransgendered) actors parodying the stereotype of another gender (eg, men wearing pink clothes and blonde wigs, women wearing flannel shirts and fake beards) do little to further our understanding of the fluidity of gender.
Rebecca Peabody, who is head of research programs and projects at the Getty Research Institute, and studies representations of race, gender and ethnicity in 20th century art says that white artists who take on African American identities are doing so under the shadow of some problematic historical antecedents.
With titles like «Just do it normal (masc)», the exhibition intends to interrogate representations of queerness and contemporary gay culture in mainstream media, particularly its «reliance on heteronormative terminology and traditions, even as expanded concepts of gender and sexuality are being explored in mainstream media».
In fact, the report shows women GCs have achieved and exceeded gender parity on board representation, which does not exist among lawyers in general (where women hold 23 per cent of board positions) or board members generally (where women hold 20 per cent of board positions.)
I think firms can step back and really take a hard look at that and say do we feel like we have adequate representation, not only of gender, let's get it all at one time, racial diversity, ethnic diversity, and so on, but really take a hard look at your committees and make sure that you are being representative of your firm in such a way that you can produce policies and procedures that are going to help you retrain that talent that you've worked so hard to recruit.
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